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Everything posted by Bert51

  1. I used a magnifying glass when real close a pictures, I blew this picture up until it distorted and I could not see anything clearly. Bert.
  2. On my old machines they do not have wicks or sumps, I oil them each time before I sew and so long as I do not over oil, I do not have any problems and some are older then me and work better then I do. Bert.
  3. I thought they sell Aluminum magnets on ebay, don't they. Bert.
  4. I use a of the Chinese hand press and dies to roll my grommets, I use stainless steel SP4 and any problems I have seem to be of my own making. Bert.
  5. Thanks RemingtonSteel, I must try that. But as I paid top dollar for what I was told Adler Bobbins I should not have to. Now all I need to do is workout a simple fix like that for the Singer 31K47 bobbins that don't wind properly. Bert.
  6. I think the best way to learn about your machine is to get some scrap and play with it, well I mean sew with it. Learn what size needle works best with your thread. One thing I do know, your right about our health as we get older and sadly if you don't look after yourself, no-one else will either. Bert.
  7. You are right Gregg, that is why I purchased both lots from dealers. I sent one lot back to the dealer for a refund and I am still waiting, said he never got them? If I have run out of old bobbins, I have to wind my bobbin before I start, so I can keep sewing. Bert.
  8. I am like Brian, I have never seem problems from sewing to slow, anything heavy I always sew slowly. Bert.
  9. I get annoyed when I have a good sized bobbin and it winds uneven and you cannot get a full bobbin while sewing. If I have to use these bobbins, I sit down and wind 2 or 3 before I start sewing and that to me is a waste of my time.. Bert.
  10. This is possibly why they where not asking for them on the web site I checked. Bert.
  11. Wiz is correct about this being a high speed machine, I have one and use it a fair bit at my speed, which is not that fast. I also oil it in a few areas regularly. I use it to sew light leather and medium canvas, it does it well, but it is not a heavy duty leather sewing machine, as I was told when I purchased it. I like it, for all my light sewing. Bert.
  12. My Adler 105 is not to dissimilar to the 45K68 stand, my stand looks like it's made out of 1 1/4 inch angle iron, when I put it on castors I had to put 6 castors on it as it flexed so much. They looked like they have been well looked after, mum must have liked them very much. Yeah, I think I could make them all fit...................... Bert.
  13. Bob, I have the correct winder for my Adler 105, what I meant was, when you spread the bobbin holder with a screwdriver as suggested by toxo to use the bobbin that I purchased with a larger hole, they are only held by 3 to 5 mm of a 30 mm long bobbin. I purchased these bobbin as being for the Adler 105 and they are to loose to use on my winder. This has happened with two sellers in Australia. I returned one lot for a refund and he claimed he never received them by return mail. Bert.
  14. The Adler 105 and most Singer 45 bobbins are 30 mm long, so if you open up the bobbin holder with a screw driver or similar, you are then holding the bobbin by the last 3 to 5 mm, the other 25 mm is just going to move about loosely on the shaft, or in my words wobble. I have tried to shim it, but then when I go to use my other bobbins, it becomes a pain in the you know where to wind bobbins. I no long use these bobbin and wrote them off to the school of hard knocks. I was told these would oem bobbins, yeah right. Bert.
  15. The problem is toxo is that you have two lots of bobbins and when one lot fit perfectly and you paid good dollars for ones that don't, what do you do? The seller told me to do that, but they wobble and no longer wind evenly, I could not stop the wobble no matter what I tried as one end of an Adler 105 bobbin being held by 5mm, leaves the other 20 odd mm to flop about while being wound. I no longer use these over price bobbins and found some on Aliexpress that fit for a hell of less money. Bert.
  16. Well done, looks like you have a nice machine setup and sewing very nicely. I like it. Bert.
  17. The year before I made mittens for a wild life group, so I was looking on a few sites to see if they needed again and all I could find this time was to make PayPal donations? Bert.
  18. I have been feeding the thread through the center hole for many years, it saves a lot of mucking around with winding the bobbins. My biggest problem is with my Singer 31K47, the bobbins are listed as #2996 and every time I purchase bobbins from sellers or ebay for that number, they are way to loose to use on my winder. I have been told that all 31's use CB bobbins. I think Singer where very clever by making bobbins with different sized centers so they could sell more bobbins. I also have problems with the center hole size for my Adler 105 bobbins, the seller told me to just spread the bobbin holder on the winder, I did and now I have no problems winding these bobbins then they are worth. Bert.
  19. I have found a similar problem with cheap bobbins, some seller think all bobbins of a type, say CB have the same diameter hole.. Bert.
  20. Yes I agree with you on this one Constabulary. Bert.
  21. Since I read "gottoknow's"write up on twisting thread and how to set it up your thread by raising the height from the spool to the height of the thread stand, I have not had any further problems with my thread twisting. I can put as much pressure on my thread as I need with out it twisting. I also applied the same to my Singer 132K6, which has two tension systems and it has no problems with twisting. I have pushed tension further then I needed to and when I stopped the long run the thread melted from the heat of the needle. Bert.
  22. If it was me, I'd find the space some where.................. Bert.
  23. Of all the machine I have seen with this type of tension system, they all have "V" and the thread wraps around it 1 2/2 times. Some time back I looked at a flat bed singer 45 and the centre hole was over 3/8 in size (quiet out of round as well) so it had been used with high tensions. Bert.
  24. The last project I sewed using a heavy elastic, I found I needed to use a larger needle to give it the ability to form the loop for the hook. I think it was at lest 2 sizes larger, or 3 sizes? You just need to play with it, that's all I did until it worked for me. Bert.
  25. No Nick you where not being heavy handed, I may have been guilty of going to far by suggesting it, but I do not want great web site end up like some I have been a member of over the years, where mod's removed posts if they did not like the way they where worded or not worded according to their rules. Yes it would be nice if we all followed the guidelines, but as a new user, we make mistakes or do not follow guidelines the Mod's do. We need to guide new user as to how we want them to use this list and not as I said Police it. I watch this list for maybe years before i joined and did not post my first post for nearly as long as I have been burnt on forums before, thankfully I have not seen that behavior on this list and this is why I am still here. This is only my opinion. Thanks, Bert.
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