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Everything posted by papadanny

  1. papadanny

    Lab-Top Case

    Nice looking bag. very rugged
  2. Thanks for the pattern. Stocking stuffers
  3. Way to think out of the box. I now will follow your lead on this. Thanks.
  4. Nice edges great design.
  5. I love these mocs very nice. I would love to see other pics.
  6. your stitching looks very good. Nice work!!!
  7. I love the emboss on the flowers.
  8. Nice idea for the pockets. Much sleeker if that big hog leg could be sleek:)
  9. Love your work. very well done. beautiful
  10. I have put small leather "washers" on my awl to not make to big a hole when necessary.
  11. Nice bags and boys. I like the Austin leather.
  12. Thanks Jim I made a few for the 4th of July.
  13. Thanks for the patterns
  14. Nice simple rugged cover. Congrats on your sons going to OCC good school.
  15. nice "texture" to the leather. Did you imprint it on a stone to make it look like that?
  16. Very good I like the "neatness" of it.
  17. Great job the background is very precise. Do you always do three doubles on your lacing corners?
  18. james, I know what you mean. I call it my "leather yips" kind of like what golfers get when they are afraid to putt. So many options and exciting things to learn and do and so little experience to do them with equals frustration lock. I went back to a simple pattern that I had made and started modifying it and had success and took back off from there. This group of folks are very helpful and will help you over this issue,
  19. Very nice belt buckle and all of your work is very clean and subtlely (if that is a word) functional..
  20. That is a question I have as well.
  21. I finally put the super skiver on the back shelf and get way better results from my wood chisel sharpened to a mirror finish. Lay it flat, bevel up and go to town. I did regrind the bevel to around 25 degrees before polishing.
  22. Beautiful in look, design and execution.
  23. Very nice bag and great utility of straps and buckles for the specifics of fly fishing.
  24. nice work. go braves
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