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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sioux Falls, SD
  • Interests
    Hunting, Camping, Shooting, Woodworking, & Carpentry

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Learning from my mistakes
  • Interested in learning about
    Holster, belt, and mag pouch making
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  1. That looks really good! Nice job!
  2. Good point. It would be a very bad thing for that trigger cover to enter the trigger guard while holstering. I'll have to keep an eye on it. Right now it is very firm being two layers thick, but with time that could change. Thank you.
  3. Each side (front and back) is made of two thin layers of Hermann Oak (about 4oz) contact cemented together. The inside and outside of the holster is smooth (grain side) leather. I made my own pattern. I should have posted the four rough draft holsters I made before this one. They show the progression from rough to more refined. I also needed them to dial in the the stitch line around the gun. After the first draft I decided to show off the top of the cylinder; to me those elongated cuts are distinctive to Colt double actions. I think the cylinder cuts look great, and I don't think lowering the cylinder area of the mouth really exposes the gun too much to getting scratched and what not. It was a fun holster to design and make as it is for my dad, and I really liked the gun too.
  4. This is a holster I made my dad for a Christmas present. It is for a new 3" Colt King Cobra. I made the front and back out of two pieces of thinner leather glued together - it is about as stiff as kydex.
  5. Looks really good! Nice clean work.
  6. Looks great, very clean work!
  7. That looks REALLY good! Thanks for taking the time to post it and provide some pics from along the way.
  8. That's good clean looking work!
  9. Looks good! I would be interested to see how you did your thumb break and what you used for the stiffener.
  10. I've read that if you make the loops part of the holster, the "foot print" of the area you cut out of your hide gets large. Visualize what the pattern would look like - the "rabbit ears" would get much taller so there is enough leather to make loops. This is likely to lead to more waste on the hide you cut leather from.
  11. Looks outstanding! Exceptionally good clean work. I must admit that I'm a little biased since this is exactly what I want to make for myself. Out of all the variations out there, this is perfect to my eye and taste. You did an incredible job! Was this from any of the pattern packs out there?
  12. Nice looking work! I haven't made a sheath, so I don't have any suggestions, but it looks like you nailed it!
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