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Everything posted by Regis

  1. Regis

    Guess what this is!

    Wow, I'd have never never never ever guesed that!...cool
  2. That's interesting. I just found Delta Ceramacoat Thinning agent (after I read your post). I though the thinners were just for enamel acrylic. I'm just getting into airbrushing so I'll jump right in there with proper thinner. I took a basic airbrush class and the instructor cleaned everything with Windex with amonia. He never mentioned thinners. Thanks, Regis
  3. Take some of the heaviest leather that you will sew with you. Sew seams just like you will be producing. Make sure it will sew what you will be doing. Best of luck.
  4. Kate & Clay, I "believe" Kate airbrushes her acrylics and Clay daubs & brushes his. Is that correct? Thanks Regis
  5. Regis

    Howdy All!

    Welcome to our forum family and ask away.
  6. Kate, That is simply beautiful work. Thank you
  7. I can only ditto everyone's comments....cool design & execution
  8. Good weather is over here for the next 5 + months. Low 75 tonight and rising......warm Gulf water means the big "H" ....hurrican season uugggg
  9. Marlon, Nice system but, you're not using that for your swivel knives, are you? Regis
  10. Regis

    Dragon scales

    After seeing your pictures/post I've experimented with several different combinations of stamps. For example an S630 with a V744. And V744 above an N363. For scalelike look I also used U858 over top lightly stamped G605. You may have created a monster here with that post
  11. Your basket weave looks great. Nice project and I like the color too.
  12. Kathy, I'd like to add my congradulations. Not only are you helpful here on the forum but, a famous front cover artist too. Maybe National Geographic or Smithsonian cover next!!! I'd vote for ya! Regis
  13. I am AMAZED at the PIF that Bob has sent. Incredible workmanship on this folding knife sheath. To see something this quality right here in my hand is just awesome. I don't know how to thank you Bob. This is one knife & sheath that will be on display in my home for awhile and by my side for many years. I've carried my last one for over 25 years but, this is so special I'm replacing my old standby. Thank you Bob. Makes me want to find a way up to BC just to shake your hand. This is THE best leather peice that I have. Regis (the guy with the awesome sheath)
  14. Thanks guys. I've found that after it dried from the top coat, it is just barely stiff enough to handle for slicking and edgecoat.
  15. Your layout looks very neat. Do you plan on making/working at that front table? That does attract people. If you are not going to hang anything in the white space (back left) then I would raise that back stand higher so it is easier to see if you are sitting at the table. I don't know how much leather you are going to show. If you're showing what is there, it looks good. If you have 2 or 3 times as much to display, you might try moving your arbor to the left side behind your workspace and angle it 45 degrees. Then you will have the entire right side wall to hang/place many more items. Then folks can walk in and view everything. Know what you will do if raining or windy.... Best of luck and I hope your weather is great. Regis
  16. I'm making some small items like coin bag out of 2/3 oz vegtan and need to finish some single edges (e.g. flap). Does anyone have any tips on burnishing and finishing the edges on such thin leather? Any different finishing techniques for this kind of thin edge? Thanks, Regis
  17. Regis

    New Guy

    Shawn, Welcome to our group of leatherworkers. You're off to a good start. Moving that beveler along to begin with takes some concentration and practice, practice. I have particular difficulty fading out the backgrounding. Again, glad to have you join us.
  18. Regis

    New member

    Dagr, Welcome to our friendly and helpfull forum. this is a great place to share ideas, techniques, and leather conversation. Good looking wrap and am looking forward to seeing more of your work. Regis
  19. One thing I learned while quitting was that the "tough" craving only lasted a short time if I did anything to distract myself for a minute(gum, work, drive, etc). Once distracted, it took 15-60 minuted before it jumped in my face again then one more minuted of concentrated distraction and good for another 15-60 minutes. It did make me mad at myself to think it was only lack of will-power......think about that for some of the distractions. Both of you will be im my prayers. Regis
  20. I smoked for well over 30 years and quit at 4 packs per day. It was hard to psyc myself up to quit and only ever tried twice. 1st time for 90 days and saw a friend light cigarette at work and asked for one, tried it.......then immediately left to buy a pack. Took me 2 more years to psyc/convince myself to quit. That's about 12 years ago now. The crutches help a little but ONLY if you personally REALLY want to quit. No one can make or convince you to quit if you are a heavy smoker unless YOU want to. my 2 c's Regis
  21. Gosh, I love each part of what I'm making "until" I make an error [lol]. But, I have to agree that carving/tooling is my favorite. And,,, I do love to see those lines POP when I wipe off the antique. Nice discussion......also lefty
  22. It would be interesting to see this in person. The sides look burnished but, the flap looks rolled. Although, the flap edge could be a cord wrapped with 1-2 oz (or synthetic) and sewn between outside & linning. In other words that could be a burnished edge close to the stitching where it looks like grove. I too would like to know.
  23. I still get updates on Duncan Guns for their aluminum guns. I'm just happy wiht Blue Guns for now.
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