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Everything posted by Regis

  1. Here's a sample of the stitching after I use the 4 hole punch. Does the stitching look correct? Kate mentioned a loose look when she tried. Does this look loose? This is just a practice carving peice that I used to practice stitching so I'm not making anything particular. Thanks, Regis
  2. I bought one of the 4 prong diamond punches to help me even and straighten my sewing line. That sure works fine and helps me make nice even straight line but, the holes are not round (like awl). Are there different kinds of 4 prong punches? Sewing is easy but I'm just not sure it is correct. Anyone use these for hand sewing or, does everybody use an awl. Thanks for any tips. Regis
  3. Russ, I haven't done anything large enough to measure in ounces. What I mixed was Fiebing med-brown dye. I used about 4 parts Bick to 1 part dye and am very pleased with color and evenness. I seemed to mix well but I had to stir pretty good. Regis
  4. Johanna, thanks for the photo update on the show. AND, congradulations to ClayB. Regis
  5. I'll second that also. It works great for me if I want ONE color. It is the only way I can get really even coloring on large areas. I don't think I would use it if I were going to apply different colors (e.g. paint). Regis
  6. This forum is just a wonderful resource. Good constructive help continues. Thanks to all. Regis
  7. Regis


    Welcome to a great forum with a wide array of skills. Nice work and, that's some pretty nice hand stitching. 'wish I could do as well. Regis
  8. Regis


    Welcome Dan. After looking at your photo's, I believe some of us will be learning some things from you. Regis
  9. Dan, thank you for filling in some details for me......I really didn't have an idea how to handle the waves/water. I've heard about ceramic blades a number of times and may have to try one. I feel pretty good about how sharp and polished my knife is but, I have no way to compare drag. I don't think it is the leather. Now trying to create a better work place for carving and tooling as I've been standing and that's not comfortable for me. Thanks again for sharing tips with detail like that. Regis
  10. Quote: "i have started taking pics when i'm about done with tooling and study them for things i may have missed" That is a great idea. I see a lot more "problems" when carving is enlarged on screen. That leaf is about 3" X 3 1/2" in hand but, fills my computer screen. Thanks, Regis
  11. I've been working on the "walking" but, do have a ways to go. Looking at leaf and reading your critique helps. Thanks, Regis
  12. After I buying a couple pro petals I learned quickly that you have to bevel deeply and leave a thick edge. And, I think you probably need 5 oz. or more in weight to prevent tearing the edge. Also tears if tooo wet! the other place I found them very helpfull is on ship sails. The lift on back side helps to show sail billowing in the wind. Regis
  13. Here are a couple practices carvings from this weekend (and this evening). Trying to show rope hanging on the front of the ship is really a challange. Trying to improve enough to make meaningful use of classes this fall at the Fort Worth show. Anyway, I appreciate tips on getting smoother and cleaner cutting and tooling. Maybe by the end of the year I can sneak over and post in the Show Off forum Regis
  14. I like that phrase "hints of color". That tells me that I will immediately recognize the scene is "in" leather. I also like the way you captured his "sudden" glance to his right as though he was startled. Regis
  15. Clay M. Yes, as I read your last couple sentences and look at Clay B's carving it is clear. I think I'll have to sketch a few patterns and try to make sure I understand weaving an S through the design with leaves trailing off. Thank you very much for the lesson...... even though Clay B's carving itself is so perfect (one day one day,,,practice,,,practice) Regis
  16. QUOTE: "I feel that leaves and flowers that are "growing" from the same source should point in the same general direction as the flow. " Clay - May I jump in here with a question? Clay M. Would you elaborate just a little more on flow? Should flow normally be toward or away from main object (focal point)? Or should flow normally be across a scene in one direction? Or, any of those as long as each item ties into an adjacent one?? When you mentioned "flow" it just clicked as what is wrong when I look at my carvings. I am at a point where I can carve 'recognizable' objects but, creating a scene is a different story (unless it's basic hills with trees & grass around an animal). How do you look at the orientation of the flow in a carving like ClayB has shown? Thanks, Regis
  17. Well, it sounds like I just need to set reservation for Monday-Saturday. And if there are no workshop/classes for me Monday, I can carry tables and chairs or hang banners or sweep the floor....... for a day..... or so I was just wondering if it's normal for most of the workshop/classes (that I need in a big way) might be before the "showing" events (like the Sheridan catalog). Thanks, Regis Regis
  18. I was looking at the Sheridan Show catalog and even though the show is only 3 days, classes start several days earlier. Is it the same for all the big shows, especially the IFoLG show in October (Fort Worth)? Should I plan on getting there for the 4 show days or do I need to plan several days earlier if I want to take classes? Or, is each event worked out individually (as far as scheduling classes and show days)? Sure would've like to make the Sheridan show but, it ain't a gonna happen. Thanks, Regis
  19. I agree with Patrice. Mathew, yes there are other religions with radical/hateful people BUT the religous leaders openly and publically condem the radicals. Not so with the muslims.
  20. I've read some of the info here on Bick-4 and thought I'd give it a try. I mixed in some dye as had been suggested (by Pete, I think) and the results are great. I can apply VERY even color. A few drops of Fiebling's spirit dye goes a long way when mixed in Bick-4. Very good control of overall color. QUESTION: How long will it last? Can I consider this a permanant color (of course subject to same fading that might occur with straight dye)? Or, will it need to be periodically re-applied? Sure applies nice and I hope it does last. Regis
  21. ClayB, That is a convincing illustration. I've taken that short-cut some and later wondered why a figure didn't look as crisp as I thought it should. I just didn't put 2 & 2 together. Now, I know why! Thank you, Regis
  22. Thank you for sharing such wonderful work. Sure is nice to see such great work as an example of something to strive toward. Regis
  23. Indeed He has risen. Blessings and happy Easter to all. Regis
  24. Well,,,,, I've probably got more computer time than both of you put together but that much time does not help much in cat5 or cat6 specifications. We didn't get into widespread Cat5 until early-mid '90's. Error correction is so good now that you can have a pretty messy setup and it still works. BTW, When I started, cat 5 was a dream-size bull dozer with a huge diesel engine and had no business near a computer center. Regis
  25. I'm glad someone else noticed that. I've been making some CC holders and carving on 2-3 oz. when I dye, them, they get noticibly thinner and hard roll bad. Assembly seems to fix the roll but, they're definately thinner. Using spirit dye.......perhaps that's why??? Regis
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