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Everything posted by Greg528it

  1. Greg528it

    Hawk Mask

  2. I'll third the rivets being more steampunk.
  3. 1st, I stamp leather while it is cased with water prior to staining. The same level of casing when normal leather work carving. Getting the press foot centered is important. Getting a thick plate on top and bottom to distribute the pressure evenly.
  4. I like the style of the stamp.. clean simple.. and half the fun is figuring out the machine.. well part of it anyway.
  5. Belt for my brother in law, who does Santa quite often.
  6. cool
  7. Thumbs up.. Love the single Star stamp. I'll concur with the rest about boning the trigger guard so close. Most in.. just be CAREFUL..
  8. When I read Floral then Biker I thought.. Nooo that does not go together.. OH.. It does quite well.
  9. I LIKE a LOT.. I thought the 1st one is great. but I see what you mean with the basket weave.
  10. A pretty Holster for a non pretty gun? Kind of like wearing track shoes and a Tux. If you are serious.. I might wonder if the retention dent into the trigger might be deep enough to push it????
  11. Looks Great. I get the comment on the smaller stitching, here I kind of like them with the big thread. What are you sewing with? Hand or what machine?
  12. Looks like the knife is sharp. Bandaid and all. :-) nice
  13. Looks good, radius the corners a bit, and burnish
  14. The cat looking back is kinda spooky.
  15. I really like the black and the pattern together. You do not need to see the detail from across the room, you can better enjoy it up close where you can really appreciate it.
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