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Everything posted by Erystawi

  1. Thank you No, I usually dont dip dye, I use different paintbrushes for watercolor etc. Larger ones for larger projects.
  2. I use a nat veg tanned goat, fattened, for halters, lining and wallet interior. Soft strong leather hide. Heres a pic of the halter (its the pink lining, a bit difficult to dye beacause of the fat)
  3. So much beauty! Stunning art <3
  4. Made a halter for..... (I dont know the term "å ha hest på fôr" in english, but me and my daughter have a horse once a week as "our own") ...for a horse called Redeema, as a christmas gift Veg tan Norwegian Bridle, veg tan goat that I dyed pink, padded traditional with wool.
  5. I like Crooked K Leather, Kaitlyn Hoffman Leather but wondering why you dont want it feminine?
  6. I will look at this, thank you
  7. Hello, Im looking for hardware for horse tack, headstalls, halters, in brass or stainless steel, looks of the hardware: "medieval, fantasy, portoguise, arabian, warhorse etc" buckles, D rings, O, halter rings with 2 or 3 eyes, ornaments etc. (13-16-19/20-25mm) must send to Norway.
  8. Oh my so beautiful! I want one!
  9. Really nice halter
  10. No it's Ok I only borrowed the model-horse for the pictures, it's way too big for her, and we couldn't adjust it any more. The pictures only for showing the bridle
  11. Thank you for so nice words This one I used, is already dyed black from the tannery, its norwegian "english bridle" called "remlær" in norwegian. The calf for the padding is the only thing I dyed myself. The leather also comes in natural color, so it can be dyed in any color of choise. (i'll add that the reins are not handmade, only there to complete the image/leading the beautiful danish warmblood girl). Eva
  12. Thank you all for nice words. We don't need to import english bridle leahter, we have our own norwegian/swedish bridle leather. Here in Norway mostly all of the equipment for horses are english style. Want to try western bridle too, but not familiar with it.
  13. Made this bridle, red dyed calf padding, brass buckles, english style bridle.
  14. You cant make a vegtan into a bridle leather, but you can use vegtan for english riding equipment. You dye and grease it to colour you want, (dip dye for example). I try not to use resolene, so the leather can take cleaning and fats again when needed. Always think security/safety, and if leather is strong enough for horse equipment uses. Western saddles, headcollars and halters are made of vegtan (herman oak for example) heavy strong leather. I make halters of mixing (norwegian) vegtan (for tooling parts) and norwegian bridle/harness leather for strong parts, (all 3-4mm) double sewn saddlestitch. Customer know what all parts are.
  15. Thank you all for reply and helping me, I found my "local" leathershop had all I needed (lokal = 591 miles) -theese breeches are quite common in Norway, we all riders got at least 10 of em LOL different styles, colours, matching the ponys equipment and so on. (But still fake leather and now also silicone full seats!) Thanks! -Eva from Norway
  16. These real leather breeches are quite expencive, like 200 euro, plus shipping, then norwegian custom fees about half of that... So I thought about finding the correct leather (deer or lambskin) and make my own just re-use a breeches with fake leahter full-seat, replace the fake with real? Example picture
  17. I was wondering about english type riding breeches, todays breeches comes with a syntetic leather seat, thats hard, stiff and rub too much... I've got some old breeches with real leather full seat, and they are my all time favorites, but the fabric dont live forever.. the leather still lives like it will last a lifetime, but the fabric not. So I was wondering, what type of leather would one use for making a new pair? I guess I could also "transplant" the old leahter to some new breeches. And its really hard to find someone who makes riding breeches with real leather anymore. Leather suggestion: deer? Others? Do you think its possible to dye the breeches leather black? They are now green. I worry my buttom only get black too :D
  18. Thank you all very much
  19. Had much fun making a A4 leather book cover made a matching box cover cozy.
  20. Thats a good tips, thank you. But on my projects I only use spirit dyes from ROC narvsværte (ROC spirit dyes). Havent got hand on Fiebings spirit dyes, oil dyes yet. Still very happy the ballpointpent is gone
  21. This is the end result, the ballpoint pen marks are completely gone but never ever more a ballpoint pen near any of my leather projects! -"fettpenn" (greasepen?) or chalk only Anyway, this is the holster finished
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