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Everything posted by pete

  1. I haven't dyed anything purple before, but the same thing happens with black occasionally if you don't put a first coat of a dark brown. Excellent question for Kevin at Springfield leather. Call him as he doesn't get chance to answer emails for days sometimes. pete
  2. The guy must be getting kinda scared. Hid "dainty" pockets are starting to pucker a bit. pete
  3. No ONE? That's $140 at cost- I'll ship for $90 in the US.
  4. I bought these and have so much ahead f me it will be at least 6 mos. before I can get to them. No specific orders for any so they would be assembled and sold as misc. things from the shop. I can always buy them again if needed- but I need more cash now for leather for pending projects. Will sell all for $100.00 and I'll ship in the U.S. thanks pete
  5. You are probably getting it from the loose hair along the edges. When I cut a piece I cut it from the back, NOT the hair side! Use sissors and not a trim knife. Turn over and cut across the top as though you were giving someone a flat top haircut. THEN.... turn over and from the back, cut the EDGES OF THE HAIR towards the center of the scrap as though you were trying to make a pyramid shape. Hard to explain but you want to get the very edges of the hair as they are what's getting on your project. Don't bother washing and drying the scrap unless its really dirty yo begin with. pete
  6. Welcome, Brian! This IS a great forum and you will find folks here from brand new to world renowned and all are wonderful to share information and critiques. Get some idea as to the area in which you want to go and we'll be more than happy to answer your questions and save you a lot of time and money on tools and leather. Stay in touch and don't forget to use the great "search" engine we have here. pete
  7. I love it!!! WELL worth the money for all sorts of things. pete
  8. tandy makes an A104 that's the same but slightly larger for bigger areas pete
  9. thanks for the letters----- Kind of rough on those who haven't bowed and sent gifts of gratitude don't you think? We all appreciate it but in reality it was just a download passed on to others. that is unless those were YOUR OWN fonts that you created and decided to share. pete ( a previous VULTURE)
  10. I have a basic dremel from years ago. It is a standard hand held with a simple switch that is numbered 1-5 for speed. I want to use it to burnish and I've always heard that the ideal rpm is around 1500. Could be wrong there but whatever it is, this thing goes like a cyclone on speed #1. No way to measure the rpm so I don't really know but it's not on any of the information nor on the dremel itself. . Do I need another newer model that has speed control rather than the 5 "click" speeds? ANYONE who uses a dremel would be of great help to me. Thanks pete
  11. You are probably not cutting deep enough and beveling too hard. Try cutting deeper and beveling as deep as the cut. pete
  12. Bluesman- HERE'S what you do. Get a plastic coke, sprite, etc bottle-the small size- fill it with barge, etc, punch a nail hole in the top, screw on the top and cover it with a piece of clipped sheep wool. It's the applicator as well as the piece that you stick back on top when you're through. I can go through a whole bottle without thinning it, the applicator keeps most of the air out, and you throw it away when you run out. Also, keep old and unused credit cards nearby. For big jobs squirt out the glue and use the credit card as a spreader. Chuck them out too or use a hard gum erasure after they dry- I have used the same credit card for 3 years. pete
  13. can you show the spiral template?!!!!!!!!!! pete
  14. blue horseshoe loves the grain-------- pete (LOVE your name!)
  15. Nice job! What rope tool did you use? TLF, custom....? pete
  16. VERY neat!!! I noticed the blades- do you use the angled blades a lot? I prefer them but have been trying to learn the 3/8 straight. pete
  17. What weight leather did you use here? Don't want it too thick but want depth too. pete
  18. what exactly are these stamps used for? Maybe an explanation and a stamp on leather would be good. I have no use for what you have shown- but then again I have no idea as to where or how they are used. pete
  19. HEY!!! It's me again with a question that you answered 2 years ago!!!!! I JUST got an C-F insert and before I tool it, I noticed that there isn't THAT much room if I want to sew it, especially around the corners. If I chose not to lace it, should I leave 1/8 or 1/4 all the way around to get it onto a friends machine and then trip and edge it, or do I have to hand sew these? ANY help would be appreciated- by the way, I went and got a 3/8 straight blade from Chuck Smith and have put the angled ceramic away for awhile. I NOW appreciate the blades that you sharpened foe me. Thanks again your Arkansas friend, pete
  20. please "search" finishing/finish/etc.....- you will find a ton of information. Don't think that if I am the only one responding means that your question is stupid or uninteresting. It's that a LOT of standard questions are here already. keep it p and show us your rose!!!!!! pete
  21. I'll take them if they are still available. I can send a check tomorrow morning. let me know pete
  22. pete

    What Size Awl?

    69 views and ONE answer!! Thanks so much. That really helped. pete
  23. I don't have a machine and I hand sew everything. MOST of my work is sunglass cases wallets, belts, and photo albums. Almost all of my products are 4/5-8/9 oz with an occasional 12/oz belt. I am going to contact Bob Douglas and buy a blade. I will stick it into the c.s. osborne that I got at at Tandy but I need to know what will work the best regarding the different shapes and sizes and lengths. There MUST be a "standard" out there if I only had one. PLEASE???!!!!???? pete
  24. we do ( did) have a topic a few years ago where everyone would write in where they were from and a map if I remember correctly. It was neat and I for one would live to revive the map with pins idea. Maybe it's time to do it again or update it. What do you think Johanna? I'm SURE that there are more people in north arkansas but I have only met one holster maker and that was by accident! pete
  25. This is my latest. I would REALLY like your opinions as to where it may lack, what is good about the flow, where it's too busy if it is, etc. Feel free to mark it up if you can and be specific. thanks to all the great pattern "artists" here! pete
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