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Everything posted by mikesc

  1. For RockyAussie.. less than a week ago..there ya go Brian.. :) Might also work on Roos. USA police-test-spider-man-device-as-alternative-to-taser and spider-man-type-restraint-touted-for-use-by-uk-police There has to be a market for the holsters for this..if one knows how to scan 3D objects..or not. :) Also for "impromptu" Shibari and Kinbaku :)
  2. Maybe the people who are "looking" will "search" and "look" here or on your site..Get someone to create an account there ( don't use your IP ) and link to here in a comment..."looking for leatherwork advice and help, try this place, "link" " Their loss, leatherworker.net's gain :)
  3. I don't think that fireworks would work..paint might get you started..But Gimp ( now that they have released version 2.10 is really worth getting ) as is inkscape, and krita, also paint.net, and if you really want amazing software that costs nothing, get blender..if you do a lot of photography get darktable ( like lightroom , but free and IMO better )..I'll try and work up a "how to" beginning with importing an image and changing it's size ready for passing to the laser software '( either in windows or on the key or both ).. in Gimp ( or something ) for you...kept simple..for beginners.. Not now though..it is 03.40 here ( watching Caligula ( Opera ) done by live singers and marionettes, in Italian, very well done, recording it too ) going to feed the cat ..look in tomorrow, later today..
  4. Reddit, ha..the place where links to stolen nude pics of female movie stars and "deepfakes" and the software to make them can stay up for days or weeks, until the lawyers and the police decide to get involved, and yet they won't allow you to link to your own leatherwork site, They have now gone so far up their own ******** that they couldn't find their way out with even with the aid of a Platoon of Marines and the searchlight that calls Batman to Gotham. I think good old fashioned jealousy of your talent and imagination might be influencing them there...just a brontosaurus's smidgen..
  5. "The size window thing didn't work. Once I wipe one of the boxes it won't allow any input at all. " That is weird..I can do that on win7 sp1 ulti and on win7 sp1 home premium..buggrit. OK ..What drawing programs do you have installed that you are comfortable with..? Hopefully I have at least one of them on windows..Photoshop ? Gimp ? "but at least now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. " Don't look into the light.. :)
  6. I do all of that too..Hopefully we all do..I just consider that normal, as for my businesses I work from home, my wife works ( takes care of ) with old people with dementia and Alzheimers , people with terminal cancer etc, in their own homes..long days usually 10 to 12 hours per day 15 days "on" two days "off" ..that kind of load and the additional thing of getting attached to so many of them who die in pain and or helpless etc..you take the "load off" as much as possible..She loves the job, but it is draining emotionally and physically.. But I thought it best to keep "the list" of "dos" short*..and we have enough of those "my pikachu can out gun your pikachu", "this movie star would be faster on the draw than this bad guy" type threads..they are futile and unreal..school yard stuff..we are supposed to be adults. *There is more " things that are good to do" in that Heinlein book, athough , IIRC, a very small mention of guns and other weapons, some recommendations about kilts, nothing about scanners that I recall.."that" was another guy, Cronenberg. Computer drawing software for making leather patterns, depends on the platform..and the budget ( free , paid, FOSS, other ) ..friend of mine in Pakistan uses a Chinese software , developed for a laser cutter that they make, he works in leather items production , large runs for export to the USA, EU and almost everywhere else, makes for a lot of the major "Brands" worldwide..It ( I can't remember the name, but I have a version somewhere that I don't use ) scans the skins, then calculates where all the pattern pieces should go, with minimum waste, then laser cuts them out..fast , clean, and can work any size skin up to around 3 metres or so by 2 metres or so..He works with lamb, sheep, goat, cow, water buffalo etc..does garments and motorcycle stuff, bags etc..He does cutting work for others too , gloves, footballs etc.The software ( the name of which I hope will come back to me, because a search over 20TB will, especially as I can't remember what it is called* , take a while, not all the drives are in the boxen ) cost around 8K or 9K around 5 years ago ( there was a basic free version , but very "diminished" ) , but even at probably 10K nowadays..that is nothing to the cost of the machines that it was developed to run..Well over the cost of an average house and land in this village. *Must be those advancing years.. :) or because I didn't think it was important to remember.. except for that on his recommendation I spent a lot of money on software just to be able to send designs to him, that I'd rather draft on paper / carton by hand and then make "muslins", and scan ( photograph given that most of them are too big for my scanners ) the carton "finals" and send the scans via email, and the sewn prototypes ( masters ) by snail mail / courrier..
  7. Very useful page that, I had not seen it before, downloaded and pinned to my browser, ( and yet I have ismacs.net already pinned there for years now ) thank you for the link to it iron1951 :)
  8. It was not a problem for me to distinguish the site from the watermarks on the photos..I was pleasantly surprised that someone who did such excellent work had thought to water mark their photos subtly..another nice professional touch ..won't entirely stop people from using your photos..but it helps.. Re "spamming" ? I certainly would not consider it spamming if you were to put a link to your site in a "sig file" that would accompany each of your posts..many people do just that..It is not my site ( it is Johanna's ) I certainly do not pretend to speak for "The LeatherLady", if she were not happy with a link to your site in your "sig" I have no doubt she would tell you.. I think excellence should be encouraged..I can post a link to your site https://www.leatherhubpatterns.com/ for those who have not yet read your watermark..
  9. "I reakon if we was advancing we'd be using contact glue instead of bullets. Non lethal mostly, better spread over the allowable defending yourself range, no need for rapid fire.........Not so Macho tho I guess or somethin like that..:gun:. Ya off topic I know. " :))) I seem to remember that someone ( can't remember who )did come up with a glue gun that did shoot out a kind of Spiderman glue net, think I might have read it in "bootnotes" over at elreg a few years ago..No idea what came of it though..I think the "gun" was flat sided, somewhat like a taser, but larger, thus, being flat sided, easier to scan and make a holster for.. But as you say "less macho".. Funny thing is though..the vast majority of women are more interested in the quality of the "natural banging machine in the guys pants" than the substitute for it worn in a holster or tucked into a waistband and talked about by those with "confidence issues in their natural equipment and what they can do with it" ..Some guys are more interested in talking with other guys about their guns and related things, and what other guys think of them..nothing wrong with that..but are they trying to impress the girls, or the guys ? Personally I've always found that designing and making clothes, bags, swimwear and lingerie impresses the girls far more, and like the ability to them laugh, and appreciate them for the work of art that each one of them is, allows far more of the ladies to open their hearts etc .. :) Being able to cook and do some other things ( including massage ) doesn't hurt with the ladies either..I recommend reading "Time enough for love" by Robert A. Heinlein ..Especially the parts in between the chapters..Not "off topic" at all ..there is nothing more important than the ladies.. :)
  10. AH..it was the brown that made me think that, I had a few Akais in the brown wood finish cabinets..( but they had "toggle levers" where you have made round dials )..and some Revox's and Sony's..Grundig reel to reel I never had, don't think there were many in the UK at that time..except maybe at the BBC.. I had a look at your site ( from your watermarks in the photos ) , beautiful work :) The camera case looks "adult" :) Superb designs all of them, extremely good use of contrast stitching and shape..Do you make items fro sale or just for promoting the patterns ?..I'd think you'd have plenty of buyers ( at whatever you asked for the price , for the finished items ) if you can get some media exposure..fashion magazine sites, celebrity use etc. Oh ..and excellent photography.. :)
  11. Oooooh..is that cute or what !..Yep..That is cute..looks like an Akai..Extremely well done there..Great work :)
  12. "Are you .. advancing in years?" We all are..from the moment we are born. :) Hopefully we all will continue advancing in years ( or seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months ) , decades, even ( with sufficient medical progress for the youngest amongst us ) centuries. It is when we stop "advancing in years" ( and especially in seconds ) that we are dead. :) "advancing" is "progression", "a forward motion", it is not a fixed point, nor is it an end point.
  13. "But once you notice there is a skipped stitch, what do you all usually do about it? Leave it? Stitch over it? Undo/restitch?" I say "Oh ****!!" then.. as JLS.. " But I take the stitches out, redo it all." Precisely. :)
  14. "I don't know WHERE you got the idea that "J" is for Jeff. It isn't, and I have never said that it is. But it does rather support my point about some folks' tendency to speak without knowledge. Like you said, not my site, so also not my responsibility. " When people who know you have called you Jeff, as they do here, frequently, you haven't said that they were wrong..and, as you tell people that they are wrong ( whether they are or they are not ) pretty easily... I didn't say it was "your responsibility",I did say that for someone who is not this site's owner ( Johanna is ) that you have a habit ( twice at least in the last 10 days this time ) of telling other people what they should and should not say in their posts..and when they should post..on a site which you do not own, and which you are not a moderator..No-one else picks you up on it , apparently because you give away holster patterns..that they could design and make themselves..many do make and design their own.. "It" is very clear cut and easy..but as you thought that being insulting and complaining about other people's posts not giving you the exact answer was going to get it explained to you or a video "how to" on a plate.."ain't gonna happen"..'least not from me*..you are a bright guy apparently..do your own homework.. *I'm one of those guys who buys from and gives help to "vets", and I discount heavily when I sell to them, or give / work for free for them ( whoever they served for, or are serving for, in whichever branch, including police and fire etc and ancien(ne) resistant(e)s ) you have said on numerous occasions that you consider if they have served to be irrelevant, that you want cheap..in this case you want a free video , or free instructions..on something that you do not know how to do, ( but which is pretty common knowledge to any designer ) and you want it "just so"..to your instructions.. We are different ;) ..but I do know that what goes around, comes around.. :)
  15. I have an answer..it is that the solution already exists, but you want it handed to you on a plate..it isn't an EU thing..But it does seem to be a "you thing" always wanting exactly the answer to your question.. instead of looking for it yourself...And telling people what they can and cannot post..last time I looked the J in JLS was for Jeff, not Johanna. Like LatigoAmigo said, most of us can do this easy, you can't apparently..your problem, not ours..take the time to learn how to do it..Just like we did..before you tube existed...Our answer is the answer is already out there and has been for years..You want spoon feeding an already made video..and you are impolite to anyone who doesn't give you exactly that in their answer.. You forgot how to search ?..or do you just enjoy complaining and insulting ..? In the EU , and even in the USA.."blu tack"..or plasticine ( to keep objects stable on a horizontal surface and deal with the parallax )..and scanners that have lids big enough to lift up by 5 to 10 cms..I have 3 within arms reach right now..I also have a working brain and some imagination..to solve problems for myself..without complaining that someone else didn't solve them for me..I thought you did too.. "Nope - don't believe it. If you could, there would be copies of that, for every gun made, all over the internet. " Not everyone's lives revolve around guns..for most of us ( in the USA, EU and elsewhere ) they are a tool amongst others , not a way of life, nor are we afraid to go outside in our societies or countries without one, even less do we need them in our own homes, nor are they a compensation for "something else" lacking in our lives / belt area. If you don't feel safe in your society without a gun, you, or your society / country, or both have a big problem. Question of "self confidence" or ... I shoot, have served, ( years ago ) been shot at ( they missed, or they were a crap shot, I'm not )..lot of people who talk a lot about guns and gun stuff, have not been "there"..I don't feel unsafe where I live if I go out without a gun,I don't keep one "to hand" in my own home..I wonder.. when those who feel unsafe outside, or in their home, without a gun ,visit other countries where they are not allowed to have one, does the feeling of not being safe go with them..or does it stay home.. Btw..I've lived and worked in the USA (and many other countries) ..Miami, and then West Palm Beach, Orlando, New York, Boston, San Francisco and Los Angeles..didn't have a gun ( but fired some on ranges whilst there ) didn't feel unsafe walking outside without one at all..day or night..
  16. Let me know which version of windows you are using it with..and then I can hook mine up to the same version so as to be exactly "in step" , if I haven't already done what it is that you might get stuck with. I've got animals (ours) and others* , and family to feed here to, so I'll look in later, or tomorrow.. *Looking after ( feeding etc ) some animals for friends who are away ATM..Got to drive over there and do the evening feed...Already recorded the rugby* to watch over night or tomorrow. Each match in Japan is broadcast live here on free TV. ( TF1 ) ...so I have the "box" recording it for us to watch at our leisure..currently watching France v Argentina as I'm typing.. Ireland v Scotland and the other matches is / are for later. :) Began working with computers in the early 70s ..it gets to be second nature after a while..my son is better than I am..He began at age 5..was born in 93.
  17. "And, the "copyright' misinterpretation is abrasive. I don't think you can prevent someone from making products with your design, the only thing "copyrighted" is reproduction of the PATTERN - though laws over there may be different). " Try that argument on with Hérmes..the copyright law is the same in the EU as in the USA..the only "misinterpretation" of copyright there is yours Jeff.. What you "think" is fortunately not what Judges think ( even in the USA ) about copyright. re "the video"..why don't you make one that shows what you want to see yourself ? I haven't heard anyone else saying there is a lack of one.. The "how" to do that, scan a gun, or any object and get an outline drawing from the scan is easy..Dozens of videos ( paid for and free ) about how to do that using photoshop or other software have been out there for over a decade, just not for '( AFAIK ) specifically for a gun.. I'm not going to make one, because my rifle won't fit on my scanner..and I don't need a leather holster for a handgun..Neither open, nor concealed carry is legal here without a permit ( they are hard to get, and I don't need one ) or being a member of the military and if I took the time to make such a video, no-one would pay for it, ( I don't work for free, unless it is for close friends, and then rarely, and good wishes and thanks don't buy groceries) but someone would watch it and copy it and claim it was their idea in a heartbeat.. Just search for how to use your flat scanner to scan an object and transform that into an accurate outline drawing..or some similar phrase.. But I do not understand why you keep on that you want to see a video about how to do this with a flat scanner and software, you already do this by hand the old fashioned way..To gain a few minutes ? ..In that case scan to 3D and 3D print a holster in one of the various plastics, you can probably get the plastic that is kydex on a filament roll..a 3D scanner feeding a computer that talks to a 3D printer and you can go fishing while the machines do the work.
  18. Print screen doesn't say it is doing something , but it saves a copy of the screen somewhere , I'll fire up a win machine to see if I can find out where .. Yep..handbook shows software version v1.0 Key has version v2.0...with the fonts bug. To resize an image in the software on the computer..go to the width box or the height box box..( the height and width ratios are locked, you can unlock them..don't ). "Wipe" one of the boxes..don't wipe both at once..put the figure that you want into the one that you wiped..then without touching the other box..click in the picture area ( not on the picture, just in the area..The other box will change to a new figure which is in ratio to the one you altered. This does not change the image itself, just the size that it burns at..if you want to save it at this size..click on the "floppy" symbol button and it will be saved into the same folder as diao.exe ( your computer is hiding the .exe part from you, we can deal with that another day :) This resized image is not in the picture folder on the key, unless you copy it to there ( and if you do you'll have to give it another name or it will overwrite the original..example if you have an image called 12.bmp..and you make it 4 times bigger in the computer, it will save to the computer, it won't call it 12.bmp, it will give it a name with a large number , like 156782563.bmp..change it to 12BIG.bmp..or "whatever.. and copy it into the picture folder.."if you want that image in the key....leave the key in the computer, copy that image into the "picture" folder on the key..Then when you unplug the laser from the computer and plug the key into the laser, the larger image will be in the folder that opens when you click the folder icon on the touch screen....it will be at the bottom of the list, to get to it touch the down arrow on the touch screen. Because of the "bug" if you want text..or text and a picture, you'll have to do that in another software "paint" or whatever you have..save it as a.bmp and copy it into ether the picture folder on the key, or the picture folder inside the main folder that has diao.exe etc in it.. Experiment.. Bear in mind that the software on both the key and the folder on your computer uses a definition of 500DPI..so ..if you want to make an image that is 2 inches width when lasered , you have to create an image which has 1000px across..The bigger your images..the longer they take to burn..If you use the "discreet" setting ( it is the most accurate , it is the one to use for photos ) it will take even longer..If you make images with the resolution that people normally use for.. the web ( 72DPI or 96 DPI ) they will be very very small..Unless you "resize" them .which you can do in the software on the computer, if you do what I said earlier about only click in the one box, not both..You can use both, but if you do, you have to unlock the "ratio"..Normally you would not want to..at least not until you have got used to using the software.. Remember always use the eye protection, and don't allow the dogs, kids, anyone else in the room where it is working, because if they look at the burning spot, they'll damage their eyes..permanently. I suggest making it a box with protective sides..If you know any welders, get some of the green plastic strips that they make "welding pen" curtains from ( not the red ones, the frequency of this laser needs the green, the red does not protect at this frequency ) ..make a frame box big enough to keep over the machine ( with about 10 cms clearance top , and around the sides..) and the use that plastic to fill in the top and all the sides..Then you can leave it working without worrying about who looks at it..Better again is to cut a hole in the back and ventilate ( with a small computer fan and an old computer power supply ) with a tube to outside..Especially if you are burning things that give off poisons, like PVC, acrylic, plastic "leather", or chrome tan..Ventilate anyway, whatever you burn...And be careful when burning as some things can catch fire easily..corrugated cardboard is particularly good at catching fire.. Meanwhile..if I can find either the v1.0 software ( no bugs ) or another that works..I'll let you know.. :) Btw..if your machine is hiding the .exe part of some files from you, then it is probably hiding some other file types on some other files..so..be extremely careful about what you click on in emails..you can get viruses , trojans, or get hit by ransome ware very easily if you system is hiding things from you sometimes..you may already have a virus somewhere, I know of quite a few that hide what is after the dot on some files, and they do not do it on every file..The diao.exe file is "clean" as is the driver.EXE..and the various.dlls included are ..at least on mine they are, as my "home brew" protection has not triggered since installing this laser on any of the 3 machines that I have the software on.
  19. Where did you download 7z from..if you downloaded it from where I said to go..there is only one file that downloads, it is 7z1900x64.exe There are not 4 or 5...and where is "in there" ? What is "from the 7zip page"....7zip doesn't open to a "page"..7zip is a program. What is "I was able to double click .exe"..what .exe are you talking about ? .. There's no such thing as .exe ..there must be something before the .exe ..like .. something.exe . or thisthing.exe If by "the console" you maen the small touch screen on the laser machine..the images will "come up" ther if you just connect the power block and put the USB key in there..doesn't need the computer at all.. The software is already on the USB key..the pics are on the key ..The "console" works with the pictures from the key, if the key is plugged into it..even if the computer is switched off and not connected to the "console".. But in order to get the software that is on the USB to install into the computer, and in order that the computer can "talk to" the laser..you have to put the key into the computer, then install the driver.EXE..( by clicking on it..that gives you an "old fashioned looking ( dos Dialogue box ) small dialogue box" which tells you about the driver..which you have to OK..Then windows will probably give you a warning about do you accept etc etc ..and you click on allow or accept or whatever lets it continue installing...then ( with the USB key still in the computer ) you copy everything that is on the key into a folder on your computer desktop..then you go into that folder and you "click" diao.exe..That opens the software on your computer..but it installs it in a sort of temporary way, each time you click diao.exe in that file..it does a "temp" install ( similar to a portable program, but not quite ) ..the problem is that it does a temp install of v2.0 which has a bug..In your case when you put the USB key into the computer , apparently diao.exe is minus the .exe part.. But what do you get on your computer screen when you click diao.exe , you should get windows again saying "are you sure " etc etc ..so you click "accept" or whatever is the equivalent..and it will start to "install" ( after it says that it is installing and that it cant work with a file ) ? do you then get a pale blue program window all in Chinese? Btw..If you want to show what is on your screen..hit the keyboard button marked prnt or prnt scr or similar..it will take a picture of your entire computer screen..it is important to know what "window" ( not windows* ) you are in when you see things..taking a picture with your camera "close in" like you did above there ,does not allow that.. *Sometimes that can be important too..to know which version of windows ( and other things ) you are in..
  20. 7zFM ?.. The 7z that you want is the one I linked to above..it is the second one on that page ..the file name ( if you hover over the download link there is is 7z1900x64.exe , next to it it says 64-bit x64 1 MB .. How did you get the laser to burn with only the driver.EXE installed ? What software did you use ? Normally you need to have the software which is in the folder 雕刻机软件 and which is started when you click on diao.exe This is version2.0 which will burn images , but which also has a "bug" that means it does not allow you to create text with the software. This is why I'm trying to find version v1.0 ..that is the one that is shown in the manual, and which works completely.
  21. Wait ..what did you tell winrar to extract and replace for..never tell anything to replace if you have not already saved the version that had what you wanted. So you have replaced the version with .exe and now have only the version with no dot exe ? Or do you still have a version with .exe somewhere ? The laser engraver software will not work on Vista ( almost every single seller of that model says that it will not work on Vista )..Stupid because win7 is based on Vista code..vista is 6.0 and win7 is 6.1 I'm still trying to find a version of v1.0 on the web to download, or another software that can run these machines with text manipulation in there.
  22. Use hacksaw blades* ( teeth ground off ) and cut them to size for the spring sides..sew them in..fasten the ends together, cover the ends.. voila.. *springy steel..especially the bi-metal ones.
  23. If your version of that mediafire file opens with 7zip and still the files in there are missing their .exe extension..I wonder if you might have some sort of anti-virus which is "killing" them..Almost all of the software that runs any lasers on windows says to suspend the AV when installing as the heuristics in the AV risks identifying the files as malware and either quarantining it or rendering it inoperable..My win systems have no anti-virus running ( slows them down and does weird things behind your back ) and as they are not allowed to be connected to the web..and normally I don't add software to them, they are not at risk.I run a sort of data sum tester on them, adapted from a commercial software that was around 20 or so years ago..principal is "anything attempts changes on crucial files"..gets blocked and it tells me what did what and to whom and when..New stuff I run in a VM with that running before I add it to the actual system. got to go out ...look in later..
  24. Yep..I was still testing stuff on that laser ( other concurrent thread ) and missed Toxo's and your replies..Hadn't thought either of you meant leaving on the layers and building over the top of each..That would work.
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