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Everything posted by mikesc

  1. Thank you for the pictures ( the place was huge )..especially those of the sculpted panels in the gates :)
  2. Thanks for the explanation I'm going to have to write down a chart of the equivalent ages and school types in North America, I have one somewhere that I made for the French ones ( we home schooled our son ), so after he was 6 years old here, I wasn't in contact with the French educational system, when I can't remember the school age equivalents here, I ask my Breton wife..Haven't been in the UK for so many years now, what "educational system" they currently have there no longer interests me, from the little I see of it, it appears to be mostly shambolic, producing illiterate , innumerate , "I wanna be on TV" kids and adults who "wanna make loads o' money , but not have to work"..but insist on "respec' me innit" , it was going that way when I left in 87, which was part of the reason why I left and have no intention of going back..Unless it is to pick up something that cannot be sent / shipped..
  3. Ok..I know the software..what is the power of the laser ( according to the manufacturer / seller, there are a few different power laser modules sold in the same or similar unit casings ) given that they all "over quite" and "overdrive" it helps to know what they claim is the power when suggesting settings ? Sorry just saw that you did give the power..I only noticed the GUI ( I'm doing something else at the same time as posting ) ..drop power to 20 or 25, ( keep depth "as is" ) see what you get, if it doesn't burn, increment the power by steps of 10 until it does, then back off by single power increments at a time until you get clean detail burn..grey scale burns require far lower settings.. I presume that you meant 1500 mw ? Btw..in the image you posted above, the girl only has one foot, you'd see a little of the other foot ( the one on the end of the leg on the other side of the bike in that position, both feet would have to be on the ground, and if we are looking at the girl and the bike from "side on" at around her eye level, you'd see at least the heel and some of the toe of the boot on the other foot, it wouldn't quite be entirely hidden by the bike.
  4. If you are using small blue violet diode lasers..with the usual software that they supply with them..on veg tan..try backing the depth down to 10 to 15 and the power around 20 to 25 max..Bear in mind that most of them "overdrive" the lasers when they are quoting the max power, so backing the power ( and depth ) down , will get you a better detailed burn, and prolong the life of the laser module."Defaults" tend to be to high..What is the power claimed to be on these units ? 3.5 watt or lower.Most of the 8cm x 8cm ( usable area ) units that resemble the one in the original post seem to be very over driven.. Btw..the laser DPI is probably around 500, to bear in mind when "scaling up" any images, either the ones supplied or when creating your own..So, on an 8cm x 8cm desktop model, your working area image ( in pixels ) is a little over 1500px.
  5. You forgot the Drop Bears..most ferocious animal in all of Australia..they could bite through the cable.
  6. Curiosity..when did you learn ( if you did ) to knit at school ? In my case it was at age 6 and 1/2, boys and girls , we all learned to knit a scarf ( school was In Yorkshire..sometimes we lived in the UK, sometimes in Eire, or on RAF bases in other countries )..scarves came in handy in Yorkshire wintertime Like you said, you never forget ..sand casting etc I learned in a different school in Shropshire.. age 10 1/2..Sewing ( hand and machine ) was learned at home in Ireland and UK..Industrial machines at my first Art School ( you can't learn talent, you either have it or you don't ), but you can learn how to work all kinds of machinery, sewing machines, printing presses, photography, darkroom , stage lighting,( and making sets and props, curtains etc, even a bit of illusionists stuff ) welding, ( arc , gas, etc ) lathes, general "shop equipment" , and sculpture stuff, all about the different materials, same with paints, papers, canvases, framing and stretchers, etc. Plus the Art School parties :) *what age is "junior college" ?. North American school system ( and French , for that matter ) ages, never "stuck with me"..
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sand_casting Learned how to do this many many years ago in school..woodworking too..back in the days when schools used to teach practical things as well as academic .
  8. I'd need to watch it again ( to be sure what the method was ) I've always paid more attention to the application of the paint and the gold leaf the previous times I've seen it.Lost wax would work, but you get through a huge amount of wax when doing that kind of volume, not like when producing lost wax molds for sculpture or jewellery.
  9. Matt ..As I don't allow youtube when I'm on here..I see nothing on that lnk to youtube.. Is that the one from here https://movingimage.nls.uk/film/1592 If so, I don''t think they allow it on youtube..( it is still in copyright ) If it isn't that one ..the NLS one in that link is well worth watching, I posted it a few days ago..again ( jimi's turn next ) ..sand and plaster casting I think there..Must watch it again, to be sure..to be sure.. A lot of "background" information in the NLS link..
  10. Umm..Chris https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose note in particular the sentence there.. Roses are as native ( and thus indigenous to AntlerRiverLeather from "Canada. Little reserve of Chippewas of the Thames First Nation" ) as Bison, Wolf, Deer and Coyote etc, to name just some of the fauna, and not to mention the vast array of flora . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_bison Bison range ( for example ) was far greater than TV and Cinema would have you believe..almost all of what people think that they know about cultures and lands of the First Nations, is not told by them..and is mostly inaccurate.. The "First Nations" are comprised of many peoples..once it ( North America and South America ) was all theirs, from the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific ocean, from the Arctic to Tierra del Fuego. Hello, Bonjour, Dia dhuit*.. to you AntlerRiverLeather..Beautiful sac you made there *Some ( but not much ) of my Gaeilge I remember ( and it is similar in some ways to Breton )..but no longer enough for conversation.
  11. https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/squeeze-frame Tandy apparently only have that one size..But they exist in larger and smaller sizes, may even be made in India ? More sizes here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Internal-Frame-closure-glasses-purses/dp/B00MUR4F1Q
  12. Small ( well OK , "tiny" ) piece of folded leather, folded into a coin purse ( think about the folds, test with cardboard, you'll get various designs that will fold up flat and with secured sides .. Use Velcro to close it..Could even just have a patch of leather there sewn on 3 sides with a Velcro closure on the 4th side ( upward facing "side" or edge *)..other face of Velcro sewn to the wallet liner..Sew Velcro in Box with X pattern..Don't use the self adhesive version, it is rubbish in hot areas or after a few months, and it is awkward to sew through..HTH Instead of Velcro, you could use the kind of "leaf spring" closure that is used for some eyeglasses cases or coin purses, or you could use more complex folding to make a self sealing coin purse there. Btw..Never post detailed pictures of your keys on the internet..I could make a key from your picture ( I have the scale, and can read the number on it )..and some people live much closer to you than I do..and may know who you are and where you live and that you post here..It is like posting on facebook that you are going on holiday..having previously posted enough on there for people to know who one is and where one lives..Or posting the names of your family and your / their DOB etc and the names of your pets, or photos of your family..Search "social engineering" and "security".
  13. Next time you have to cut that stuff..use an angle grinder with a thin disc..or a Dremel with a diamond disc..Making your own cable ( cut from a roll ) is cheaper ( but indeed more of a PITA ) than buying computer security cables..commendable perseverance there. :)
  14. Sorry Ashish, but all 4 of your links ( not going to list them.. and discuss them one by one ) are just the usual uninformed people on internet.. Question..Why do you need a magnet on the inside of a purse to keep things inside the purse , which are already, inside the purse ? If the zip is closed, the ferrous* objects will stay in there inside the purse anyway..and if the zip is open, the person using the purse has bigger problems ( like their cards falling out and being found and used on the web "card holder not present" transactions where all the thief ( defined here as someone who finds the card and uses it ) needs is the card, with name , number and CVV number ) than worrying about if their USB Drive or House key is magnetised to the inside of the purse. Practically..the purse should be attached by a chain ( see what are called "biker's wallets" ) to the belt or similar..so that the entire purse ( with all it's contents ) cannot be lost. *Most USB drive metal** enclosures ( the good ones ) are stainless steel, not all stainless steel is attracted to magnets ( a rough test for if an object is stainless steel is does it stick to a magnet, if not it is stainless steel, or aluminium, usually )..most keys to valuable things..are not steel , they are brass or other alloys, not many of them are attracted to magnets ..Most people who have more than one key..have their keys on a key ring..not in their wallet..For example, when I leave the house, I have 6 keys with me..on a key ring.. 2 for the house doors , two entrances, 1 for the gate, 1 for the letter box ( it is next to the gate, not in the house door ) 2 for the car..Keys fro my other vehicles stay in the house unless I'm using the others, each vehicle "key set" has also keys for doors, gate and letterbox..on a key ring, with the vehicle keys. each key ring, is attached with a chain to my belt..I am not going to lose my keyrings when I'm out, but I could lose a wallet / purse from a pocket..unless it was attached by a chain..separate from the keys , which are attached by another chain.. The "invention" you have "designed"..is as we say..a solution, looking for a problem, that does not really exist. ** far more are plastic..ABS ( various kinds ) and or Acrylic..or metal ( rarely is the metal, ( on the good ones ) attracted by magnets, apart from the USB connection part itself ) with ABS and / or acrylic. ps..Find another tailor, the stitching done by your current tailor is awful, whether done on a manual or powered machine, even for a prototype.. Buy your own machine..even a basic cast Iron Singer Domestic Treadle machine can sew that type of leather, and practice making things yourself..a good designer( which is I presume what you wish to become ) should always know how to make what they design themselves, and actually be capable of making it very well themselves.
  15. I have worked with computers for nearly 50 years now..I trust someone posting on quora , about anything ,to be accurate about as far as I could throw my house. your choice..your risk..or probably your customers risk.."pretty safe" with magnets, is not "absolutely safe" with magnets.Try recovering data from a thoroughly gaussed memory chip.. sometimes it will not read at all..or read partially at best. USB drives ( I hate the phrase "pen drives", you don't write letters with them ) have ( at the opposite end from the USB connector ) holes or other systems for attaching unbreakable cords / chains etc to them, so that you cannot lose them.. I have ( on a lanyard, which lives around my neck ) an USB drive, with a complete Operating system ( linux ) which allows me to be able to keep a clone of the machine I'm typing this on..and of 3 of my other 11 computers ..with me at all times..it also allows me to fix Win machines anywhere..Keep your USB drives on a lanyard around your neck, not in your pocket.
  16. Brian..re: the above..a subject for another thread..which is running at the moment.. but We are not "amongst ourselves" LW.net is a totally open to anyone to read forum, and anyone can join..( one "would be plagiarist" just did, there are others reading and joined, and who will join ) it is all fully indexed ( apart from Pms ) by search engines, very very far from "amongst ourselves" ..copying "Techniques" yes.."Designs"..no.... Your stitching and edges are better than on the other two examples that you show.. re Jeff's new "sig"..which you have co-opted.. Anyone can sing "Hey Jude"..( or any song ) .but it is wrong to sing it on a record and then sell, or try to sell, the record without permission from the original writers, or their "estate", if they or their kids are still alive. Agree with you 100% about zips..
  17. I've watched a lot of musicians over the years, live and recorded on video, especially guitarists and sax players..I don't think it would be very hard to play like that..Meet the next Hendrix and Coltrane..I'm gonna be rich and famous..a legend in my own bathrobe..Should I become a professional Guitar player first ? or a professional Saxophone player ? I want to be the one that makes the most money. Btw..Yeah I know they were both black. :)
  18. Ummm..You don't really want to use strong magnets near "pen drives"..You'll get away with "most of the time", just until you don't.
  19. They are nice little machines..I have the twin of yours, same end plate I think.. ( but mine is pure treadle, no motor, never had one ) ..But..more than two pieces of 3 oz leather ( chrome tan ) and it won't like it..More than two pieces of 2 oz veg tan, it wont like it either..That is when sewn as two thicknesses..( one on top of the other ) ..3 thicknesses of either and it will be very unhappy.and the leather will not be moving smoothly through, dropped / missed stitches, and layers out of alignment.But..I'm keeping mine..just because .. I don't use it for leather..But just because it is a pleasure to sew textiles with..as long as they are not too thick..
  20. If you are on a phone..email the picture to yourself, that shrinks it to a size that you can upload to here.
  21. Many countries are now on "Chip and PIN"*, ( mag stripe is so insecure it is ridiculous ) so magnetic closures are OK for them..depends on where your target market is. Also known as EMV cards. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EMV
  22. I thought "charge book" was the same meaning as did Fred.. But..I got a chit ...mate*..."excused being up on a charge" it says.. Of course calling whoever outranked one, "mate"..would be enough to get one "up on a charge" all by itself. 'Less one was in a "wet branch".. and it was their rank.
  23. Anyone who gives you a 100 year warranty on anything other than hard stone or bronze sculpture..is taking the piss, and to be ignored. Most modern housing is only designed to last a year or two longer than the mortgage. Understanding your customer ( as RockyAussie was saying in the 1st post ) is key, which is how the ad business is able to sell ads to people who make crap, and then pitch those ads to the people who buy the crap.The average person is stupid and easily led, and that is just the average, 50% of people are even more more stupid, and even more easily led. It is up to anyone creating things to sell, which market segment of the population ( any population, anywhere ) they want to target.
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