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Bonjour..if you still have time to edit..you might want to look at your speeling of shotgun.. :))
There is a short "time window" for editing, but you are waaaay past it now. mods have no "time window" and can edit "whenever".
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email it to yourself, it will shrink to a size that you can upload here.. or.. read this thread.. https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/15122-how-to-post-pictures-on-lw/?do=findComment&comment=551171
You forgot to put the prices that you want for each item ...and for the CB3200..
Search Google for "coachman hat pattern" ( note the spelling )..there are lots..and also on the first page of search results, you see links to previous discussions on this site.
http://www.amannusa.com/serafil.html Scroll the left side navigation ..down to "partners" to find their nearest dealer to you.
Just to be certain again as Jeff asked.. What do you mean by "hits" and "hitting"..you mean "strikes something percussively" ? or "sticks / stops when it reaches that point" ?
Question on value and maybe exact model 111W150
mikesc replied to coma44's topic in Leather Sewing Machines
I propose that the collective nouns* for a group of sewing machines should be .. Older machines..a "constabulary" of sewing machines.. Newer machines.." a "wiz" of sewing machines.. Both words can of course also be written with a capital letter.. Thus a "Constabulary" of sewing machines.. Also a "Wiz" of sewing machines.. *If the noun varies with the average age of the sewing machines in the group, it makes it easier to "visualise" both the machines, and their sounds..visualising sounds ..synesthesia . -
Dying stamped letters
mikesc replied to Frodo's topic in Dyes, Antiques, Stains, Glues, Waxes, Finishes and Conditioners.
This is true...in which case , make sure and get the air out, an air embolism can really ruin your day..and 60ml may be a touch "overkill", if you'll excuse the phrase.. -
Dying stamped letters
mikesc replied to Frodo's topic in Dyes, Antiques, Stains, Glues, Waxes, Finishes and Conditioners.
Nope..you'll not have enough control via the plunger as if you were squeezing the sides of a more flexible bottle..its going to risk the paint coming out in a rush and ruining your work..and you'll wish that you'd bought the little bottles..they are re-usable. -
Tons to tonnes depends on which ton..US tons are "short" UK ( and I think Aussie tons ) are "long" USA ton = 0.907 tonnes UK ton = 0.98421 tonnes https://www.convertunits.com/from/tons/to/metric+tonnes ( requires javascript ..USA short tons ) https://www.metric-conversions.org/weight/long-tons-to-metric-tons.htm ( no scripting required UK long tons ) ps..If anyone is going to be converting metric..this site has apps. https://www.metric-conversions.org/ "Looking at how many ml or fluid ounces left in my beer glass and laughing." When it was full, was it full ( poured ) in ml or fl oz ? At least it isn't empty..that would be sad.
Singer 16K SV 11 - I could not resist
mikesc replied to Constabulary's topic in Leather Sewing Machines
Ah..I had a long beak shuttle hook "backwards"..that is one of the "shuttles" , which isn't, and doesn't..so ignore that incorrect part of my post back up there. Very clean, or have you already begun "restoring" the machine ? -
When I visualise that..I rough it to 1/300.000.000 and then imagine "the second" , or the light, if you will stretched out to a seconds worth, and then chopped into 300.000.000 pieces..Might very well not be an accurate visualisation, but it doesn't worry me..I'm happy knowing that ( if we leave aside singularities and so on ) that how far the light goes ( and thus a metre ) is the same everywhere, and not dependent on variations in human digits..( Sorry , could not resist that one ; ) Pipe and pipe fittings here are supplied in imperial, but sold in metric..so yes they do try to sell 2" pipe as 50mm..and succeed..but then most people buying and selling stuff nowadays cannot "make change" without a cash register or a calculator to do the really simple maths for them. Wood is sold as metric width, metric thickness, but the lengths are all ( in reality) in feet and inches..usually wall battens are 2.40 metres long..which is nearly 7'11"..and if you allow for an average floor board being 1" thick ( 25mm ) you set your joists to 8' vertical separation..and it all fits..But makes for low ceilings in modern houses..our place is older*, so ceilings are higher, which means that replacing battens makes them short, so a lot of adding in extra lengths..and yet "standard" sheetrock reaches nearly floor to ceiling ( allowing for a 30cm skirting board ) makes renovating a PITA. *This house is nearly a 100 years old, just 50 years older ones can have really low ceilings ( 6' to 6' 6"..or sometimes even lower ), or much higher 10' or 12' ..I put those sizes in imperial so as to make it easier for a majority USA readership to visualise..our entrance doors are low enough I have to duck, but wider than would be normal for their height..I think the carpenter used neither inches, nor metric, looks like he just guessed ( or used his thumbs )..and his apprentice used the apprentice's thumbs, which were not the same ) as the entrance doors are the same heights, but different widths. I have to replace two parquet floors, the boards no longer exist in the original sizes...And to make matters worse when building, cinder blocks were a standard 20cm high, until 3 years ago, when they were silently resized to 19.5cm high, but still sold as the old dimensions, makes for a real WTF moment when you are halfway through working on a long run wall when the change happened. Back to rulers..I have one steel 1 metre ruler, which when flipped over, is in inches on the other side..and all my tailors measuring tapes have inches one side and metric the other, not planned that way, just happened.My linux machines have "on screen rulers" which have imperial, metric, px, ems ..the windows machines have similar.That is really useful. I'd go with "holes", any visualisation of subatomics and energy that works, works..even flipping the spin on a hole, or flowing holes, works for me :).. There are a other ways of thinking of that kind of stuff, but "holes" works :) plus I had a friend, Patrick Woodroffe ( a brother illustrator, sadly dead now ) who wrote and illustrated a story ( along with a large amount of his other wonderful works ) about "The Adventures of Tinker The Hole-Eating Duck".. Thanks for reminding me of Pat :)
Singer 16K SV 11 - I could not resist
mikesc replied to Constabulary's topic in Leather Sewing Machines
Thank you DC..that would have kept me awake trying to remember one. :) -
Tangential, but very important :)..Do you buy draught beer in pints or litres ( or half litres ) in Australia ?..Thinking about the size of your Croc beer holder stuff ( yes, I forgot what you call them ; ) .. Ounces ( leather "weights" ) I ignore, or transpose to mm thickness without thinking about it now ( work in mm ) ..even carats went metric..1 ct = 200 milligrams, 5 cts per gramme. What gets me is Engineering thread sizes and pitches, nuts, bolts, screws etc*..and especially old Singer threaded parts..world of their own :( *Have to have so many tools to deal with British , USA and metric..and some metric used to have weird threads and pitches before they got standardised.
Just realised..even here in metric country, I still buy leather in square feet..The length and width of the piece / skin / hide is given in cm or occasionally in mm..But the price is quoted and invoiced in square feet..Thickness ( weight ) is given in mm. Go figure..pun unavoidable.
Singer 16K SV 11 - I could not resist
mikesc replied to Constabulary's topic in Leather Sewing Machines
That's why I said "On a patcher the bottom is smooth ( no feed dog ) on other machines it can vary, feed dog, or no feed dog.." However..I can't remember* which machines other than patchers, have a smooth bottom plate, apart from embroidery machines..and mine ( Singer 20U , zig zag and straight stitcher, which can do embroidery ) doesn't have a jump foot..Then again freehand embroidery is done without a foot attached. *Maybe someone can ? -
"Maybe the horses in the metric countries were a touch smaller and a little less powerful. haha " We had a Shetland pony ( and some other animals ) when we lived near St Tropez, he was about 135 cms at the withers ( or a gnats nudger over 13 and a quarter hands* ) ..pretty big for a Shetland.. French horses small ? ..look up Percheron.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percheron Beautiful, big , powerful horses, I know some people who work with them, logging.. Note what jimmy's online encyclopedia site says about the Percherons ( and their size ) in the USA.. *Hands, another of the imperial "approximate, varied according to where you lived, now "standardised" at 4 inches, or 101.6mm" or..you just measure horses ( and everything else ) in mm..for precision :) I measure motors or the energy they use or can give out etc.. in Watts..or Joules..and or / or the "hourly" amounts .. Hours..24 to a day..10 or 20 per day would be so much more simple..time and astronomical units.."light years" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light-year Not like just "popping out" the the Chemist's** down the road.. **Pharmacy / Pharmacie
What Chris said..cards, money, passport(s) ( I have more than one ) ..separate..never put all your eggs in just one basket. Split your money up too when travelling, and if you have more than one passport ( split them ) likewise with cards..Some of us carry more than one phone too ( private, business, and "just in case" )..Paris has more pickpockets than almost anywhere in the world, especially around the tourist spots, other cities ( in fact any large town or city ) ..Applies in other countries too..
"Love these base definitions that nobody can understand!" Nobody ? ..The "base definitions" are part of physics, the more we understand, the more precisely we can measure.. The base definitions of imperial however.? Metric is extremely easy to understand..I went through the first 10 years of life with imperial*..horrific fractions and divisions..learned all of them..( including the ludicrous pounds shilling, pence etc ) then discovered metric..( the USA has a base currency of 1ct , and 100 of them to a dollar, no one in the USA counts in 64ths of a dollar, or 8ths of a dollar..or 12ths etc ..you are already working in a currency that uses 100 units every day ..you are nearly there ; ) ) metric measurement is simplicity itself..I can now work in either imperial or metric, but converting them is pointless..just use metric.. *Not all imperial is even the same..US gallons vs UK and rest of world gallons .. ps..the "base definition" of an inch is ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inch The base definition of one inch is 25.4mm, it used to be based on the width of a man's thumb, but some of us have bigger hands, and some have smaller hands..My thumbs are 30mm wide ( big hands, long fingers ) my feet hang over the end of "normal" beds..If I asked some one with small hands to make me a bed based on the width of his thumbs, I'd be able to touch the floor with my feet ( my legs from the knees down would be hanging over the end of the bed ) while I was lying down on the bed..My neighbours son is a just a little taller than me, he has to duck to pass under normal doors ( 210cms is a normal door in a modern house here ), but his hands are smaller than mine..so are his feet..which is weird.. Millimetres ( or Millimeters if you prefer ) and the metric measurement system make life easy..and accurate. Buy a small metric ruler..say 250mm or so..and a bigger one at 500mm and a 1000mm ( 1 metre one ), and a metric carpenters tape and then go around measuring everything, not just leather, you'll soon get used to it..Metric numbers sound bigger, impress the ladies ;) You are never to old to learn.. :) Unfortunately screens, lasers, printers etc still use DPI..so for now I can't quite escape having to convert sometimes, my newest laser has a DPI of 500 in the software that it came with..could have been worse..at least it isn't something like a multiple of 72 or 96.
Singer 16K SV 11 - I could not resist
mikesc replied to Constabulary's topic in Leather Sewing Machines
" the top foot (or needlebar?) acts like an upside down feed dog?" ..yep..you've got it :) .On a patcher the bottom is smooth ( no feed dog ) on other machines it can vary, feed dog, or no feed dog.. That one is for when you have ten minutes ( per day for many many days ) to spare to renovate it eh Bob :) "Violin" type base too.. -
How to get your products to sell well
mikesc replied to RockyAussie's topic in Marketing and Advertising
facebook stores only get seen by enough people if you pay facebook for ads..in which case they'll send 99% bot traffic, and charge you as if they were people..don't waste your time or your money.. subtle marketing there ;)..can't wait to see your next link out :) -
Singer 16K SV 11 - I could not resist
mikesc replied to Constabulary's topic in Leather Sewing Machines
Jump foot..top foot pulls whatever is under it towards the back ( like a standard domestic sewing machine top foot, which you'll have seen ? )..but when it reaches the back..it jumps forwards again to repeat the action..patchers do this too. Long beak shuttle..you have round bobbins..and torpedo shaped ones ( the latter are usually referred to as shuttles, because they "shuttle"* ) ..long beaked refers to the end or beak, which on this one is longer than would be usual.. Someone probably has some pictures of both, maybe even some video of both things..maybe Constabulary has taken, or will take some and post them. Sewing machines is a bit like train spotting or car or motorcycle enthusiasts..there is some "arcane" terminology , although with sewing machines the precise terms are usually pretty descriptive. *Some bobbins look like shuttles..and some "shuttles", don't "shuttle", they spin..it all depends..which is why when someone says they are having a problem, or how can they do...the usual reply is post pictures and or take a video, so that everyone can be sure that they are talking about the same part(s) actions etc.. It is even worse in French, where even the pros sometimes use "slang" words to describe parts or actions..or will say the equivalent of "triple action " top feed, bottom feed and needle feed all working together ( which is also called compound feed ) when they mean "double action"..top and bottom feed , or either top or bottom feed combined with needle feed.."jump foot" in French has so many varieties of description , that you could shake a stick at them..and they vary with the age of the speaker, and where they are from. -
Singer 16K SV 11 - I could not resist
mikesc replied to Constabulary's topic in Leather Sewing Machines
See his sentence in the first post beginning with "Interesting features... There may be more... SV machines were sometimes "one offs" .. Often the "special things" got incorporated in other machine made in larger runs, but sometimes they altered a machine , or made a "special" for a customer .and an order for "more of the same" never came..so some SVs are unique..with some parts being "unobtanium" unfortunately, which is where the inventiveness of some ( such as Constabulary ) comes in. -
"Can someone direct me to a good pattern for a fanny leather pack. Looking for something like the photos." Cue the British "double taking" at "fanny leather".. :).. Nice looking bag ..The design is simple , the pattern should be easy to draw up..you might need to make a "former" ( I have a feeling that there is a better more technical word for what I'm thinking of there, If Brian ( RockyAussie sees the thread he'll know it : ) for when you attach the zip, depending on how the rest is constructed.