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Everything posted by mikesc

  1. If it was never used, you are fortunate..older stones tend to be much better quality than more recent ones.. Guessing based on photos on internet pages about "grain", is something that I would never advise..and I'm going to ignore my own advice and stick my neck out ( may be totally incorrect here ) ..Aluminium Oxide ( Ruby powder composite type stone )*..grain seems "fine" ..could be 400, 600, 800..I'd be inclined to say more likely 800..But take it to a cabinet maker ..seeing and touching is "all". *I've done some sculptures in what is called Ruby stone ..the kind that ruby ( gem crystals come from ) hardness is a half a point under diamond..has to be worked with diamond tools..awkward to work..very time consuming if you are not making flat faceted shapes..usually it is worked small ( under 30 mm ) I work larger 50mm average upto 80-100 mm..non faceted stuff takes forever to polish it with diamond tools and diamond powders..weighs in carats..the more carats , the more valuable the piece.. A lot of the smaller pieces are sculpted by hand in India..ruby jewellery is valued in India..frequently Ganesh is the subject..When you make the sculptures you get a lot of Aluminium Oxide dust..far too much :).. I have some composite Oil stones, one face 400 the other 800, and one face 600 the other face 1200 etc..Usually the two faces are different colours..Aluminium Oxide ( Corundum ) can make many colours depending on impurities etc..Ruby and Sapphire are the two best known colours. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corundum I still have around 2 kilos or so of uncut/ unsculpted "raw corundum"..the "raw" stone is not expensive at all..it only becomes so when it has been worked into sculptures or gemstones..or turned into abrasives.The dust from my Corundum "raw" stones is reddish grey , because the corundum which is red is mixed ( looks similar to the way that red granite is, "flecked" with other coloured crystals ) with a much softer black stone as crystals..Sculpting is done by grinding with diamond faced and diamond tipped tools, so both colours turn to "grind dust"..covers everything in pale reddish grey dust.a respirator "anti dust" mask ( not the paper kind ) is obligatory..
  2. CD.re the smiley faces I'm rarely logged in here, ( I'm not logged in now..the scripts that run here crash my firefox if I'm logged in ) so when I make smiley faces, they are as old school friendly emoticons, what the board software does to them and what anyone who is logged in sees in them..is nothing to do with me.. My point was that obviously you were not making a "referral" to Harry..by which I mean you were not making a referral in the sense of a recommendation of Harry, but you were saying he made videos..you were referring to him..but you were not referring him..I thought you'd have got the gentle humour there.. I've only watched two of Harry's videos..why would I watch more..I went back and watched the one that you linked to in your thread to make sure that I had not missed anything..and indeed he says that the tension is released..Which I agreed with you in an other thread is totally wrong..and incorrect..and illogical. At no time have I ever said that I think there is nothing wrong with his videos..I have no idea where you get that from, that is putting words into my mouth ( or posts ) which have never been put there by me. The quote that you attribute to me..is not my words either..it is me quoting what Jeff posted...I have no idea where ho got it from..it sure was not me, nor my words. My words would be different as I consider the text that Jeff quoted to be an inaccurate definition of advertising.. and if I was going to use bullet points to make syllabic breaks in words, I'd actually make sure that the bullet points did make syllabic breaks in the words.."tised" is not one syllable, it is two syllables. I have never said ( either on or off line ) that I am "good with" or OK with, or that I think that advertising which makes false claims is OK.. Having worked in advertising ( both in the UK and North America in the 70s, freelance with major international ad agencies, JWT, McCann, ( formerly McCann Erickson ) and others ) I was one of the people in the ad business who have always publicly been against false advertising of any sort..didn't make me many friends in the ad business ) ..I put honesty, integrity and ethics above profits, always did, always will. "The video that they are selling" doesn't make sense as a phrase..who is selling which video ? I presume you mean "the claims that they are promoting in their video(s)" That would make more sense.. But I have never said that I was OK, with any of that, nor have I implied it. You really need to stop miss quoting me, miss-attributing thoughts and motives to me which I have not had , do not have, and ( unless I get a sudden 180 shift in my ethics and personality ..unlikely ) will never have or say. You might also want to stop trying to pick fights ( not the first time that you have tried this ) with me over what you imagine I have said or thought or done..I have no idea why you are doing so.
  3. Atlanta Attachment, New York Attachment or Tennessee Attachment.. Used by the people ( Pro ) here who do a lot of work with binders and who are North American based..recommended by them in past threads here .. Probably won't be "cheap"..will be high quality..Those who have recommended them, do know what they are talking about.. HTH :) Ah..I miss-read your post, those companies do the binders..they may not do the parts that you are looking for..The dealers whose ads are at the top of the pages here..some of whom are Juki dealers( or can get , or have stocks of Juki parts )..will probably be able to supply you with the parts that you require..
  4. A few of drops of Tea Tree Oil ( mould inhibitor ) on a cotton cloth..wipe the lacing down with the oiled part..if you can't get Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Oil will also work.But the smell of it is more noticeable, that may be a good or a bad thing.. Btw..avoid sniffing mouldy things, a large part of the "smell" is mould spores, you can get some very unpleasant ( and sometimes fatal, ) diseases / infections from simple moulds..even the ones that can grow in your bathroom, the black ones on the grouting in between the tiles.. walls in humid places etc..mould spores will quite happily grow in your lungs, and other areas of your body, as will ( do ) various fungi, yeasts etc..not all are benign or symbiotic to us..some are pure "parasitic" , if moulds can / should ( seems taxonomically inaccurate ) be described as parasitic.
  5. "and people should be alarmed that the bottler(reseller) don't follow some necessary preparations while re-bottling " nrk ..Your use of "don't" ( which I quoted above ) presupposes that you know that they don't ? .."may not" unless you know for a fact that they do not..is more accurate.. "some necessary preparations while re-bottling" ..such as ? It is acrylic edge paint, ( simple chemistry ) not rocket surgery.
  6. Yes..that is what I meant :) It looked like the thread guide was integral ( part of ) to that block,( those twin holes ) I'd already downloaded the screen cap from this page of your video to draw in what should be the thread path through that guide, thanks for saving me the trouble of drawing it :) Check your thread path further up..in particular the "take up spring" ( check spring ) ..it may be keeping the thread too taut..that will make it "snap".. and make the bobbin and hook click and miss occasional stitches..as can the timing being very slightly retarded..But I'd check the take up spring first..with the thread going through the thread guide..having more than one variable "off" is not the best way to "troubleshoot".. :)
  7. No.. :) I don't mean the second hole for the second needle..I mean that the needle holder area appears to be missing something like thread guide, which would guide the thread more parallel to the needle ( and thus it would sit in the long groove on the opposite side from the scarf )..When I'm done preparing and eating dinner, I'll download your image and re-upload it with a mark to indicate what I mean..I may well be wrong, but your thread path looks to be too far away from the needle until it reaches the eye of the needle..
  8. It might also require "truing up" again..( making the faces flat )..get yourself a piece of heavy glass ( bathroom shelf glass will do, but it will be ruined when you have finished ; ) ..and some abrasive compound that is the same "grain"* as the stone, Then you put the compound on the glass, add some water ( a little does it ) to make a "slurry", and you place the stone face down into the slurry, then you begin with light pressure ( with your hand ) on the face of the stone that is upward towards you ) rubbing the stone in the slurry in circles..You'll see the "hollows" if the stone has any ( when you upturn it ) ..they'll be full of "compound"..turn the stone face down again and continue, slowly..until there are no hollows..Then do the same with the face that you were holding onto..and the smaller faces ( the long sides ) if you are going to use them.."Zen" thing to do :) How do you know what "grain" your stone has ..? It may be marked on the box..if not ..take it to a cabinet maker ( not a carpenter ) and ask them, they'll know by looking at it ,and touching it.
  9. I'd disagree..especially about the sailright..crap..the others I don't know..but if they use the same design..? ..pass..get a real walking foot ( old one ..fix it up, if you do your own engine work on VW aircooled engines then you can fix up a sewing machine easily ) and make it portable..The "heads" of real walking foot machines ( older ones ) weigh less than half of what a VW engine block ( with the cylinders and all the rest off ) does..and the best way to work on any VW air cooled engine is to take it out of the car..fix it..put it back.. That would be a "back up"..that is to say if your Juki broke, while you were fixing it..you'd have another machine. If by "back up" you mean "complementary" ( can do what the Juki can't do ? ) get a patcher..especially if you are making bags..it can get to where a "flatbed" machine can't ..and a patcher doesn't need to be used on it's stand..so is portable. Constabulary posted a link ( interesting page..I'll read it later, slowly ;) when I've finished cooking dinner ) while I was typing..my German is rusty ( out of practice for over 50 years, apart from very very occasionally with my son who is "self taught" via TV and Youtube )..But..roughly translated for the sense, Constabulary will correct my errors..or, will translate it properly :) *********************** Pfaff 6, black "A special ebay bargain for € 1.00. The pictures were much too dark, the description too sparse, and the auction was only for "buyer collects" ( no shipping ), so I could buy them cheap, sewing machines with hand crank and without table, otherwise they cost more. Even the original tin can and some accessories were included. It is one of the early 6's, recognizable by its black colour. The case has recesses for the lighting, which are missing from the green 6. This machine lacks the fabric transport recess that the green 6 has. The machine and also the crank are very well built and everything runs easily. Thanks to the wooden case it is even moderately transportable, but you would not want to travel long distances, as it weighs about 18 kg with case. *********************** Very rough translation, with some things that I'm not sure of the "sense" / "meaning" in German..but IME , better than Google does.. I actually did not try Google , as Google's French to English ( and vice versa ) is not good..adequate ( sometimes ) ..but not good..
  10. "online it's listed as a commercial grade sewing machine" Don't believe everything that sellers of sewing machines write about them.. I was not / am not being "condescending" at all..you wrote ""It looks pretty industrial from what I see" I asked what made you think that, and I gave you some examples of "things" that would not mean that it was "industrial"..But which you might have been "taken in by"..and which might "take in" others. So..apart from what some seller wrote ( the lies that sellers of many things, not just sewing machines write on ebay et al would make my cat's hair turn grey with shame ) what did you see that made it look pretty commercial to you ? .. Bear in mind that when we answer questions here, we are also answering for those who might be reading later..they might well fall into the trap of it is black, metal, and not in a domestic table , thus "it looks pretty commercial" ( for commercial read "industrial") ..nothing wrong with it being cute ( note I did not give the cuteness as one of your possible reasons for thinking it was commercial, you are possibly attributing perceived "sexism" to my comment where there is none..I think it does look cute..:) I think "patchers" look positively steampunk..and I like them all the more for that..Cute is not a disparaging term.. ;) I have a friend who has a collection of well over a 100 domestic sewing machines..many of them are extremely cute :) I'm considering "hydro painting" ( dipping , immersing an object into a tank of water that has a design, frequently "swirled paint" floated on the surface so that it wraps the object, think "end pages of old ledgers" ) a Singer 201 that I have that has a badly damaged paint surface..I think it will look extremely cute when done..with a "trippy "edge to the cuteness..I was alive in the 60s ( had and fixed many of my own VWs :) ..and would have loved a swirl wrapped Singer 201 with a treadle ..or better still a swirl wrapped industrial..there is a model of a singer industrial ( which I don't have ) which looks positively "flash Gordon", would look fantastic with a "swirled wrap".. :)
  11. Domestic..tiny "pot" motor..might just sew two layers of 2 oz ( with "skipping" because it is bottom feed only ) ..would sew two layers of 12 oz denim ( like jeans patches ) would not sew across the leg seam if bottom hemming on a pair of jeans. "It looks pretty industrial from what I see" What makes you think that ? the fact that it is black and not in a domestic table, and is made of metal? ..Those are no guide to anything industrial..You are perhaps seeing what you want to see..it is cute, if you want to start a collection of old domestic machines, to keep on a shelf. The electrics are old enough to be dangerous, if you turn it on, wear rubber gloves and rubber soled shoes..and sit on a rubber cushion on a rubber chair..Then again, there is money in rubberwear..but that machine would not sew it. :)
  12. I don't know the machine..but.. Is the thread supposed to enter the needle eye at that angle, ( looking at those two pairs of holes up at the needle holder end of the needle bar , are you missing a thread guide just before the top of the needle there ? , ) I'd expect it ( the thread ) to be closer to the needle on the way down to the eye, so as to follow the long groove on the needle..maybe your thread path is off..which would make your top tension off..which in some machines will give a click, and pull hard on the hook and bobbin case..and make it skip occasional stitches. Might not be all the reason for your problem, but could be contributory. ..
  13. Watch out for the "gel inks" ..a lot of them ( even sometimes from the same manufacturer some will, some won't ) will "smear" if you put a water based acrylic ( like say resolene and similar ) over them*, could try a waterproof sharpie , might still "smear", or not, ( fine or broader, depending on if it is the letters or their outlines that need to be black ) , test first. * Can be a nice effect and quite controllable if you are looking for that in an illustration, if you aren't though... btw..what you are trying to do is colouring with paint or ink..( "paint , ink sits mostly on the surface" ) dyeing is something different."dye penetrates the surface, sometimes right through, which can be a problem", think "blotchy marks on the inside"..Just to complicate things, some "inks" are partly dyes..as are some "paints". To further complicate things..a lot of the waterproof pens and markers, use water soluble inks, which, when dry, are then insoluble ( "waterproof" to varying degrees ) in water, or water based liquids and finishes.Some might be insoluble in water, but soluble in something else which is in the "finish"..which is why you have to test. You can't trust the labels to be true for every use.
  14. I agree with everything in your last two posts there Jeff.. :) Except for the "WHY would i go there, they ALL talk like that" .. They don't, they have distinct accents depending upon which part of NZ they come from..Kind of like you don't sound like Emily Proctor..least I don't think you do ? :).. Why do people make copies of other people's videos..instead of just linking to the originals ?..IME ( talked with some of them about it ) the search for fame, glory, the possibility of being a legend in their own bathrobe, and the enticement of Google maybe making them rich if enough people click on their video and allow the ads to roll..Which considering how much of a "niche" subject leatherworking is, "ain't gonna happen" ( look at the "view" numbers under any video, and then do the maths..The fact that since a while now ( about 3 years I think ) any "youtube channel" needs to have at least 300 "sign ups" ( that is actual "subscribers" ), to the channel, to get any money at all out of Google for each video seen..Google still roll the ads around and in the videos, and the advertisers still pay Google, but Google keep all the ad money..Unless the channel has over 300 subscribers ..even if it has hundreds of thousands, or millions of "views".. Btw..the payout rate is 10cts per 1000 views..or less..Google keep much more than that per "view". Making videos on youtube in the hope of getting rich via ad money from Google is right up there with the "idiot tax" ( lottery ) . The people who get a living out of Youtube are those who have "sponsors", or who place "product" in their videos or who link out to "product" with "affiliate links"..Instagram, facebook et al work the same or a very similar way.. Yes..the "embedded" video about accents in a thread about videos , near blew my recently replaced irony meter ..again.. :) Matt must have been typing with his tongue firmly in his cheek :) Btw..pages with embedded youtube videos in them,( if you already have another tab open with a youtube video running, or that has had a youtube video running even if it is now finished, and even if the tab has now been closed ) run up the load on the RAM and the CPU ( on a phone, a tablet, a desktop or laptop machine )..even if the embedded video has not been clicked yet ..Because of the way that Browsers work they read the code that says "video is here" then they allocate resources to it, "just in case"..Like when you fire up photoshop, it grabs around 70% of your RAM, "just in case" even before you open any images with it. Video makes machines run slower, hogs resources..which is why machines that are set up to run a lot of video ( like gamers machines or video editing machines ) have a lot of RAM with the GPU, and fast GPUs..takes some of the "thinking / processing / calculating load" off the CPU and the MOBO RAM. Think of "video" to CPUs as being like gum to Gerald Ford :)
  15. It is amazing how some well placed "percussive maintenance" can solve seemingly intractable problems :)
  16. Ya got me..what is that @RA thing ? "I really kaint take that british accent much, but maybe down under be okay?" Good lord..Aussies don't speak with a British accent.. Most of the British don't either these days, London and Liverpool ( the fault of Two "soap operas", Brookside and Eastenders and one kids TV show ( Grange Hill ) have resulted in a huge number of English Brits talking like Tony Blair or David and Victoria Beckham ( if you can, call what they do "talking"..imagine naming your child Harper and being incapable of saying 'is naym"..c'mere 'arpah ) ..strewth..bludgers.. nearly, but not quite as bad as Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins, or that awful girl in the Elementary TV series ( not Lucy Liu who is as always perfect, but Ophelia Lovibond, who never met an H that she didn't drop..or also any end of word consonant for that matter..Diction ?..weev 'erd ovi inni . Aussies speak like Aussies..clearly..which is why many are in Broadcasting and TV and Movies. For instance ( not necessarily holding these up as to emulate,although they all do have very clear natural speaking voices when they are not acting a role, frequently as an USAian , but they are Aussies ) Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, Nichole Kidman etc.. https://www.imdb.com/list/ls002018429/ and https://www.ranker.com/list/film-actors-from-australia/reference and so that you have faces to put to the names.. https://thesmartlocal.com/read/australian-hollywood-stars/ Jeff.( I type slowly in English on a French keyboard..so I missed this ) "The BANNER under my posts (if you prefer that terminology) looks like a total of 59kb. That's K's, not M's. IF somebody's "bandwidth" or cell plan or age limit or IQ is less than that, then they probably didn't make it past the log in anyway ;) And pretty much ANY ONE of the pics you see on this site is 5x that, minimum. And they likely aren't watching ANY videos. But the point is..." Yep 59kb isn't much..But a good web page, is a lean , lightweight web page,avatars and pictures in sigs is "bloat".. the total "data weight" of the first page in this thread ( excluding images ) is 46.76 KB (47,880 bytes)..that is under 47 KB..for all the HTML ( the code behind the scenes ) and all the posts..even that is pretty "heavy" , but then it is software ( well scripts to be more accurate ) that generates each page and CMS software is always "heavy"..I remember when I would hand code entire websites of 50 or so pages ( including images ) to be less " heavy" than an average page on many websites including images now.. :o The image upload limit ( per post , for most members here is 1.44mb..the size of a floppy disc ..and we used to get hundreds of images, photos, good clean well defined, colour, onto a single floppy disc..depending on the text, you could store between 500 and 700 pages of text on a floppy disc ) and some folks still complain that the image size here is too small for them to post images..or even a single image..
  17. I watched them cd :) ( "research" to see what you were talking about* when you mentioned his "release the tension"..But definitely did not endorse them..nor did I "discredit JLSleather" :) You weren't making a referral there when you mentioned Harry, were you ? :) I'd have missed this thread altogether ( it would have dropped off the "front page", and nowadays, having read all the old threads before I joined, I don't "explore" threads which are not in the right side column much, don't have the time ) but for Jeff posting .. " Hey, guys... I'm SO excited about this new opportunity I just had to make this video to 'share it' with y'all ... :rofl: How'sat go about 'protesting" too much? Advertise: verb (used with object), ad·ver·tised, ad·ver·tis·ing. to announce or praise (a product, service, etc.) in some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use it:to advertise a new brand of toothpaste. to give information to the public about; announce publicly in a newspaper, on radio or television, etc.:to advertise a reward. " around 10 hours ago.. That post brought it into the right-side column..right when I was refreshing / relaunching a crashed Firefox session.. I read it and thought ..Matthew, chapter 7, verses 1 to 5 Especially as the reason given that the "sig" is "a referral" and "not an ad" was "when somebody asks me"..except nobody had asked at that point in this thread, but I'd seen 15 ads in the a same sig 5 times..and usually nobody does ask a specific person to recommend a specific supplier ( that is what pms are for ) they ask "does anyone know" or "can anyone recommend" , or "where can I find."..or "who sells", or "does anyone know who makes" ..but the ads in the sig are always there..that is what makes them ads..the "I make referrals, others place ads, and they should "fess up" about it", "protestation" amuses me.. :) 'n' Jeff enjoys the joust :)
  18. :) Brian, if your videos are half as good as your "how tos" they'll be brilliant..I've no worries there :) The bandwidth I meant wasn't Johanna's, although the server isn't "unlimited".. I meant the bandwidth of anyone reading posts / threads..I have truly unlimited data allowance ( just as well as we "pull down" maybe 50 terrabytes per day at least just on the computer lines )n ..same "unlimited" data and calling for phones..But I know many in the USA who 's cell phone plans have very small data allowances..and "overages" can get expensive for them, or they can lose their service until the next month..I have a friend in the USA whose "cell plan" is 2 Gigs per month..no way to change..his supplier is the only supplier for 50 miles..Lot of towns in the USA have no choice..or a choice of only two providers..Some folks even have to pay when you call them! A referral is if I asked you personally .."Brian, where can I get salt water croc skins ? "..And you said.."Phone Jimmy, he'll see you right"..So I phone Jimmy and say "Brian referred me to you".. An ad is if every time anyone was peaking about anything, you joined in holding up a sign that said "Jimmy's saltwater croc skins".. Nowadays it gets called "product placement"..Apple are masters of it..almost every computer on TV or in a movie has an apple on the lid..there is a coke can on every table..even in Video games there are billboards..Microsoft are crap at product placement..which is why in Hawaii 5 O they kept saying "just Bing it!"..which nobody would ever say.. :) Often it's better to be not to actually be "paid", but to be at the front of the line , or be a priority with a supplier, because they have customers coming to them saying "Jeff, or Brian , or Mike sent me"..Next time you go ..you get thanks, and maybe a bit of extra service.. :) ps..it is actually faster to make a text link to Jimmy'scrocskins.com ( takes less typing, fewer characters on the keyboard and in the HTML ) than to say .. "Click on the image in my sig , the blue one, to go to Jimmy's croc skins"..or takes more typing, characters, time etc to write "click the pic below, take ya where ya needa go" or "And you can get to Sandy by clicking the BLUE (earth) pic under my posts. Take ya right to her site" than it does to type http://intdieco.com/index.html I'll bet there are already "rehashes" badly done by "instant experts" ( because they'll have seen your originals, and rushed to make copies, for the fame, the glory, and the ad money;) ) of your vids on youtube, daily motion and vimeo. You should run classes ( online via subscription ..not on youtube ) ..as well as videos ,and books PDFs ( locked down against pirating ) , and real books..a project for when you retire :)
  19. I'd be worried about an arm/ wrist band squashing / distorting the flights against the arm, unless you made them "stand off" in some way, in which case the worry would then be of them catching on something..or what was used to cover them catching on something..Used to play a lot of darts many, many years ago ..good "understanding how your body and arm / hand work together" ( kind of a "yoga or zen thing" ) for an airbrush artist when one is not actually airbrushing.. Used to suggest to students to play darts when I was teaching art at various Art Schools ..keeps their "eye in", gives them an excuse to go to the pub ;) edit..thought..you could go for a closed box design on a wrist / arm band..like the "Predator" has ..Gives you a few design options, steampunk, future, medieval etc..Maybe leather over plastic / kydex to form the box..or just casing..
  20. "Agreed. And if you get asked FREQUENTLY, you might post a link that's ongoing, a "running link" of sorts, so when you get asked you just say "click the pic below, take ya where ya needa go" (see example 1 inch up). " Well, I have to say..I'm just glad that wiz only posts text links then considering how many times he gets asked ( directly, as opposed to "does anyone know of a ..." IME, that is the way that 99% of threads here go, otherwise all the asking directly must be being done via pm* ) , else his "sig" would look like Times Square with all the images / ads. You watch far more of these videos than I do ;) ..I think I only ever watched maybe two of Nigel's , and two of Harry's ( Oh ,and that one from the "Levi ( sewing machine dealer ) guy" who doesn't know how to thread a machine, and I watched a sailright one, till all the rattlin' and clankin' got too much, so I shut it off.... I must watch some of Brian's , despite the ads that youtube will put on / in / around them..all youtube ads I have ever seen ( not many ) are highly irrelevant to the subject of the videos..just like adsense went..irrelevant ads, at best for things that you already bought, or were just researching and don't want to buy.. *yeah..Mason1800 just asked you "directly"..but mostly..posters ask "everyone in general", when they post..or they send pms directly..
  21. Jeff.."a referral" is when you post ( using words , not images ) in reply to someone who posts saying they are looking for "X" .."Hey this guy does a pretty good X"..I bought one and it I recommend them.. An image ( 3 of them) in a "sig", so that every post (even one about "sewing thread" etc ) is a different beast, it is an in your face ad..( like sign on your lawn, that you take with you when you go to visit ) even if you are getting nothing in return..It is like the guy in the bar who no matter what the subject under discussion, always has to tell you who he votes for..What kinda car he drives, What church, mosque, synagogue..."whatever" he goes ( or does not go ) to..Or worse still..each time he speaks, he holds up 3 banners or signboards at the end when he is done speaking."Eat at Joe's" , "Drive Ford", "Wear Levi's".. ;) There's ( IMO ) worse..I've seen sig images here ( not ads ) that are bigger than most folks post pictures of machines or what they make*..Makes you ( well me at least ) wonder what "lack" they are trying to compensate for ( like "I've got a big car / gun / sig.... so I also have a big....really" * ) makes 'em need to be noticed. * Girls rarely do this, seems to be a "guy thing"..for some guys. ps..I've not seen any of the videos linked to..But they must have ads, they are on youtube....I block youtube, Google whatever, and all other tracking from wherever it is watching when I'm here..or elsewhere..Gets you cleaner search results if you ever use Google , if you block it ( including G analytics ) everywhere.. * For people who are on metered bandwidth deals ( like many in the USA, especially on cell phone deals ) images in "sigs" take up far more bandwidth ( cost them more to see, and they can't block them ) than reading text..a 10kb image is about equivalent in data transfer ( bandwidth that they pay for ) to an entire page of close written text..Plus..it slows their page loading down if they are not on 4G or 5G...even if they are surfing with normal images blocked. Btw..if it seems like I'm getting at you Jeff, nope :) Been on the "web" since before BBS days , before usenet, compuserve groups etc..IME ( "greybeard" ) ..unnecessary images ( avatars and images in sigs etc ) are one of those things that I try to avoid..IMO they don't add anything to fora..relevant images certainly do..but avatars and images in sigs..they are just unnecessary "noise".
  22. "Pull the cone off the tip and lousy move the hose end around if you don’t have one most auto parts stores or drug stores sell cheap ones." you don't need a stethoscope..just a piece of vinyl tube ( like aquarium hose ) about 50 cm long.put one open end ( flat against the machine, so that it "seals" to the part you want to listen to ) the other end , you put loosely into your ear ( like "in ear" headphones ) ..Move the machine end around until you can "zoom in" on the area the noise is coming from..The "diaphragm" ( cone end ) of a stethoscope just acts as a sonic concentrator , the tubes act as the magnifying channels to get the sound to your ear..The "screwdriver" "trick" ( old mechanic's "lore" ) does much the same thing, but, it works better with a large handled screwdriver ( where the shaft goes right through the handle ) resting against the open part of the ear( not behind the ear) like headphones.Behind the ear works OK for low pitch noises ( via "bone inductance" ) but not so well for higher pitched sounds as if you put the handle end to the ear..without actually sticking it in your ear far enough to damage your ear :) Make sure that your hair does not get caught in any moving parts, and that any moving parts do not hit you in the eye , nose, or elsewhere on the face , head, fingers etc..
  23. "I copied and pasted it into MS Word,then made it into a PDF" Ouch !..Not the most "friendly" piece of software to be doing that in..you have my sympathies Tom :)
  24. When I scroll down the thread ( any thread here ), the only ads I see are the ones ( 3 ) in your "sig", each time that you post Jeff 5 ads , ( 3 per sig, 5 posts so far ) ..aren't "referrals"..Those are ads..I personally have little to no problem with them* :) ..I'm an ex ad man ( nearly 10 years freelance copywriter and creative ad artist, videos, TV, press, the works )..But you might want to think about you being the pot calling other people's kettles black.. I'm not all all religious ( atheist ), don't know if you are .. but Matthew, chapter 7, verses 1 to 5. would seem kind of appropriate. I personally ( and have said so here ) think that there are far too many copy cat videos out there..but seriously, if videos( which on youtube will always have ads** ) bother you that much..just don't look ..some people here like to watch them.Why insist on raining on their parade each time the subject comes up. **no script is your friend..watch youtube with no ads. I don't see the ads here ..only the ones in "sigs"..I wouldn't be buying from any of the advertisers anyway, so it saves on Johanna'a bandwidth, but..When I have read some of the help that some of the advertisers ( including Toledo ) have given over the years here, I'd "refer" members from the USA to them, if they ask..I have done so, like I "refer" people to College sewing, or to arbalet12..But ads for businesses other than the posters own site in sigs..that is very "in your face"..*personally feels like I'm being spammed a little...Visually it is jarring, and irrelevant to the subject of most ( if not all threads )..In particular I can't block your "sig with ads in" without blocking you..and you frequently post interesting comments..so I don't want to block you.. My 2cts :) ps..Never have understood why some forum software allows one to "block" people..how is anyone going to understand replies if they "block" certain posters..seems a very childish option, fingers in ears "I can't hear you" type of thing.. Not Johanna's fault, the software has it built in..I don't know if it can be disabled easily..I'll have to test a local copy of the software to see. Just realised, I could block the images in the sig without blocking the poster, I'll have to write a script to do so and add it into firefox or my hosts file ( it isn't called that on linux, but that is what most people might know it as ) ..Opera ( now Vivaldi ) will allow one to block images with just a click, but my FF already has some of my scripts running..Or..People could just quit putting images of any kind, ads or otherwise, in their sigs, and give everyone's ,( including the non programmers ), eyes a rest.
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