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Everything posted by mikesc

  1. But that link can never be posted enough jimi.. Plus, there are people who missed it before, ( like Sheilajeanne ) and new ones will arrive, who may not have seen it, so..it should be posted at least every 3 months or so..That I have a copy of it and many others there ( diverse subjects ) is not important
  2. arbalet12 ( member here ) HTH
  3. In that case, how about a stepper motor, Uwe and someone else have both posted systems with small stepper motors mounted behind the machine as per the example that you show.Failing that.. Aliexpress.. My servo motors are all "Jack"..which do have the pitman rod ( although that can be set up differently ) and the control box, not massive, but I understand what you mean, it would get in your way..
  4. You can mount any servo motor on the top of the table in the same position as the one you show in your photo..Won't take up any more space than that one does..A few here have their servo motors mounted on the "topside"..Cost of the motor..around $120.00 or so without needle positioner..Lot of models to choose from,They will all mount to a bracket to be portable..They only weigh about 4 to 5 kg max..If you want to avoid trailing wires ( to the settings box ) The one that wiz recommends ( family sew ) has the speed controller ( rotary knob type ) on the motor.
  5. 1.5 amps sounds like a domestic sewing machine motor..what is the sewing machine ?..servo motors ( running on 110v ) at 3/4 hp draw around 5-6 amps.
  6. If you like that documentary ..you'll love this one..if you haven't already seen it..Many of us here know it well eh jimi From the same source BIRTH OF A SEWING MACHINE from 1934c https://movingimage.nls.uk/film/1592 Enjoy ..
  7. Could try cotton buds ( Q-tips , to the left side of the pondians ) dipped lightly in acetone..only rub in a twisting upwards motion*, after contact with the "smear" ( around the axis of the stick ) so that you lift the balm off, without spreading it , and without the acetone going into the leather and altering the colour / migrating to the finish side and changing the colour there. * Think "scooping it off with the cotton fibres" Put a piece of paper ( 80grm printer paper will do ) folded over the edge of the card slots to protect them from inadvertently rubbing off any finish there . Future..slide a piece of same paper into the inside of anything that you don't want to get finish on, if you are going to be really sloppy, use a piece of "split" ( about 3 to 4 oz ) slid in, to protect anywhere that you don't want anything to get onto. No "spilt"..? manilla carton will "make do", but split is better. HTH Would tend to agree with battlemunky, 9 out of 10 punters wouldn't notice, but it would bug me..and doubtless thee..so.. You can also scrape it off lightly with the edge of a round scalpel blade #10 ( I think it is #10, can't find my box of the round ones at this time of night to check ) Swann Morton.
  8. mikesc

    Some small valet trays

    Anticipating the Christmas rush there.nice.. :)
  9. You may find this helpful.. "MAKING A SPORRAN IN LEATHER" a silent film from 1955c https://movingimage.nls.uk/film/0958
  10. At least half the fun of anything, is working out the "how to do it" Agree with you on the steel rods..To make the initial mold..you could pack the rubber gaiter with sand, ( without distorting it )and pour plaster cement mix around it ..Then pour the sand away when the outer "mother mold" had set, leaving the rubber gaiter in place for making the male mold with the steel rods incorporated, That way you can "pour" the cement/plaster/chopped poly core of the male mold all in one go.
  11. That is the cheapo end of what they do..I'm talking about the Hérmes sacs at over €8k* going upto €100k - €200K..and then some people have extra "bling" added so they can fetch far far more. LV are not quite so extreme with their leather prices, but even so €1.5-2K is the really bottom end of their market..( which yes, they do make a lot of money on ) that is all machine sewn, my wife has a few LV bought when we were based in Cannes from their shop, ( years ago now, but even so were between €5k and €10k ) and a couple of Hérmes which were "more expensive"..comes from living ( at that time ) 50 metres from the Hérmes boutique on the corner of la Croisette and Rue Cdt André. Very very well finished from both brands, but even so..At that time she was in real estate, with an agency in Cannes and another in Nice and I was importing Levi jeans and Harley gear. Luxury brand leather was part of the image that one had to project to deal with very rich clients. There is still "silly money" in a lot of places, few of the rich have become poorer, which is why producing for the luxury end of the market is a better bet, and easier to get started in, than attempting to compete with the mass market stuff that comes out of various Asian countries and the Indian sub continent.People tend not to be too concerned about the price they pay for well made high quality exclusive things..Be it, leather goods, "designer" fashion items and apparel, luxury Villas or apartments ( or not so luxury but in "the right addresses".avec belle vue mer, ou avec vue sur la tour Eiffel etc ) , luxury vehicles ( and their accessories and interiors ) artwork, sculpture, high end décors etc. I said it an a previous thread,( about "craftsmen" ) and this is Brian's thread, his techniques and experience, and experiences etc, are more applicable than mine for almost everyone, but making what people want, and in some cases crave, or dream of, or make it "really special" , unique, exclusive, is far more lucrative than making what everyone else is making..and as Brian suggested in his last post , think "laterally" about how to get an "in".. It is also about hard work, and inventiveness, unless you get very lucky..or "discovered" by the jet set. *https://www.businessinsider.com/hermes-birkin-bag-realreal-handbag-expert-so-expensive-2019-6?IR=T Hérmes and LVMH stuff is still very high quality, but IMO , not worth the prices, but, worth is in the eye of the beholder, a Picasso scribble on a napkin can buy a nice apartment in Cannes ( but maybe not with "vue sur la mer" )..value is relative..what would you pay for a glass of water in the desert, or an extra 5 minutes with your loved ones if this was your last hour.
  12. Ask Hérmes and LVMH, who say that they hand sew, and then allow French TV to make documentaries inside their ateliers ( which I have ) that show them machine sewing almost everything, including some parts of things that they market as entirely handsewn.. and for which "handsewen" items, ( sacs) they charge as much as you can buy a house for.
  13. True Mike..Normally when you apply to register a trademark in the USA, you should read the docs and thus a registrant should know this ( a lot of people don't read them though )..and some very well known trademark holders ( looking at you Apple ) don't "indicate"..no letter R enclosed within a circle on the back of an iphone*, or a lot of Apple gear, just a part eaten silhouette apple. Here registration for France ( and extension to the EU ) costs less than €500.00, even less if you do it yourself "online". I can't remember the USA costs and the UK one ( been a while since I did my last ones in either of those places).Trademark legislation can be complex, and varies enormously from country to country. Copyright is more homogeneous. But still differs somewhat from place to place in the details. *I don't own one, so maybe they put a microscopic one on that my aged eyes do not see..speaking of which, looking down at this keyboard..the "win key" ( which even linux keyboards have )..has the MS "windows" flowing window flag logo..but no trademark marker.
  14. Yep, Should work..could also add chopped fibre glass ( polyester strands ).. a plaster and cement mix with chopped strand works for molding garden statues and so on.Would need to grease ( cooking oil will do smeared around the insides of the rubber gaiters ) to make sure it released clean.in the USA you can even get something similar ( which the name of eludes me for the moment ) ready mixed in a bag.
  15. Plaster wouldn't hold up to either the wet molding of the leather, or the zip tie compression..it would shatter, even if you put a "charge" in it like chopped glass fibre.You could mold glass fibre ( polyester ) over a plaster mold and then mold leather over that., but the diameters would wrong at the final stage, unless you did an awful lot of very accurate sanding of the plaster before coating it with polyester..
  16. Edited ..posted before 1st coffee , saw that you said that you can still get them OEM for your cars.
  17. leather undies..with tooling..
  18. Formed over a wooden mold "buck" ( the site says so, and that is exactly what it looks like ) turned on a lathe..the leather was held down during the forming with "zip ties"..you can see the striated lines of the "zip ties" in each "valley"..seams will be out of sight ..around the back, could be sewn, or glued, or even open at the back..Given that they are sold with multiple steel straps to hold them in place, I'd say that they probably are "open at the back" ( by which I mean a simple "butt join" or slight overlap join, with no sewing or glueing ).. Very nice idea, nice work on that site, very creative, congrats to the owner / creator ..Mr Rémi REGUIN ..love the address ..I'm thinking that they have probably patented the process ( even if it doesn't say so anywhere that I saw on a quick glance ) and being French , they probably did so for Canada too ..strong links between France and Québec..Given that they would weigh very little, you would probably pay no more than €10.00 to €15.00 or so per pair for shipping ( with signature ) via Colissimo..the price at €199.00 seems to me to be very reasonable for such an item..You'd want to keep them well "neatsfooted", or they'd not last long in cold dry air..Don't copy them, ( wrong ) unless you are going to add something that makes yours really different , and even then , if you make a pair of "inspired by", then only for you, don't get trying to sell them ( very very wrong ..see this thread, begin at the top ) Thinking about it, the idea is probably very old ( just here applied to motorcycle forks ) I'm pretty sure that I have something similar in leather ( which I think is seal skin, or at least greased with seal grease,* but deteriorated somewhat ) on a piston slide part of the hand cranked water pump on our well..which I need to repair. *This area / village / town, used to be the centre of Brittany's Icelandic cod fishing fleet, lot of sealskin products too historically..
  19. "Phone socks" are similar..making a pattern ( for either ) is really simple..there is a very simple "magic trick" uses the same idea, with a very thin cotton or nylon thread and a pack of cards, learned it when I was about about 6..The idea must be centuries old..but, like you said..so simple it is brilliant.
  20. Same kind of reasons why I am vague about what I make, and will not show images. Last time ( that I know of ) that one of my designs got ripped off, was a few years ago..the person wearing the knock off was not aware that the original design was mine, but the video in which they wore it had quite literally billions of views, and the item ( and the copies it, and the copies of the copy etc ) sold all over the world..hardly any of those sales were mine, as I was not credited as the designer ..I had made the original design in the late 70s..The person who did the production run for me back then in the 70s, contacted me when the video came out far more recently, to congratulate me, saying "it was all over everywhere" and "I must be drowning in orders, did I need any manufacturing"..must have missed tens of thousands of sales, and by the time I saw the thing, it was being made all over the place..that one I could not follow up on ..legally I could have, realistically I would have to live for another 50 years to take them all into court, and some of them have a lot more money than I do..and live in places that are not very respectful of IP. Similar thing happened a long time ago..again in the 70s..I was working with ( but not for , so no "work for hire" applied ) a big name designer, I designed a complete range of articles ( women's clothing ) while he was away on holiday for a month, he came back, saw them, said how great they were..I told my folks and friends,.. Couple of months later, my designs were all over the national press, with his name on them..I'd been dumb enough to leave my sketches with him..so I had no proof that the designs were mine..When I confronted him I was told " it happens all the time, take it as a compliment, make waves over it and you'll be finished in the fashion business"..So..I accepted a large ( for that time ) cheque..and made sure never to leave any sketches or designs anywhere out of my sight again.. Nowadays..I too enforce my trademarks and prefer to make small runs , or bespoke, that I control how many are made and what the quality is..If I sell a design to someone else, then it is " the charge is Y to be used for a run of X units in Z country"..and Veritas or similar control that for me. Works the same for artwork, and prints, and molds and castings from sculptures are not allowed at all..any "series" are short, and numbered, and signed..Next year we ( me and my son ) are bringing out Comic books, our artwork, we'll be printing them, domain names and registered company are already in place..sales will be direct via sites and conventions. I learned the hard way, if you don't lock it down, it will get stolen right out from under you, or at least when you are not around to be watching it...and that some people will steal your ideas in a heartbeat, and pass them off as their own, so don't make it easy for them to do so.. Oh ..and if you register your designs in the USA ( it is cheap to do so ) and in the EU ( again it is cheap to do so ) the "statutory damages" that you can claim are higher than you may get if you don't register them. You don't have to register anything for copyright laws to apply, but if you do, you can get more money when / if someone tries to rip you off..and in the USA at least ..notifying them that the designs etc that they ripped off were registered, can make them offer a settlement without needing to go to court at all.Plus many lawyers will take a case where the copyrights were registered, without asking fees "up front", because they know it is likely to be a "slam dunk" win. 'Nother long post..HTH someone..
  21. There is a huge difference between helping a guy learn to fish, and helping a guy who starts off by saying says he wants to know how to steal someone else's fishing rod, that they only want $5.00 for..He knew exactly what he was proposing to do, and was asking for help to do, was wrong, as did most of the rest of us. Would have been totally different if he came in and said "hey, I found this wallet , I like, bought the pattern for $5.00, I need some help understanding how to make it..and eventually I'd like to ( when I am experienced at it, I'd like to sell them, do you think I could sell 10 a month at $71.00 each ) ..Instead what we got was .."I wanna make $710.00 per month" ( same figure as in his "How do I copy this Samsonite wallet thread"..10 items at $71.00 each ..seems to have a thing about certain numbers does Michael222* ;).."designing and making these things is so simple anyone can do it".."How do I do it". Combined with a whole lot of "everyone copies and steals and so it is OK for me to do it, anyone who disagrees is really copying other peoples work themselves". *despite the autotrans English , it was crystal clear he has no respect for anyone's IP or work..given the thing about certain numbers, and the syntax and grammar, I have a pretty good idea of the guys mother tongue. Yep Fred..toxic describes him very well..haven't had one like that in here since that "enclave guy" in South America ( I forgot the exact country ) with his awful "rough leather" and pure racism in almost every post he made.
  22. Agreed Ah but..the clones don't have exactly the same radius on their corners.not that Apple thought of radiused corners first.. btw..I have 3 non apple phones..( and no apple ones ) I don't like their "walled garden" ..and all my computers ( which are allowed to connect to the web ) are linux ( life is too short to let windows be exposed to the web )..I have 3 machines that run win7 ulti..which are not allowed to be connected to the web..they are to run lasers / printers/ scanners etc which have software which wine ( and playonlinux ) doesn't play well with..and for which there are no drivers for linux machines..I could probably write the drivers..if I had the time, or the inclination..I don't. Agreed, again illegal and wrong are not always the same thing..but in a venn diagram their sets frequently overlap. you posted while I was typing.. agreed again...and with fred ..
  23. re tools, the French leather forums have been full for years of people saying how the big brands, Vergez etc have been producing crap for years, trading on the reputation based upon tools made 50 years ago* .Most here now buy from the better Chinese or Japanese makers, who produce far better tools, often cheaper than Tandy, they hold their edges better and are better finished. *Even some of the older "brand" tools , when the "mystique" of the name is left aside, are, and were when they were made, 50 or more years ago, not very good, some were, some were not, and were , and are waaaaay over priced for the "quality", in France it is OK to say that, so we do..in other places, the "mystique" still reigns, and saying that is almost "heretic"..
  24. Very very many..as is evidenced by all the very many different designs that there are..with imagination ( as a pro photographer you'll certainly have that ), it is possible to come up with very many more..What is wrong, and illegal, is copying an already existent one, asking for help in doing it, ( dismissing the work designing, cutting and making it as "simple", and yet still asking for help to do it ), the pattern of which wallet ( with instructions ) is for sale for $5.00..with unlimited use, providing one buys the pattern..Or, everyone could just design their own...Intellectual property has not been taken to extremes..only buy those who do not respect the intellectual property of others. See Apple..IP relating to iphones, specifically about radius x on rounded corners :)..Would you copy an iphone..nope, because you know that they'd come after you..and hopefully, also because you know that it would be wrong..and illegal..
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