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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi all:-) I'm so glad you might find this pattern useful...If one of you ever make it, please post it here on LW, we all Love pictures
  2. Love, love love you hat Frog It puts a huge smile on my face. The color's great, very "happy" and please, let us see the others to come...
  3. Sweden has a similar law as Australia. I have had art shows and such in Sweden sinse over 10 yars ago and I just jumped the guns and thought the copyright law looked the same all over...I stand corrected and what I thought I had I do, but just not in in the US. This makes me think more than twice before posting anything in the future...But even so, the US law seams to say that I do own my own art (or did I read that wrong?) If so, that must i practise means that if I draw some origial art it is mine if I can prove I did it first? Posting it in public is one way??? I'm not sure I got this last one right??? Hi Jordan, I like your honesty:-) It does however make me think three times more before posting anything in the future that I am not villing to share and see duplicated. I do have an obligation to my buyers too with the originallity:-)
  4. Simple answer...No:-) If you want to have the option to take cases to court you might do that to make the case easier but, as long as it is puplished in one shape for or another it's easy for to prove who was the first one. A creator always own the original material if you don't sell the rights:-) Now, IF I have red the law right you have the right to copy if the artist/creator has been dead more than 75 years (in the US...Other coutries/continets might be different)...I'm sure there will be exseptions to this law, all I know is that it should be OK to copy the old masters like Da Vinici, Michelangelo etc...There is no one alive making a claim:-)
  5. Hi there and I for one is glad you asked:-) I only speak for my self here... I keep putting a copyright symbol on the things I make and post here (and anywhere else). I always promise my customers that as far as I go this will be the only one in the hopes that the copyright symbol will be respected and no one will make copys of my work. Legally I have the copyright to any original work I make/draw etc. I Do share patterns every now and again by posting original patterns in the pattern area for anyone to use. I know it's "a djugle out there" but truth be told, -it's OK to use an idea...Make it your own and don't rip it of is my advice:-)
  6. I use Denture alcohol (with the reservation for spelling errors *S*)
  7. Tina

    Last item "Made in USA"

    Naw...Never!!! The world is just to small these days, t's easy to keep in touch:-) Glad you like it. I have to say, this is one of the biggest items I have made.......And one of the quickest???? I guess the assembly is the fasted one I've made, very straight forward. I think I'm going to be the "tube woman" in the future
  8. Hi and Welcome:-) I'm sure you're going to like it here...Loads of friendly and helpful people:-)
  9. Tina

    Last item "Made in USA"

    Hi lil'bro and manny Thanks:-) I guess sinse your braid at that type was the first I time for me, it's always going to be "your braid" to me:-) Yeah, it's getting closer and the more I see the customs papers, the gazillions of boxes and such...Man this is no fun. Remind me to never ever try moving to another contry again *LOL* About the mauls...You just have to try them. For some reason it's easier to hit the maul on a tool right than with the mallet. I now visually it don't make any sense:-) Thank you Marcel:-) By the time I can unpack and use my beloved tools again it might take manny, manny months...I might be a rocky again? *LOL* I just hope the dye hints will work for you...What I love is that dyes will let the natural leather shines through (veins and all), acryllic paint will never let that happend. Hi Ed:-) I'm just soooo happy with these mauls, they work great for me:-) I'll unpack and start again as soon as I get a place I can use. I guess that during that time and now I can make up patterns:-)
  10. Tina

    Last item "Made in USA"

    Your comment always means alot :-) Thank you Wildrose, soooo nice of you:-) I appriciate a good comment, got to Love this one Thanks a load Storm:-)
  11. Tina

    Last item "Made in USA"

    Thanks you much:-) To tell the truth, as most arty people I am my worst enemy when critiquing my own work...Lets just say I'm semi happy with it and I know what to do differently the next time (no Hi-Lite inside the text area, you live and learn *S*) Thank you loads for your beliefs in me, it warms my heart:-)
  12. Tina

    Last item "Made in USA"

    Hi all well now all the tools is going down in boxes but I manage to get this wedding gift done intime so...Happy about that:-) This is a container for a bottle of French Champange to be used at either the wedding night or the first anniversary maybe??? Anyways, loads of scrollwork on this one, it tock forever to get done. Dyed with well dilutet Angelus dyes and Fiebings Hi-Liter. I used calf leather for all the braiding (in TomSwede's braiding technique) except for the shiny stuff which is Mylar. This is also my first project totally using mauls. I have 2 of them, both from Bearman here on LW and I have to say, Gorgeous first class tools and I Love'm
  13. Here's a thread with loads of photos that you're asking for:-) http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=826
  14. I use Angelus finisher to all my work painted with acryllic or dyed with Angelus leather dye. They come in 4 different looks: Matte, Satin, Gloss and Hi gloss...Scroll down on the link page around half, http://turtlefeathers.net/text/angelus/mis...s-products.html I think these works just fine for what I need:-)
  15. Half the price but they only have silver and gold: (look down on pace and to the right) http://stleather.com/2008-P39.html
  16. Nice work on those Daffodiles:-) I really like the lacing too, very even and nice
  17. Very nice design and overall look..Congrats to the win Marlon
  18. Hi, I thought i would paste the photo here of the finished mask...it's gorgeous
  19. Tina

    S.steel lace

    There's also Mylar lace, more "leatherlike" and easy to work with. http://stleather.com/2008-P39.html
  20. You must have gone into hiding:-) Hello and Welcome to LW, I'm sure you're going to Love it here//Tina-MI
  21. Wishing you the very best of birthdays... //sis :-)
  22. Sorry Johnny for highjacking your thread.... Now girl...I know your from Finland, do ou speak/read any Swedish? I found some sites of "How too" and some that has the skinns plus it seams there's books out there in the subject. Maybe this can help you? http://www.skinnfranhavet.se/intro/intro.htm http://svenska.yle.fi/matochfritid/hobbyartikel.php?id=1969 http://www.adlibris.com/se/product.aspx?isbn=9163145235 Tina
  23. As usual Peter makes an excellent work... Who would not like to be the "fly on the wall" when he's working? PM
  24. Absolute Fab, love the idea and the resault is super-duper
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