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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Jag skickade ju en lite glutt till dig tidigare, nu äntligen är väskan klar... Happy you like it:-)
  2. Thanks Lil'Bro, always nice seeing your comments:-)
  3. Hi Troy, If you make it work I have one of my 2 blades that needs some sharpening...If you're interested please let me know:-)
  4. Hi all,Now I can finally answer the questions...My hard drive said thanks and good by and now I'm up and running again.The pecock is not freehand, The back piece have one too and I needed them to be the same. This bird is from A Stohlmans book about inverted carvings. Hi, I used the calf lacing from Tandy, "Superior lace" I'm not sure I like it at all, it's a bit to thick, stiff and fragile for my taste. Hi Kate and Great Thanks:-)I have not done a propper suntest on the dyes, maybe I should? Pieces I dyed a year ago looks the same but then, I can not say I have had them laying in the sun either. Thanks, Soo sweet of you:-) Great Thanks Harvey, it did come out better than I thought when I just had in on paper. Super Thanks Wolvie, nice seeing you back again:-)
  5. Thanks Wlof, Soo glad you like it:-) Let the women/girls know, it's for sale
  6. This one just jumped from my workbench...Geezzz, I wish there was something I could do to make the braiding go quicker, I'm just to impatience I guess Anyways, this notebook cover is around 11"x6" in size. As usually I use the spirit dyes and ontop is some High-Lite.
  7. My hubby don't speak Swedish at all but, when we visit there he always pick up a newspaper and claims he "get it" :-)
  8. Thanks, for the spelling and the comments:-)You see, opak is the Swedish word for opaque and I just knew it would work *S* Our languages is more similar than one might think. Great Thanks Rusty. sooo glad you like it:-)
  9. Hi and Thanks:-) The white is Angelus white acryllic leather paint that I mixed with some ochre. I paint several very thinn layers of white to get it "flat" and eventually opak (not sure how to spell that one) This way I don't get the paint ridges that is so common if you put on to much at one time.
  10. Thank you Dave, coming from a skull master it means a lot:-)The vibrant colors would survive a but or two, all except the white. Thanks Rick:-)I thought they might put a smile or two on some faces
  11. Thanks Darryl:-) I tell you, this purse was great fun to make and all the colors kept me in good mood too. "Binky" huh? I think the Engish (Brittish) word is much better..."Dummy" Have a great weekend//T
  12. *LOL* It's just sooo nice being able to surprise...I Love it:-) Thanks Greatly Clay, I'll try keeping it up:-)
  13. Great Thanks Art, glad you like it:-)I wish I have some skills in explaining things but...I do know what to do:-) There is gazillions of good and useful tutorials on how to on Google, it is called "water marking" I use Photoshop but my program is in Swedish which makes it even harder for me to explain in english. If you have no luck give me a pm and I'll try to make something up that makes sense. Thanks Crystal, I thought they where soo cute too. I made some this summer for my step daughter on her design request, well this is my own go at it...Gotta do the skulls on this site but the girly way *LOL*
  14. I bought a new knife in September from Leather Wrangler and I'll never ever go back to anything else. I have the narrow barrel and the 3/16 angled blade. I can play around almost as I want to, I don't even have to changed the placement of the leather, backwords, upside down... It's possible. I have a few ruby blades I really liked but since this one, even they has to take a step back. I know it's more than most want to pay but, for me personally it was well worth it. Tinas 2 cents worth:-)
  15. I guess i did not know *LOL* I saw some and just had to make'm, they're just the cutest and I love the colors I can play around with:-) So glad you like my designs...I really don't try to be different, it just happends *LOL* Great Thanks Karl, happy you like it:-)
  16. Super Happy Birthday Me too LOVE Red Lobster (and Outback) :-)
  17. This is just one of the things I'm trying to get to the end of shortly. The purse pattern is a modified Dimension purse. I made the flap rounder and the whole purse smaller. I have used Angelus spirit dye to all colors except the white on the skulls and some High-liter.
  18. The only thing I know is that the company is; no longer. If you do some searches on Ebay there's a couple of them up there right now and bidding is between $26-51 but my guess it's going to end much higher. These knifes seams to be very popular, at least on Ebay.
  19. I think ist's beautifu,, very clean and nice and the tooling looks great:-)
  20. As usual Peter makes impeckable work, I wish to be a fly on his workshop wall:-)
  21. Tina

    mini roses

    Adodarble, just sooo cute:-)
  22. You have really manage to get that clean nice look Marlon, love the swivel knife work on the inside:-)
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