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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Dang...That is some work you have there:-) The box came out great and I love all the small details you've also made around the pannels, the endings and the corners etc. It makes it look so "put together", Con'grats
  2. Thanks all Guys and gals:-) Kate. I use a mixed white leather acryllic paint (mixed in a hint of ochre). I think the trick is to make several thinn layers ontop of each other rather than 1 or 2 thicker layers and a better type brush will also help you along. Just make sure the layers of paint is allowed to dry in between. Hope this helps you:-)
  3. Great Thanx guys:-) Lacing...I think that doing the mexican basket weve with 2 needles instead of just one is how I'm doing it in the future, one color or two. It was way easier and less stress on the lacing...I loved it:-) I got the idea from hidestoart's homepage, septembers newletter.
  4. Naw never...Just get even:-) Seriosly, the idea for me as an artist is to get my own style nevermind what that is ans I know for sure there's space for all of us with all kinds of styles. I guess I attack the leather more like a canvas but that's me. I enclose the pattern for everyone to try if the urge is there:-) Just ask if you have any questions. There is some pencil line in the pattern, that is just my doodling making it, hope it makes sense anyway.
  5. Hi David, I did see you getting the award but it wasnt a good idea to jump up and say hi at that moment...Later I could not find you.
  6. I just remeber that I missed to show the skull holster I made when it's totally finished. I got done 15 minutes before we came down to Columbus/Ohio. I was braiding all the way down there in a 2 tone mexican basket weave. I did get a red ribbon for it so I'm happy:-)
  7. Congrats Davisd:-) I had the pleassure to see your things close up, absolutly great and well deserved ribbons
  8. Hi Darryl That is one nice groover, congrats I know how it feels to have nice tools to work with in your hand. I almost empthied my ranson for the year visiting the leather show, dangerous territory for a tool freak :-) I came across this svivel knife and well, Just had to have it. I can do stuff with it like never before, Superhappy....It's the Leather Wrangler brand. If you ever have the opportunity, try it out. I only use angled blades and he made one for me on the spot. And now I've also had the pleassure to meet Bob Beard and his tools. Man I need to win the Mega Millions or something. It would be extremly easy to go bankrupt in a place like that:-)
  9. Supernice looking rifflesling you have there "Viking Tom" :-) The coloring came out absolutly very nice, Love it.
  10. An idea for you Tom, Send over a few items (+3?) and let them tour here for a year or so. As long as I still live here I'll take care of them and this way you only have to spend shipping within the US...Just something to maybe think about?
  11. Hi Tom, I did good over all in Ohio,. 2 blue and 3 red ribbons...Dionysos/Bachus came in as number 2 (red ribbon). My gargoyle bag won another blue ribbon so now I think I might retire it...maybe:-) One of the judges told me that you need to have 5 first places in open international competition then they bump you up to advanced class. In advanced class you have to get 10 first places to get up into the Masters class. Then...you can get bumped down too (?) if you do not win/take a place (1,2,3) in your new class...I hope I didn't missunderstand it all??? So, I need 3 more of the blue ribbons before you get rid of me in open:-)
  12. Hi Tom, I hope I did not missunderstand things here but...There is another one on the market. I have used it for about 7 years, adjusable and have no problema at all with it (and I can see no reason a lefty could not use it just as well as a righty, just turn the blade around) it comes in 3-4 (?( different sizes on the groove... I copy in a picture here, it's made by Texas simething (yeah, down in texas) and I copy in a picture and a auctiuon number on ebay I love this one and find it more than simple to use. 320300413345
  13. Congrats to you to Tom...yeah, we ended up being on in the same category, small world and...I Love your braiding, it is flawless:-) I want to say congrats to the rest of the people here that won in Ohio, supernice time and people. Tom, you should try to get yourself over here, you would love it, all the people, the nicest bunch of humans you'll ever meet:-)
  14. Love your creations and Welcome:-)
  15. Thank guys and gals:-) I tell ya Art, I'm not one for hights what so ever and it was scary...I was a wee lucky, at each edge of the glass flor theres a small path with more opac glass...That's where I was walking *feeling proud* Otherwise it was wonderful, beautiful. I had talked sins my early 20-ies about going to the GC when turning 50...And this was my husbands surprice to me. We also past Hoover damm and more impressive the Mojave desert with those super cool Jochua trees and little dust devils. The desert is something completly new to me, I wish I could visit each and every state. Cool ATX, lets start sharing some of our work:-) Crystal, I wish I had a bigger hobby room (Duhh, off course) That way I could keep up the painting as well, now there's simply not enough space for doing all my fun stuff...*Tina's surfing the net for a castle* Have a great evening all//T
  16. Really like'm:-) The first picture...The color you have on this set is gorgeous, what have you been using?
  17. Cuz i draw a lot and use not that much I thought why not put some new patterns here? I'm going to try to make at least 1 new pattern a month... Feel free to use it in private as much as you like...Something for your self or to give away as a pressie? Dont forgett to paste your work here somewhere on LW, we all love pictures:-) If you use the pattern to sell your products, that's fine to just paste a small link with credit to my new web page: http://www.leather-fantasy.com/ The first pattern is a corner design, maybe for a notepad or similar? Have a great evening//Tina
  18. Me too, me too:-) Very cool and practical salution to what have been a problem, Great Thanks fot the tip Dalton.
  19. Your more than welcome guys:-) Frog...I think your belt was the one that made me start in the first place (?) I looked at it in some thread here... and made some changes:-)
  20. I really like your style Viking Tom:-) Seams like you've found yourself a nice corner in leatherwork over there...Good on you
  21. It just has to be moose (makes the best burges ever) and smooked/sundried reindeer heart. Yeah, the last one is very typical things from the northen parts Sweden and it taste wonderful:-) (then we also have another favvo over there but it's a very tricky subject here to eat so just say, it can wear a saddle and contains 3 times as much protein compair to cow and 3 times less fat) When we are in Sweden I take my American husband on all these "veird" food trips and I tell ya, he loves it
  22. Hides... I just want to personally thank you for the excellent tutorial on the two-tone round/mexican basket weave...It's coming out great:-) I ad a little picture on something I'm currently working on with the help of your news letter.
  23. Geez Frog, a secret handshake'n all:-) I'll make sure I enter a second one. Thanks Hammerhead and Tanks...and I'm going to try the gloves.
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