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Everything posted by wildrose

  1. I've not been on the board in a few days. I am heartbroken to read this. His family and friends are certainly in my prayers.
  2. WOW!!!!!! Amazing job.
  3. awwww - that's sweet! And kudos to her.
  4. Tandy's selling them as kits now too.
  5. Very nice! I just bought the Tandy kit to give it a try.
  6. UGH! Rotten run of "luck". Here's hoping it turns around soon!
  7. I've got a few things set aside for you, just gotta get my act together to send it :-)
  8. I've been singing Ann's praises since she showed me how to do this. It is soooooo much easier than dragging a knife down the leather strip.
  9. awesome! Thanks.
  10. LOL! Ann, you're always good for a smile...glad to see you here.
  11. I had them done through Tandy, but it was years back.
  12. I'm upset to hear this, yet I find it becoming commonplace in many businesses nowadays. It is VERY poor customer service, esp. to loyal customers and groups using the store. To me, it is a "sign of the times" as far as how corporations treat their clientele - that is, as if we are disposable. The coffee shop where I was working was closed with less than 2 weeks notice. It employed almost entirely college kids - who were thus losing their source of tuition/rent funds. It happened just before Thanksgiving. We were told "have a nice holiday!" Yeah, right! And, we were told to NOT tell the regulars. Stuff that, in my opinion - I told every regular I saw that we were going to close for good the following week. They deserved the honest truth!
  13. Had a fellow ask me today to consider making bracelets for the town univ. "Greek" students. Great idea, but I don't remember ever seeing an alphabet set in Greek lettering? Of course, I could carve them, but that'd drive up the price and the time to make 'em. Thoughts?
  14. I just got one from Jeff Mosby of Grey Ghost Graphics - very pleased.
  15. I find alot of those types of designs in books such as The Great Book of Celtic Patterns - so the calling of it "Celtic" is a common enough "mistake". Historically, the Nordic culture influenced the Celtic regions quite alot. I'm not arguing the origin of the designs, just pointing out that many of that style are now in materials with Celtic names.
  16. Post your mailing address or pm it to me. Will look through and see what I've got to spare.
  17. That has to be the most amazing piece of armor I've ever seen!
  18. Your work is always inspiring!
  19. I'm the Sag. :-) The Chinese zodiac has me as a sheep/goat. My son enjoys checking the placemat at the local Chinese buffet to determine what each of our family members are! I have always found that the "traits" listed under both are pretty spot-on. While I don't follow the daily horoscopes, I do find it interesting.
  20. I'd suggest contacting him to see, directly. I have one of them and they're great!
  21. I like it! Actually, a friend of mine from PA makes masks with heavier weights like that too.
  22. Looks more like acorn brown to me. But they are pretty aged. Could've started as russet. The straps look like they were left natural and the top coat "browned" them slightly.
  23. It can be a challenge to start a guild. You might want to check at a local Tandy or other leather supply shop - or even a craft store like Michaels or Hobby Lobby - to see if you can connect with other like minded people. I have a friend in Port St.Lucie - don't know where that is in relation to you? He used to manage a Tandy up here.

  24. I do think drink holders would sell. One thing I've not done, but have seen, is leather mugs. That is something that can take special materials to do right though, and isn't really my "cup of tea". What I've found about Ren.Faires is that other vendors still do the barter thing - and I love bartering, so that's fine with me. Also, customers seem to come especially to spend. I have made more in one weekend at such events than elsewhere. It's not like a church/school fair, which are a dime a dozen around the holiday season. It's a special event, catering to a special crowd. And that crowd seems to be the big spenders. At least, that's my experience!
  25. My hubby got an iPad, but I've been mulling over how to best make a cover for it. Esp. the part where the thing slips in and then it flips over and props up (like the cover he has). Yeah, that made alot of sense....anyhow, I'm still working on ideas for it, but I sure like yours!!!
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