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Everything posted by carr52

  1. I'll second that amen. For the Lord has truly blessed me. Tom
  2. here's the same piucs I posted in the wrong place.Tom[attachme t=17783:MG_0053.JPG]
  3. I swear I dont know how I manage to goof up these posts. I think my computer is a poltergiest or at least alittle haunted. Now I'll post it where it belongs. Tom
  4. Howdy all and gobble gobble gobble. OK so I'm not having turky tomorrow, I'm having venison sauage. Been eating deer for the last 3 weeks I'm starting to grow antlers. I finally got mom's money pouch done.Tom[attachmen =17779:MG_0053.JPG] OOPS, Forgot one. There's a pocket to put a few needles or other small items into. Tom
  5. Howdy Knifenut I use another piece of a lighter weight to hold the clip. Maybe you can see it in the pick. Tom
  6. carr52


    Someone is going to be VERY happy. Tom
  7. I'm extra fond of my angled 1/4" ceramic. It's like cutting through butter. Tom
  8. 12 step program? Step 1: Case your leather Step 2: Carve Step 3: Bevel Step 4: Give up all hope for a cure there is no such thing as a "Recovering Leatherholic" unless its covering a peice of furniture with leather.
  9. Max and William thanks for the compliments. Mom said if something happens to her while we're together I'm suppose to get her money pouch before they take her to the hospital. I told her I can see it now, the ambulance is pulling up about the same time I'm trying to get the pouch out of her pants. Not gonna happen. Tom
  10. That is so pretty. I've been having fun carving horses and fish's. I hope my next one turns out as nice as that. Tom
  11. carr52

    Little dog

    yep, man's best friend. Tom
  12. Sounds like a plan. I already feel like that old guy looks so I'm almost there.Tom
  13. Thank you. I just got through with the first coat of stain. When it dries and I get it laced I'll post another picture of it. Tom
  14. I dont mind at all. Thats what this forum is all about. Helping each other and sharing ideas to improve our craft. I made the loops using the same method you would use to make cartridge loops for a gun belt. I cut the strip for the loops 1 1/4" then weaved it in and out of the slots. I put the tools in and tighened the loops and glued the 2 ends in place. The strips and slots can be any size you need them to be. Tom
  15. I think your right. I've had alittle time to think on it. Lace would look nice. When I open the picture it has an x in the upper right corner to close it. Not sure what the deal is. I'll try a lower setting on my camera and see what happens. Tom
  16. Welcome misel This the place to start. Since I joined this forum my leathercraft skills have improved a great deal. I still have much to learn. I've never made any gun cases but if you look in the holster section of this forum you'll get some great ideas. Tom
  17. I thought I'd make myself a tool kit so I could take a few tools with me when I travel. Maybe carry a few rounds or something to work on. Make a few coasters I guess. I haven't decided if I'm going to sew it or lace it. Tom
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Dont eat too much cake. Yeah right. I sure would. Tom
  19. I like em. Nice clean lines. My kind of wallet. I was thinking of making a small wallet to carry a few of my tools with me when I go on the road so I can still play with some kind a project. I was going to carve something on it but now I dont know. Tom
  20. I made this small pouch for my mom. She pins it inside her pants and keeps her "secret" stuff in it. It's 5"x10" With a zippered top. Tom
  21. I painted them with super shene. Kinda tedious but it works. Then after that dried I buffed it real good and gave it a second coat and buffed it again after it dried. The antique stain doesn't penatrate the coated parts and wipe I just wipe off the parts coated with the super shene. I just finished another project using the same method. I'll post it. Tom
  22. Thank you for the compliment Tom and your right a darker lace does work better. I thought the black was too much and the natural color was too little so I went with something in the middle. Tom
  23. Hi Singteck I use the Buckle back-ring hook from Tandy. You can get the whole thing from them. I tried cutting my own leather blanks for the buckle but then decided it was easier just to buy the whole thing. Thank you for your compliments it means alot to me. Tom
  24. I had a request from a fellow Vet for a couple of buckles to match a tatoo he got in Viet Nam. One for him and one for his son who is in the military now. Gonna use a lace to match the background color so it doesnt draw your eye from the center of the buckle. I want the focus on the middle. Tom
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