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Everything posted by OLDNSLOW

  1. how much you want for that? from the photo it looks aged what kind of condition is it in? How sharp is the blade will it need sharpening?
  2. I have never bothered to take a whiff of the stuff, but the Feibings video says to shake a few times with all the stuff so that it is all mixed prior to using did you do that before opening and what brand is it?
  3. Thanks Jeff for the kind words didn't want to give the impression that I overlooked that, this is a huge leap for me in over coming the trepidation that might come with the outcome. I am one of those type of learners that has to learn by doing not watching or reading but doing, and sometimes when I jump right in with both feet I come out smelling like, well you get it.
  4. ya not sure I could repeat, I did move the stitch line out just a tad bit more about 1/8 cause the other one was way tight, fact is I got the green gun sitting the black one with a plastic bag to loosen it up a bit. They were both 8/9 HO with about 1.5 oak tanned pigskin liner and I didn't make any adjustments with the 1st one this one I did but could have probably been a little less in order to tighten up just a tad bit. Now to try and figure out if I can repeat the next one I do with the dye.
  5. forgot to mention that this isn't done yet gotta punch a few holes and clear coat, I was excited to share this right away, a glutton for punishment!
  6. This is the 1st one these that I have done also, I thought I would put the elephant in the window, and instead immersing this in a pan of water like I usually do I ran it under the faucet to get it wet enough to form. The reason for doing that is that I did not know how the elephant would react, well what it did do was to cause the dye to react like you see in the photo. All that being said I still have my cast iron drawers on.
  7. yes I ran it around twice due to the fact that the thread is 2 sizes smaller than I wanted to use. I wanted to use 277 in a wine color but the closest I could get was some of the color in 138 in 277 it does come in red and that might have popped a little more,, and it is nylon thread size 138.
  8. not done just yet, it had just came out of the former, need to do the slots and clear coat
  9. with some exotics, this one isn't done all the way yet, still have to punch some holes and put the clear coat on, but she's all sewed up dipped in some water and stuck in the vacuum former. But it was so tight on the sewing that and with the zotic it formed differently than one's in the past, so go ahead I have already slipped into my cast iron drawers. And I should have moved my stitch line over just a tad, I didn't compensate for the pigskin lining making it a bit tad tighter, but I got nother one with some elephant waiting on me to gitter done.
  10. Well ok told Jeff I would post up some photos of the ones I been worken on, got the 1st one almost done, done enough fer some photos anyway, gonna also cross post as this the 1st time worken with some zotics.
  11. I hearya on that Shiite or least get out in the cold looken for bammbi
  12. Me to, but nice work, now I wonder if someone is going to be looking back at me through my computer camera? Oh well
  13. I haven't seen the gun yet so I cannot give a good answer, and I figured that I would be using that as a source for the scabbard.
  14. shotgun is what he was talking about so I gotta figure it will be that for now.
  15. I haven't looked yet but gotta figure that Tandy has one but anyone know of another one, gotta a call and as we were chatting the subject came, so it might be a project here in the next week or so, Thanks
  16. a good friend of mine lives in the springs, we also served together there over 40 years ago.
  17. Ya I think I gonna need to keep looken for em it would probably just as bad as you fellers ordering from the states just in reverse.
  18. welcome, and ya tools are like water cooled processors just cant be bignuf or fastnuf need to add more speed better graphics the whole nine yards. Leather is kind of the same way, and when mistakes abound and they will, then ya gotta go back and look at the basics, just like any other profession that involves hand eye coordination. You'll get good they you'll stall for a while, then a lite will go off then all of a sudden yer work is beyond what words can say, bu there aint never gonna be enough tools, then you'll realize you coulda done it with the basic stuff.
  19. Matt I see you like kwabblers, use to handle one years ago when I ran LA to Vegas and back all most every night, but back to this, I would like to see a photo of the back just a peek, and what part of the state you in, either the western slope or out on the planes?
  20. the belts look nice, however one thing that does sort of jump out at me, and others might comment on, is the size of the holes that you chose to use. Just my thinking is that a smaller size would bring less attention to them as well as lessen the potential as a week point in the belt. Now I do like the keepers and would like to know where you located those? I have used some in the past as well with a high polish nickel plate and not the satin look that those have. I have searched for them with not much luck. Over all nice job but again just the size of the hole, maybe one size smaller would do the job and a little more brown dye on a q tip on the brown belt.
  21. Ya Bor I am in the same boat, going from a decent income in most regards, to what it is in the Golden years is an adjustment, so money has to be spent wisely and on decent tools, it is like buying Snap on vs HF anyway hope you purchase with the amazonians goes well!
  22. from the side it looks as though it is cast like you mentioned and not billet or machined from a solid mass of steal. Not sure how much they charge for those, the set I bought through either flea bay or Amazonian have worked well an I treated them purddy rough. I think that in spite of the name they are made in China and not Japon just my own thought.

    air brush

    ya that's true if ya got the bucks to buy with! I guess you could get yerself a 40 percent off coupon for hobbie lobbie and buy there.

    air brush

    The HF will work ok I bought 2 of them, and one that came direct from china that is a recommendation from a thread here on the site. I do like the one that came from china direct a little more than the one from HF, I also bought one of the compressors that has like a 3 gallon tank from HF. Between all of it they have come in handy, I have used them more for some two tone belts that I make more than anything else, I really should use them more for holster work. Help this helps but also look for the thread about airbrushing here, the search button should help or someone else I am sure will comment.
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