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Everything posted by OLDNSLOW

  1. No one else has had time to take a lookasee but that machine looks just like ones that are being sold on Eway that are Chinese patcher imports, there are some videos out that show different operations of that machine, so you might want to take a look there to see if there are any similarities. Good luck
  2. I know what I am going to post wont help, but, I know that I saw some the product the rail is you will being offered from someone but just cant recall where? Like some other gimmicks ya gotta wonder if it is actually any good, they ship it to you as one long belt then you cut off the excess to fit. Without sewing the end, I would sort of be cautious of the stability of the belt, not to mention the leather, the thickness, and quality. Is it just a new marketing idea that some Asian company came out with? In a way its to bad that we and I sort of say this loosely because were all at different levels, but like to be considered artisans. With that being said there is no marking or association that I know of anyway that contributes or that we can draw from for stats and other forms of input that we as a again a group can turn to for info. Like the PPoA the Professional Photographers of American that has marketing ideas and support from major suppliers more so than what I see here. Well I think I was rambling sorry.
  3. Artrage 4 must only be a windows or droid program, it is not in the apple store? I am looking as well for somethin that will work with a tablet.
  4. can anyone give a comparison between ink scape and concepts? Thanks
  5. I just ordered one from them yesterday for a reasonable price, another company said that it would cost 300 to make getting it done for less than half at Texas.
  6. I feel ferya I don't like movun noe what so ever.
  7. I haven't been making mine for a long period of time and market mine to the CCW people, but knowing that there is a stretch factor with the leather and if you can add in a stitch line it adds more value for the same amount to your customer. One thing I don't do is remove any leather where the stitch line goes I use a tool that will create the grove where the stitch line will sit just below the surface. Also if you have or can get an account with Weaver leather you can buy Keepers that have been pre sewn to also add a little extra value to the belt. Of course your market may be different than mine one reason for sewing mine is that they are double layer with a stainless liner. YMMV. Good Luck
  8. Your in Long Beach or Pedro so you have a very large market to offer it up to, areas that have some excess cash to spend. However those are the same people who like to hang on to their cash and nickel and dime you, but then again Hunting Beach and O. C. is just down the 405. Nice work another thought but I think it has already passed is the artists fair in Laguna, just kind of thinking out load here.
  9. They say that if there are no photos it never happened, must have poof er uh proof of the work for others to see. just sayun
  10. Thanks!!! but where,s more of them holster patterns? Just sayun aint seen none for a bit and thanks for all you do!!
  11. Of course one has to wonder how a cowboy mounting a cobra would work out, just hope it wouldn't choke up and start spitting thread like chew without accuracy? Just wonderun!
  12. what is the cowboy thread that you speak of here Jeff. Is it some other type of new fangled, non tangle, never brake thread, that someone came out with and they put a cowboy hat on it.? requiring minds would like to know. Thanks
  13. well it is a very tight fit when it goes on, oops its a cabooie, well no matter it is the same as a cobra and many others in the same style and class. If you go to cobras page they might have it up on their web page and it would be the same process.
  14. Well I was thinking an pancake for a 5 incher 1911 I'm figuren that will be bignuf for it to work out, I'll find out bout mid week anyway.
  15. well, I was going to give it a shot at some holster work, so I am hoping it will work, or it will be another learning experience!
  16. I ordered some of the elephant scrap after reading this thread and got it lickity split but a little steep of the shipping price, and just placed an order for some of the caiman tail that they have for what seems like a decent price. Cant figure out why they don't work something out with shippers for some better prices.
  17. Thanks for your input, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to put a caliper on a few bobbins to see if they are within spec.
  18. Wiz, would you mind extrapolating on that just a bit more. If winding the bobbin on the machine how can it be done incorrectly, assuming the bobbins being new is there a way to ensure they are all good, and what to look for in the thread. thanks O n S Ron
  19. I might have worded some of it wrong it was just some ramblings of making a lined belt
  20. to some it may not matter to others hope it helps
  21. Ok I'm stumped I ran my photos through an editor and resized down to 800 pixels and they still won't post what's up with that? Who can help?
  22. Kydex lined belt. Or the musings of a fledgling leather maker. i was asked several times if I offered belts that were lined when I had been offering the standard 16oz belt as a gun belt. So I figured if I wanted to be able to compete with the big guys I was going to have to expand my line of products, now mind you I am a newbie in every sense of the term. It was just a little over a year ago that I came to this website and was asking what machine, what thickness of thread, so on and so forth was I going to need in order to compete and produce a product that people would want to buy. So I started to look in to what I would need outside of the leather and glue, and I do use barges glue. I usually start by skiving the toe and heal of both pieces of 8ox leather down to a thickness that will allow for a comfortable fold for the buckle, and the toe so that when it is fed through the buckle it won't have an unsightly bulge. I need to digress here for a moment, regardless of the use of kydex or stainless it gets glued on to one side of the pieces of leather. I will usually let that set up before moving on, although it won't be long afterward that I will glue on the other have of the belt. Now I will say that using 060dex presents more of a challenge than the 030 stainless because of the you guessed it ( thickness ), the thickness of the Dexs makes it more of a challenge to seal the edges up on than the stainless, let me remind you here that I am the dreaded newbie so I have struggled to get my edges perfect. As I mentioned earlier it was just a little over a year ago that I was full of questions, now I am working with a Cobra 4 and getting better everyday but that is in part due to everyone here, I hope the photos can be viewed ok. thanks to all who have helped me learn at a rapid pace, and of course my photos are to large to post so I will be back with them shortly Ron
  23. Might have been, One holster I was forming caused the safety to punch right through the leather on the guard, really ruined that holster for sure!
  24. ya I'm gonna give up on the press and just go with the vacuum table.
  25. Ya I been getting the molds that are for kydex, they work ok to a degree. I put one in my 12 ton press before it went in to my vacuum press and I bent it just a little. I might start looking at the aluminum one's for molds, I think they might have some that I have been asked to build for with the laser already molded in.
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