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Everything posted by OLDNSLOW

  1. I did some further research after posting the question here and should have done it is reverse, but I saw the postings that were made referring to an air nozzle that would cool the needle, my only problem is the lack of air compressor. So I think for now the oil pot would have to be the way to go for me, I have seen them at Weaver and understand another company carries them as well, and for the pot and the oil it might be a cost of 25.00 and that is something I can live with for the time being. Thanks for the response.
  2. I have not worked with any exotic leather yet, but have been wanting to I only have one obstacle, I don't get paid till Friday and I would only want to get one item I figure I can get to hurt to experiment with it for 25 I would be interested in the Spanish bull for 25.00 I think is what you had it listed for it.  If you can wait till Friday for payment I will take that piece.

    2. PhillyRock


      Tracking info for your shrunken bull shoulder piece:

      USPS Tracking #9505514786466096020113

      Thank you,


    4. Show next comments  102 more
  3. is the name of the website going to change or remain the same?   Thanks O n S


    1. Johanna


      We are "leatherworker.net" and will continue to be. I broke the front page of the site, and I have to fix it so I redirected it to the forum temporarily.

  4. Not sure what ( slicing off ) is, but the advise I was given when I bought my first bottle was that it would streak when applied especially at full strength, as a newbie I did apply it full strength a few times but I now use it at a 50/50 or less dilution and also airbrush it on with multiple coats. I would think that if it was bad other major retailers and whole sellers of the product would either not sell it or sell it with major disclaimers to go along with it, and I would think that Tandy would not sell it. But I doubt that is the case, not to knock Tandy but sometimes or at least I am getting the impression that the employees are not the sharpest tack in the box.
  5. K5zmb, kilo India six papa x-ray foxtrot here, did you make up your own shoulder pattern or was it a pattern that you found somewhere? I need to look in to making one available for others. thanks for any info. O n S Ron
  6. Julia, sort of off topic here, but how are things in Taos? So you work out a shop there? I really need to get up there for a visit I have an Aunt and cousins that live there and have lived there for ever even before hippie communes were the in thing to do in Taos, they live over in the Rancho De Taos area, any way thanks if reply good luck. O n S
  7. are they worth it even at a low cost? Is there any true benefit to running one a cobra 4 or cowboy machine? I have seen a low cost one at Weaver that is magnetic that it would allow it to sit on top of the head but even for the low cost is there any worth while returns in the expense? I can think of a few but not sure if they really work or is it all hype, the plus that I can see is that it would cause less fraying as the thread starts to go through the needle, but does it truly help when the needle is working its way in and out of thick leather. Thanks O n S. and when will the site be back to its normal self I found my self jonesing until I found the back way in.
  8. I think he is say to go to like 7-8 if your at 6, the tighter the stitch will cause the stitch to pull and tear the material, that is what I think he is saying anyway, how have you been? O n S Ron
  9. Well part of the problem is in using an ink jet printer it does not dry the ink as it prints and the ink will run, the laser printer uses a different process the renders the ink dry once the printing is done. So one solution is to find a cheap laser printer to print the plastic paper, or tracing paper, it will come out dry and ready for use right away. Look around at Wal-Mart and some of the office supply stores for a cheap laser printer, don't get one that use color ink just black and white.
  10. First a little about me, I am not the type of person who accepts the answer ( that's the way it has always been done), it is not good enough for me in most instances, hence the challenge to the answer to the original question, it is obvious that there are, without knowing true figures but as a figure of speech about 50 % of the people that do the measurement from the fold with out experiencing any problems with customers. As we all know anyone can write a book on what they think is correct theory, but then along comes a person who challenges that theory and rewrites a new book challenging the old saying of that is the way it is always been done. But I digress, I cannot see where a buckle can throw off a measurement by huge amounts, unless it is one of those huge cowboy turd kicker buckles, then it might change the equation. The constant that we know to be a constant in the belt world is the fold in the leather, the buckle will add a little extra in case the person has been hanging around the beer keg a little to long. That is my take on it but still left to confusion in the matter, and yes I have had it happen to me. And the long time friend said to me that the measurements were right on yet the belt just didn't fit, but he nor I could put a finger on the issue, and it was hard to determine why, now this person is in Cali and I am in TN so it makes it kind of difficult to figure it all out, but he did also say that it was not off by much so I for now am going to attribute it to the belt buckle.
  11. I am not dissing Wayne or Jeff, and I didn't want to jack the other thread, so, I still need to play the devils advocate in this conversation, Jeff thanks for graphic showing why the buckle must be included however and here we go. It makes total sense that the buckle has to be included if an exact like buckle is being provided, but again and I as I mentioned in the other thread the what if. The what if is that the vendor ( me ) sells a different buckle that happens to be shorter than the buckle or longer then the entire belt is going to be either shorter or longer if it is of different dimensions than the buckle the customer measures with, and again not dissing either of you I am just not convinced the buckle should be measured, my thinking is that it allows for a little extra and in some cases a lot extra.
  12. I have the books and have read them, the issue still is the fact that not all buckles are made to the same standard, like some or most ammo meets the sammi standard soo that when reloading you know that all things or most all things are equal. That is not the same with buckles, which can leave a maker in a quandary if the maker has been buying from vendor A, then goes to vendor B, and vendor B's buckles are of a different length and also different from the buyers buckle, and as I mentioned I understand the argument.
  13. I see your point, however the belt buckle is an attachment or if you will a closet attached to the room, so do you carpet the closet and include that measurement or leave it as an additional small room that would sort of be added to the room but is still separate. And all closets and not equal in their size some are smaller some are larger. So the carpet guy doesn't do the closet because the house owner dose not tell the carpet guy to do the additional area , who is right and who is wrong, the debate could go and I know you want to be right because so older guys have said so, but does it make it right? And again I see your point, but it still doesn't take in to account that maybe the guy has a super dooper belt buckle on his belt that he or she didn't tell you about!
  14. I am glad that this subject has been brought up, I like shooter have watched several videos on the same subject and noticed that there would be about a 50/50 split on the subject. but to address the issue with buckles and I have 3 different buckles sitting here from 2 different vendors there is a distinct difference between buckles that I imagine would throw off a measurement when using a buckle to determine length. Now the all three of the buckles are of the same style, roller buckles, 2 are stainless and one is nickel plated, 1 stainless from one vendor and the other from another vendor and then there is the, plated buckle. The one stainless came from Tandy as well as one plated, the other buckle came from SLC and is stainless, now if your thinking or going to ask how I know they are stainless, I tested with a magnet. The stainless from SLC is longer than the stainless from Tandy, the plated from Tandy and the stainless from SLC are the same length which are the shorter of the bunch. So I can see where if using an inner part of buckles can throw off a measurement or did I just waist a bunch of time writing about this.
  15. From what I have been reading some of the bigger machines don't do well with lighter leather like garment leather or under 5 to 6 oz, But at that range with anything under say 346 I think is the number what is the TPI that some of you like to work with. I read that the Cobra 4 doesn't d well with anything under 5 oz, or might not sew it as all. If the leather falls in to that range 5 to say 15 oz is there one TPI you set it at and then leave it alone, sorry if I repeated myself I am actually dozing off at the keyboard here.
  16. Thanks I appreciate it and concur with your comments JLS, what most don't realize is that there is enough work to go around for all. Especially when it comes to gun related, I mean Obo did not get the best salesman of the century for guns sales for nothing. He has single handedly driven gun sales through the roof, and now that ISIS is here on our shores gun stores cant keep up. And most gun owners will tell ya that they have a drawer full of holsters and are still looking for that one perfect one. And it is our job to help them keep shopping for that one perfect holster, even if it means that they have to buy one or two from you and one or two from me, we got to keep having the exchange of green backs. Build, sell, share, and move forward!
  17. are there very many of either, to be honest I have not looked. I had a person ask me a few hours ago if I could do one, and I have taken the attitude that if it has been done then I am not reinventing the wheel I might be reinvigorating it with some fresh Ideas but again I don't want to try and reinvent so any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks O n S
  18. would like to see some photos of what you described
  19. One of the ways is to measure the slide of both if you can, the people over at multi-molds that sell a lot of molds to the kydex makers has posted a pdf on their website as to what some of the dimensions are. What a lot of the kydex guys do if a mold is undersize is to tape the mold up until it matches or is close to what the size should be. I would think that if the mold is larger depending on what it is made of you could sand some down till it is close to dimensions that you need. Hope this helps
  20. I am sure those with far more experience will chime in, but photos always help. But as guess your tension might be, if the top tension is ok the bobbin tension might be off.
  21. was going to one then switched all my stuff over to the V A in spite of all the bad publicity, so need to ask the Doc about something like that for my hands I already get some other cream but it is some real sticky, oily stuff, it has lidocaine in it.
  22. ok thanks, like I mentioned above sometimes it just takes getting hit in the head with a sledge to turn on the light, I hadn't thought about that and it makes sense. It is just continuing with the procedure and even the name escapes me right now, I think it is a medication thing.
  23. Thanks JLS, and thanks for the wallet patterns I downloaded all of them that are up, ya I went and checked the molds of the guns against what the actual was suppose to be and some were thicker or just under in either the trigger guard or slide area but only by the thousands, ya I am the kind of person who learns by doing I can read all ya want and watch a whole bunch, but until I do it that's when it all sinks in and learn from the mistakes and sometimes repeat till I get hit in the head with a wake up moment.
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