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Everything posted by OLDNSLOW

  1. I have an interest in the dies your selling if you would give me a call that would be great, I have a Cali number but am located in TN now.  Thanks


    951 609 6297

  2. Thanks for the reply, I did receive you envelope today and am interested in some leather but would like to speak with you again about it and other items. I think it would be of benefit to all if we could speak. thanks Ron

    consew 206rb1

    this machine is in great condition, I purchased this machine used less than a year ago and installed a new servo motor from Bob. This will also include several bobbins 8 spools of thread 1 partially used, and an extra bobbin case. Asking 800.00 OBO plus shipping if long distance, it cost me 275.00 to have shipped from Cali to here in TN. The reason that I am selling is that I have stepped up to a larger machine so this one sits in the corner all by itself being lonely and unused. each photo is under the 1.46 MB size and still wont let me upload.
  4. Not sure if you will see this considering it is the weekend, I did call and leave a message with hopes that we could speak again as we had planed, I do understand that you are busy and your interests are lay in other areas. please give a call when convient
  5. holster pattern that you are willing to share, I have been contacted by a few people about making one. I do have the holster book by Stohlman but wanted to find out is someone has something else to share. The one gun that I have been asked about is for a Glock 19, so if anyone is willing to help out please let me know. Thanks O n S Ron
  6. smoldering hemp in a small room could leave you with the giggles I have heard.
  7. I would think that an oil lamp wick would do that same, they are both intended for an oil, and the oils probably aren't much different from each other cept for the burn ingredients added to the oil for a burn wick. Just my thought, I don't think the makers try to reinvent the wheel each time something is made, but borrow from what is already there and easy to adapt. Think like MacGyver.
  8. I did some research for a glock shoulder holster but didn't really turn up, my med haven't been working very well and my head has bee banging for the last few days, I really think I've been spending to much time in front of the puter and not out making anything. So if someone can help out I would be very grateful! Thanks O n S Ron
  9. one of these videos is on a cd when you take delivery of a new cobra 4 machine, just an fyi.
  10. Dwight, those were lot lizards but of course I guess back in the day there could have been a few trouser snakes out and about.
  11. There is a pressure foot adjustment on the machine that you will have to play with to get it to work properly. If the machine is like mine it sits on top of the machine sort of right above the needle area. you would probably want to find a good neutral spot that will support multiple thickness of leather. Your really not that far from where they are sold from in Ontario, you could always take a ride out there take a look around and get some 1st hand info. they are located out off of the 60 fwy around Archibald exit, you can call them to get directions to get there. We lived very near there up till three years ago them moved out to TN. Gotta say that bag turned out real well, if you picked up material out there off of mateo st downtown it is probably pigskin if it is real supple and soft to the touch. Did you use a pattern for that, that you found somewhere? Again good job, enjoy the beach dude wish I was back out there cooking in the sun really miss it. O n S Ron
  12. ok, I have an interest in some leather and there were some other items that I looked at that were in the boxes that I also have an interest in but would need more info on them, when you have them time let me know I will pm you my contact info so that we can talk about it if that is ok with you! Thanks O n S Ron
  13. does anyone know if this is for real, are they just slow to respond to questions?
  14. Shesh I just opened my account with them in the past few days and they come out with that, I haven't got the letter yet but is still blows.
  15. from one photo it looked like there was some 8/9 oz leather, how many of them are there and you want 75.00 per side is that correct?
  16. Well then I guess without a doubt something went wong and your choice to not use it my not be a bad idea.
  17. it is interesting that dgkfit asked that question about the cobra4, I recently bought that same machine brand new and it was drop shipped from leather equipment co. Now if dgkfit is a newer newbie than I, I can understand the frustration with the machine, I had difficulty setting my up as well and sent the original head back and received a new one in its place, but after throwing the original completely out of time and was unable to reset the timing Dave sent out the new one KUDOS to David. However once getting the new one and painstakingly go over everything and making sure that it was threaded properly I asked my wife to come out and watch as I was going to try and sew something with it, and low and behold it punched holes and no stitches, but my wife said wait a second do that again and I did and then she said out loud hay that thing is sewing backwards. So I reset the motor with my sons help with my disabilities once I get down that low I cant get back up and I cant bend over so, we got it going in the right direction and it sews great. So the moral of the story is that those motors must be coming out of China going in the wrong direction!!!!! Maybe someone should look at them prior to sending them out. Contact me Dave so I can let you know how much thread you can send out for this little tidbit of info!!!
  18. did you oil the holster once dipped or brushed with the groon? You did not mention that or if there was any other sealing done to the leather once it was completed! I mixed 2 batches last summer but have yet to use any on a customers item, however I do have some leather out in the shop that was grooned and heavily oiled and rubbed down with a wax oil combo and it is still leaching oil. Also from what I understand if left to long in either post bath can have an adverse reaction as well, you mentioned rinsing for a long time.
  19. That's about all you can do is size the leather down to where the tip of the leather will sip in, course if someone comes up with something better I would like to hear it as well, as I make some myself, but out of a single piece of 1/4 leather.
  20. Speaking about this is I try to go back to what use to be the home page it comes up as a bad address so I have bookmarked the forum pages, is there a different hope page address for the site?
  21. you indicated that this was going to be a form of rehabilitative work program to help you get started or reintroduced to an area of work you have some familiarity with! Was the State you live in the State department of Rehabilitation the party paying for this? Or was this from the result of a work related injury that was being funded by a work comp insurance company? If so, I would think they also have a vested interest in going after the crook for what he has ripped you off for, if it is out of your own pocket either way take it like others have said to the State Attorney Generals office they'll sick em and go after them. Also maybe if some of the members up in your area see this maybe they'll be willing to help out and let you go by their shop and help out who knows good luck
  22. I am looking to start making dog collars as well and look forward to what others are going to add, but from my perspective I would think anything of a soft metal nature would be a risk to use. Both brass and copper are a soft metal that I would think be prone to braking much easier under a load than say a stainless steel Chicago screw, I can also see where someone would argue the fact that a Chicago screw can come loose. However with a Chicago screw and the use of red lock tight the likely hood of a screw coming loose is almost impossible, there is also a product called ( lock set ) I think it is called that wont come apart unless certain procedures are used to brake it loose. I would think the screw would have a tendency to be better under the stress than the other metals. As for the leather I have wondered about the same issues, but then I saw a product that is available from Weaver that is suppose to tighten up belly leather making more usable in more areas, but not sure about how that would actually work.
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