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  1. I have a small wallet company with a wallet design that lends itself well to custom embroidery. I would like to find an individual or company that would be interested in partnering with me to provide customized products. If you or someone you know might be interested, please let me know!
  2. I would like to see some thin (2, 3, or 4oz) samples of Hermann Oak -- preferably bridle or harness leather. Any color. I know there are some spots to buy it buy the sqft, but I don't have the ability to split the the standard stuff to what I want. I'm happy to pay for shipping, the leather, and your trouble. Thanks!
  3. Works for me! I forget these phones can do that other thing too....
  4. Thanks for the responses. From what I see on their website, HO doesn't offer any leather at 3 oz, but are y'all saying they'd be able to split it down for me as an added service? I haven't been able to contact them. My messages are getting kicked back. Anyone have a contact at HO? Thanks again!
  5. I would like to skive/split and finish some entire sides of Hermann Oak leather. I'd like to get them down to 3 oz (from 8-10oz) with a good, clean looking back. Does anyone know of a place that would offer this service? (I'm aware Wicket & Craig does this in-house for their leathers, but I haven't heard the same for Hermann Oak) Thanks!
  6. Hi, I have a relatively simple leatherworking job that I'm looking to offer to someone either in/near Norfolk, Virginia, or Portland, Oregon (I live in VA, but the majority of my business is located in OR). I have a straightforward wallet design that I need someone to construct. I'm considering two methods of manufacture. 1) Having the leather laser-cut (including stitch holes) and then hand sewn. 2) Having the wallets die-cut and sewn by machine. Either way, the requirements will be relatively basic. If you live in or near Virginia or Oregon, and have an interest in this work, please let me know by personal message. Further, if you have contact information for someone or some business that may be interested in this work, please forward it to me. FYI, this job probably will not begin for the next few months, but I'm trying to get things in order now. Also, I'm currently at sea with the US Navy, so my response time may be delayed. Thanks!
  7. I need some black W&C Bridle Leather. Anyone?

    1. Sylvia


      have you tried Maverick Leather?

    2. theoregoner


      I only want to buy a couple sqft. Do they sell small portions?

    3. Earl Ash

      Earl Ash

      W&C will sell you a belly for $13. They do not have a minimum order.

  8. Does the skirting still bend well or does it deform when stressed? Have you used any of their other leathers before?
  9. Is English Bridle Leather the firmest leather that Wickett & Craig make? I'm looking to have some of their leather skived down to 2oz, and I'm curious if any of their other leathers will be more firm/durable at that weight than their EBL. How do the Show Harness, Traditional Harness, Oiled Latigo, and Skirting compare? (I had some samples coming, but I think they must have been lost in the mail ) Thanks!
  10. Anyone sell me 2sqft of black W&C bridle leather? I'll pay a premium!

    1. Geneva


      What weight of WC do you want?

    2. 25b


      I have 10oz black bridle...I'll sell you a couple of feet, but it won't be from the back...

    3. theoregoner


      Any weight should be fine. I can skive it, I just need a couple sqft. PM me if you have some I could purchase. Thanks!

  11. I'm trying to make some sample wallets out of W&C English Bridle Leather without buying a whole side. Does anyone have any black EBL that I can buy? I only need a couple sqft worth and I'm willing to pay a premium for it! Thanks!
  12. Thanks again. I've ordered some samples to see what the difference is. Also, I'd love to try using some kangaroo for this project, but I don't want to buy a whole hide. Do you have any that you use that you could sell me? If so, PM me, I'd happily pay a premium for it!
  13. Thanks for the responses. I'm also interested in a pasted flesh for the sake of making the leather a bit stiffer. That being the case, would you say the $0.75 per sqft is a worthwhile investment?
  14. Will "pasted flesh" make leather thicker? I'm looking to buy some leather from Wickett & Craig and have it skived down to 2oz. I have the option of having it refinished and pasted, but I'm curious if the paste application will make the leather much thicker. - How much thicker will paste make the leather? - Also, will paste make the leather stiffer? more durable? Thanks for the help!
  15. Looking for whiskey colored, drum stuffed kangaroo leather. Anyone??

    1. Bob Blea

      Bob Blea

      Try Sheridan Leather, I think they have Kangaroo like that.

    2. theoregoner


      They do! Thanks

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