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Everything posted by rickdroid

  1. Weight? Do you want $150 each or for both? rick
  2. You mentioned that you have some duplicate blue guns -- got any extra 1911's you might want to sell? I could use one close to a springfield 1911-A1 let me know if you got one that you want to sell. rick
  3. Welcome to the forum, lots of very nice and very knowledgable people here who are all willing to help. Having said that, since you didnt say what part of the world you are located in it is sort of hard to tell you where to shop for small pieces of leather. A local Tandys, if there is one near you could supply what you need. If you are located in the US look at the springfield leather web site - they are one of the advertisers on this website and you can follow their link from their add. Give us some idea of where you are located and it is likely that someone will be able to recommend a local supplier close to you. Again welcome, have fun and remember this if a very addictive hobby. rick
  4. I like what I see, but I am having trouble figuring out how the straps work. could you post some more pics of the back side? Did you design this? Is there a pattern available? rick
  5. Some very nice looking work, wish I could read Russian so I could tell more about it. rick
  6. That is a beautiful piece. If I had made that I would be very proud of it. Very nice work. rick
  7. Yep, those videos reminded me of the honkey-tonk that I started sneaking into when I was a kid. Main difference I see is that the cowboys would have tall hats, the ladies would have "big hair" and everyone would be wearing western boots. Wish I was young enough to still do that. Some good memories there. rick
  8. That is really nice. The color and the "used" effect really make it stand out. That will be one happy little girl. Well done. rick
  9. For a first project that is really nice. I bet your daughter will like it. rick
  10. Thanks JLS. Very much appreciated. Guess I may have to put you on my XMas card list. ;-) rick
  11. What does the term "bonded" mean when referring to thread? Someone please clue me in. rick
  12. Maybe you have only been doing leather work for a fairly short time, I dont really know, BUT You are not a beginner when it come to making bike seats. I think that I would rate you as a master when it come to that task. Just my opinion but that is how i see it. rick
  13. Thanks for the extra pictures. That bear is awesome. I really like the detail. rick
  14. Very nice, care to share a few more pictures?
  15. I cant believe you guys are so clumsy. I've never done anything like that; never misspelled a wodr, I never fell off my bike when I was a kid, never got bucked off a horse, never had a girl tell me we could still be friends but she needed her freedom. And to top it all I'm handsome and rich. I also have some ocean front property in the Texas panhandle for sale in case any of you are interested. rick
  16. Try using bag stifner, basically heavy/stiff paper. try Tandy or Ohio Travel Bag for starters. You can also try a hardware store for light weight plastic sheets. rick
  17. How did you letter the guitar strap? Was that freehand lettering, did you have some kind of template; that lettering is pretty much perfect and I would like to be able to achieve that quality. Your work is really really nice and I am envious of your workspace. rick
  18. I doubt that you misspelled anything Dwight, the search engine on leatherworker.net is not very efficient. I have always had better results using google. Remember, go to google.com and use the keyword site: as in 'site: leatherworker.net words i want to search for' Go to google.com and type in the phrase 'search help' and any the first three or four links should give you plenty of help. The links that are the most helpful will have support.google.com as part of the address. When you get to the help pages be sure and read the part on 'search operators', these items can help define the website you want to search and the specific items you are trying to find there. Hope i havent gone on too long, maybe this will be of some help. rick
  19. How do you determine where the straps attach? Is there any rule of thumb or guidelines you follow of is each scabbard unique in that respect? thanks rick
  20. Not sure if I am understanding your post, but if you are trying to search for "hot box" on leatherworker.net go to google and try site:leatherworker.net hot box. These are some of the results i got with that search string if i misunderstood then i apologize for taking up the bandwidth. rick
  21. For cell phone cases I use balsa wood forms wrapped in plastic wrap. Any time I get a request for a case i havent done before I make a mold specific to that phone. Easy to make and they have stood up very well to repeated use. rick
  22. I have something similar. I go to the doctor about every 6 to 8 weeks and get a cortisone shot for mine. rick
  23. I picked mine up at Academy Sports, a local chain. rick
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