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Everything posted by tashabear

  1. I'm not MikeW, but... I asked that question of someone wearing similar shoes at a reenactment, and she said that she had no problems, and that having the closures on the inside made them easier to fasten, since she could put her foot up on the opposite knee. Think about it, though... how many times do your feet actually brush against each other while you walk?
  2. tashabear


    I've been doing it the hard way... printing out axonometric graph paper and tracing it with a stylus. Silly me (though it does make it easier with curved and/or angled borders).
  3. You can find gold and silver gel pens in the scrapbooking section of the craft store. Sharpie makes a silver pen, too, though it might be too thick.
  4. I have wool felt insoles in mine, and they are AMAZINGLY comfy to wear, even in the summer.
  5. Those are so CUTE! Nicely done!
  6. I just put a strap in at the top of the quiver I just made -- cut two slots and threaded a 3/8" strap with a buckle through. It looks quite nice.
  7. Well howdy, and welcome! You should stop in when Ken has open table nights; we have a great time. 2009's going to be a good year over there.
  8. Good to know -- I use acrylics a lot. Sometimes it's the cheapy craft acrylics, but I've started buying the Liquitex Basics brand artist's acrylics. They mix more cleanly and are a little thicker, so more opaque and easier to push around on the surface.
  9. If it helps, my laptop went around the world in a zippered neoprene cover in my backpack, and never had a scratch.
  10. What did you use for the iron oxide? Never mind. I fail at reading for content today.
  11. Just the top papery layer. You can get a nice yellow on fabric by boiling them, too.
  12. tashabear

    I DO Exist!!

    Froggy's store is in Chelmsford -- even less public transport, sadly. :-(
  13. Actually, 35 millimeters = 1.37795276 in What did you think mm meant?
  14. These might help, for those of us who are too lazy to take a file to the tools: http://www.amazon.com/Maxi-Aids-Triangular..._bxgy_hpc_img_b
  15. Try the bottom of a shot glass. The two I found in my cupboard are 35mm.
  16. Have you seen Marc Carlson's Footwear of the Middle Ages site yet? He makes reference to "coffee bean toggles", which were also leather. Don't the ones in that picture look like coffee beans? Isn't that awesome? (I love having my reference library handy.)
  17. I don't think that's wood; I think that's a rolled leather button. Check out page 59, second paragraph: "...at York these were generally fastened with a rolled leather toggle." Somewhere I have instructions on how to make them. I'll try to remember where I saw it. I have these boots: http://www.nmia.com/~bohemond/Bootshop/shoe-page/jorvic.htm -- the toggles hold very well. I imagine that the originals held well, too, or they wouldn't have used them. EDIT: Found it: http://home.clara.net/arianrhod/Aldebaran/...self/Pouch.html Scroll about halfway down. You might have to play with it a bit.
  18. Those are called barrel locks, and you can usually find them in a fabric store on the notions wall.
  19. It's a mighty cunning hat. A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything. :-D
  20. A leather diaper bag? Well... whatever pattern you decide on, make sure it's well-waterproofed. Just seems like it'd be awfully heavy for something that has to be carried with an infant.
  21. I just Googled "western clip art". This was one of the hits: http://www.cowboyclipart.net/ -- there are lots of others. As for fonts, dafont.com is my go-to for those.
  22. Bummer; I haven't worked out a pattern for a side quiver yet. I just made one, but I doubt it'll fit an adult male, since I made it for a 15-year-old girl who's on the petite side. :-D It'd be easy to size up, though.
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