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Everything posted by tashabear

  1. Has anyone here ever tried gold leafing on leather? I have a project with a large expanse that needs to be gold. I'm considering using faux gold leaf, though I can always fall back to Liquid Leaf. So... anyone? I'm curious to know what you've used for size, what you used for finish on top so it doesn't rub off, things to look out for, that sort of thing.
  2. http://dclips.fundraw.com/pngmax/liftarn_White_lion.png You'll want to remove the crown and change the bifurcated tail to a single tail, but this should do the trick.
  3. I agree. Your pirate doesn't have much of a chin. Have you Googled skull images? This might help:
  4. Nice! Now you need legwraps: http://users.bigpond.net.au/quarfwa/Miklag...s/legwraps1.htm (I'm still trying to make time to make some for my husband.)
  5. I've heard of it. It's a micro-fiber fabric; you sew it like any other fabric. Any chaps that were made out of this stuff would be purely for show; they wouldn't actually look or hang like leather, and about all they'd protect your legs from might be a sunburn. http://www.ultrasuede.com/products/fashion...arel/index.html Oh, holy crap... they're sold for the show ring. Pleh. http://www.hobbyhorseinc.com/08_shopping/c...hap_index.shtml
  6. Carve, then dye. You want to see what you're doing. You'd only have to redye it if you dyed first, anyway.
  7. Oh, those are awesome! What store did you take the class at?
  8. Leave the one stamp in place and line up the next one touching it.
  9. Chicken. Have you never had gravy on potatoes? It's a short step from there to poutine. Besides, I get it once a year, if that. And now I want to go up to Manchester to Chez Vachon for poutine, and they're only open for breakfast and lunch. Dammit.
  10. A lot of a the brass bits are handmade. Others are trash-picked, repurposed metal bits. Many aren't brass at all, but are spray-painted or electro-plated by the makers to look different. I bet you could do something nifty in leather with just rivets and paint.
  11. Looks like a Virgin Mary done sort of Dia de Los Muertos style to me. I like it.
  12. Poutine is a French-Canadian dish, that, much like Scotch eggs, is a heart attack on a plate. Take hand-cut French fries, cover them with chicken gravy, then put diced or shredded cheese curd on top. If you can't find cheese curd, shredded mozzarella will do in a pinch. YUM. And I wish I was kidding about the fudge-covered Oreos. There are a lot fewer in the box, but they are delish. Did you get regular Oreos, or the Doubl-Stuf version, which have double the creamy filling? They are also periodically available in flavors, like mint, peanut butter, or coffee.
  13. Poutine. mmmmmm... poutine. Doesn't travel well, but holycrapDELICIOUS. I got a craving for it while deployed, and you should have seen the looks on the faces of the chow hall guys when I asked them to put gravy on my fries. Then mozzarella from the salad bar and YUM. Pale imitation of the real thing, but it got me by. :-D
  14. There's a Kinko's at Brainerd Road in Chattanooga: http://tinyurl.com/6bptrh My copier is part of my all-in-one system -- got it on sale for $100 at Staples, and since I use it for business it's deductible. If you don't need or want wireless printing capability, they're cheaper still. It's not something I would use regularly for photocopying, as it's cheaper for me to go to my local Kinko's or Staples to get class handouts copied than to print them here (also, 15 copies of a ten-page handout would take FOREVER to print!), but it's nice to have the option.
  15. How are you applying them? I had this problem too, because I was using daubers. Then I started using sheepskin scraps, and it's like night and day.
  16. Are you cutting the design before you try to raise it from behind?
  17. Ask them to stock fudge-covered Oreos. You'll hate me, but your mouth will be ecstatic.
  18. How long are you letting the black dry? Also, I find that with the Eco-Flow, I have to layer the black over Evening Blue to get the deep, rich color I'm after. That, or say the hell with it and use spirit dyes while I can. ;-)
  19. I just tested this on my copier. You can copy a Craftaid, ink it in, then blow it up on the copier to make it fit. Same with the stencil -- trace it, then blow it up on a copier. You can do the same thing in photo editing software, if you have any.
  20. Leave It The Frack Alone (where "frack" equals something else...)
  21. I'm telling you, dude -- SPIRAL LACING. Then you just need to loosen it to get it on and off, and you only have one end to fiddle with.
  22. It depends on the type of iPod. I wouldn't want to use a magnet with an iPod classic, as it has a traditional hard drive memory. iPod touch, nano, and iPhone all have solid state memory and would be unaffected by magnets.
  23. Doesn't have to be anymore, with print-on-demand services like lulu.com out there. Her estate could upload her writings and make them available for sale.
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