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Everything posted by tashabear

  1. Block-Out or Resolene on the spots you want lighter. It acts as a resist.
  2. Well, every garment needs a little ease (room between the garment and the body), and duct tape just isn't that thick. If a duct tape double (DTD) is done right and reassembled properly, there's no reason why it shouldn't be accurate enough.
  3. It is if you want an Elizabethan corset. I'm guessing that she wants something sexy and curvy -- an Elizabethan corset will NOT give you that silhouette. An Elizabethan silhouette is more of a cone than an hourglass. You want a pattern from a site like CorsetMaking.com or FarthingalesLA. Stay away from anything labeled Georgian, Elizabethan, or Regency.
  4. Practice on Playdoh or pastry dough -- denim will NOT feel the same. In fact, since it's a twill, it will react even more poorly and teach you bad, bad habits to compensate.
  5. Push comes to shove, print it out at the size you want, outline the image with a fine-tipped marker, then put it on a lightbox or even tape it to a window and trace the outline. Then cover the outline with packing tape and use it to scribe onto the leather.
  6. Gorgeous. Your carving always looks so elegant.
  7. Bezel is the right word, but I wouldn't rely on the leather to hold the stone in place; I'd use epoxy. Or you could set the stone in a metal bezel, and set that in the leather, as it usually has a lip round the outside that you could sandwich between two layers.
  8. Why would you be leery of your state's Department of Labor website? That's what it's there for. No deals, just you registering your business.
  9. Start here: http://www.dol.wa.gov/business/startbusiness.html I just Googled "business license Washington state" (that's where your profile says you're from), similar to what I did when I got mine.
  10. Seems like it... and it's exactly what I expected. I've already deleted the email.
  11. That's Kilroy, I thought... Remember computer punch cards? Chads are the punched-out bits. "Pulling the lever" on the voting machine, where that type is used, punches the card. When the chads don't detach properly from the card, these "hanging chads" prevent the tally machine from reading the card properly.
  12. I just got this email to my business account: Dear Manager: This is China Domain Name registrar, We have imporant thing confirm with you. We formally received an application on 3rd,Nov,2008, One person who named Mr. Chen ( www.icuxiao.com.cn) is applying to register " essexleather" as Internet Trademark and the .ASIA/.CN(like abc.asia/.cn/.com.cn/.net.cn/.org.cn) domain names in China to promote their company and do the promotion on the Google, Baidu and some famous search engine. After our initial examination, we found that the Internet trademark and domain names applied for registration are the same with your company's name and trademark. Two points need you to confirm: 1,whether this alleged Mr. Chen is your business partner or distributor in ASIA? 2, Whether your company need to remain the priority to register these CN names yourself? If he is your company's partner , we will finish his application. If he is not, hope you can tell us your company's decision on this matter. Looking forward to your reply. Best regards! Sunny Zhou, -------------------------------------------------------------- China Domain Name Registrar: ShiShun Ltd Room 908, Hua Heng International Building, No.99 TaoWu road,NanTong City Tel:+(86)0513-8011 8536 Fax:+(86)0513-8011 8539 Web:www.idregistry.com.cn Any idea what this is? Is it a scam?
  13. Did you make the strip and then bind the edge? It's a really cool effect, especially with the red stitching.
  14. FWIW, I voted at 2pm, and there were no lines whatsoever. Also, I filled in circles on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen. :-)
  15. Heck, if i'm doing large surfaces, I use a 2" house painting brush -- just pour the Edgekote into an old deli tub and have at it.
  16. I used to take riding lessons with a woman who had the cutest Icelandic mare named Kopa. Smallest horse in the pasture, and she was the boss. She even had a Fjordhorse named Sigrid as her muscle. Anyway, to the best of my recollection, she rode Kopa with a dressage saddle.
  17. Right, and my polling place is only half a mile from my house. The town where I grew up, though, had only 4000 or 5000 people, and the polls were at the high school, in the cafeteria. We had a half day of school that day, so we didn't need to use it. I can't really remember any lines at all, though there may have been at the end of the workday -- lots of people trying to vote on their way home. You see what I'm saying, though. You have fewer people on your island than I have in the capital of my state, 35 miles from where I sit this very moment. So yeah, we're going to have lines, and this year we may have a bumper turnout, as this election has been extremely polarizing. And while the waits may be excessive in some areas, in the vast majority of the United States, I doubt it will be that bad.
  18. Well, yeah, but according to figures I've found, Tasmania only has 485,300 people. There are more people that that just in the city of Boston. The population of Australia is just over 20 million; there are just over 6 million in the tiny Commonwealth of Massachusetts alone. Our population is just denser. The early voting thing is new, too, and I get the sense that they weren't really set up for it. Also, those long lines are in major population centers in the states that allow early voting. There are only 72,000 people in my small city, many of whom are not citizens, so they can't vote anyway. The city is divided into 6 districts, so that's only 12,000 people to get through my polling place over the course of 13 hours (7am to 8pm) -- less than 1,000 an hour, assuming everyone is eligible to vote. (I'd wager that maybe half the people on my street are eligible to vote; the rest are resident aliens.) We're planning on going over around 10am, and don't anticipate it taking more than an hour, if that. (I'm going to bring a book and a snack, though, just in case.) The media is doing what the media does: reporting a story about a few locations and making it sound like you'll need to pitch a tent in order to vote on election day. For the vast majority of Americans, it just won't be that bad.
  19. They look like this; you should be able to find them with drawing supplies. My husband buys them by the handful at Michael's Arts & Crafts.
  20. You could also use an artist's blending stump, maybe. They're cylinders of pressed paper, sharpened into a point, and they come in a wide variety of sizes. A package of three is about $1.29.
  21. I have this one. It has good explanations and pictures, plus it's pretty inexpensive.
  22. Look at some of the other links on that site. Not only do they sell memory foam, but they also sell 5/8" gel pads.
  23. Might this help? http://www.davidscottco.com/Results.asp?cat=4
  24. And if you want to do this, I can highly recommend StartLogic as a web host. I've never had a lick of trouble with them.
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