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Everything posted by CaptQuirk

  1. It looks really good, nice strap work and coloring. I'd really have to see it being worn though. That top left corner under the grip looks unsupported, and it should be held tight to the body. Of course, that is purely my opinion, which really doesn't count for much
  2. Will Rick and Darryl be there? Or just walking extras?
  3. @Mokerson- I finally did call a couple times. Left a message... BEEP. Never heard back, and don't really have the time to go anyways.
  4. Could be cool, the price is really attractive. Got some revolver pics to share?
  5. Going to host a Walking Dead chat, in the hopes of luring Rick and Darryl in?
  6. I use the real gun from time to time. Use it to make the pattern, then wrap the dry leather around it to make sure it fits.When I wet mold, I don't oil the gun before hand, because I'm not going to risk the oil leeching into the leather. Just wipe it down and oil afterwards.
  7. Just be sure you use a welded D ring. I had to whip up a collar at 4 AM one morning, and did not have a single welded D ring on hand. What I ended up using worked for several weeks, and finally failed today.
  8. I left it long for an easier grab. That's all. If it becomes an issue, it is a quick fix.
  9. @DocDaddy- Thanks, but I hate the stamp. It is a Tandy, and doesn't leave a full impression... unless you really whack the crap out of it.
  10. First up, a Ruger LCR 38, for a friend at the Pawnshop. She wasn't happy with the IWB she had, as it wouldn't wear right with her stretchy jeans, and her pistol had a habit of falling out. She didn't want anything special, just secure. I have nicknamed it "The One Night Stand", cheap, easy, and I was done with it the next morning. Next is one of two for a fella from a different board. This is a Ruger 586 for his Dad, a retired cop.
  11. I like it, and you just don't see many hammer thongs these days. I have done 3 holsters with them. I like the simplicity.
  12. Nice contrast, and a good looking holster. But... isn't that a Colt Python?
  13. CaptQuirk

    Rjf Leather

    I ordered 2 shoulders on Friday, and they arrived Wednesday, Nice turn around, but I did express the fact that I needed it fast. One shoulder, 8 oz , not bad, but not the prettiest. The other, 2-3 oz, was less than exciting. Fortunately, that is just for lining holsters. The backs looked beautiful though, so I might have to push roughout holsters...
  14. Depends on what part of the country you are in. In the SouthEast, there aren't many options outside of Tandy. They are a 3-4 hour drive away, but I can get an order in 2 days. I'm giving RJF a try, but he's upstate N.Y. There is also The Leather Guy, but I have yet to see anything I really want from him. The Buckle Guy is a good place for hardware, but they also have better tanned leathers.
  15. I just used a piece of cardboard for under my free granite slab. I figured, why start spending money on free stuff?
  16. Normally just called lace. The method normally used instead, is either a Mexican Loop, or a strap and buckle. Instead of using that particular cord, use leather lace.
  17. On the first holster, I think the cordage looks a little messy, but the rest of it is a very good first attempt, The second one... has more issues, I think that the snaps are excessive, to the point of making it too slow. Lose one of them, likely the second one.
  18. You ever notice how the garden center at the WalMart gets real mad when you do that?
  19. Avoid the confusion, just pee on a tree.
  20. CaptQuirk

    Rjf Leather

    I know somebody on another board, said he's always had good luck with RJF. I talked to Roger last month, and he said he'd send me a sample. I finally got it 2-3 weeks later. I talked to him again the other day, he explained he had been busy, ran out, etc. Giving him another chance, and ordered a pair of single shoulders. I have 3 holsters to do, and just enough to do one. We'll see what happens. As for payments, I don't have PayPal, since they screwed up my account 12 years ago. But, he sent me an invoice, and I was able to go through PayPal with my card.
  21. I've heard that before... hurtful words
  22. Hook, line, and sinker
  23. Well, you climb into your time machine, and go back a few months... then you will see where the link used to be at the top of the main page.
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