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Everything posted by Kowboyboots

  1. Hot! I use about 350 heat, no steam. Do a test spot an yes I think mine is heat & bond too. Something I picked up a couple bolts of at the wholesale fabric show. Use the paper that comes between the HB under the project an on top until you test it a little, that way if any flows over the edge it won't stick to the iron, it makes a mess, LOL.
  2. Tashabear, I have used it on all kinds of leather, the rougher or more texture is best, it will work on smooth also. Only thing I found you have to be careful about was the foils, don't directly iron the foil side. I use a t-shirt heat press on the leather. The pig skin I actually used the wonder under stuff to stiffen it before I ran it through my ink jet printer. Also I use to do leather appliques on sweat shirts 7 would use this stuff to adhere the different colors to each other. I usually sewed the outer edge but it held good any way. JustWakinup, if you use like the wonder under stuff (I use a different brand but can't remember what it is) then the fabric won't fray either.
  3. This is one of my inspiration web sites, bottom of page you will see director chairs. These folks are some of the best I have seen. Director Chair
  4. I use Wonder Under, or a type like it from the fabric store, works great
  5. I use a 30 Watt laser, love it. Sometimes burning hair on I have to touch up with a manual wood burner. www.versalaser.com
  6. As I stated in another thread, wax it with carnauba car wax. That will keep the moisture from tarnishing it about the same amount of time as your car. Not sure about the toxic part but that stuff you put on your windows to keep the rain off might work too, I think it is a carnauba type product. Now remember though if the tarnish is still there like when you use tarnx or brasso it is still going to show in a short amount of time. Brasso/tarnx, all it is is bleach, it takes the color out but doesn't actual take the oils off the brass, that's why it is quick, but tarnish comes back rather fast. After you polish real well, wax it with a carnauba car wax. This will keep the moisture from the air & oils from your hands off it for aprox a year. A good choice is Wenol & Friltz. That is what I used on silver drinking goblets
  7. I see that the price that showed up on the website of Chichester is the retail. I have been paying $6 for the big ones. I laser engrave the award on them for black powder shoots. Sorry for not stating that I did know the difference in drinking & powder, Chichester has both. But Moscow has good prices too.
  8. That is really nice, I love the 2 types of lacing.
  9. For over 20 years I struggled with the representatives, they were good, but change products as often as they change underwear. I was so lucky one of the local Western Stores had some of my stuff in it an another sales rep seen it. Loved it an next thing i know I am exclusive with a 10 store chain that will take everything i can make. It is so great for me cause I can work at my own pace. One of the other places though I had picked up wholesale customers was eBay. They would see my stuff an I always say "wholesale inquiries welcome'.
  10. I have had a good year an am very thankful for that. Like every one there has been trying times, but for the most part business has been good, my family healthy & me happy. My beloved mini donkey I had had for over 20 years died but I have nothing but good memories of "Hay You". Next year I look forward to doing many more awards for SASS and continuing making my things for western stores. I am so lucky to love what I do so much. I have never had a "real" job, always supported myself with my craft. My place & all my equipment is paid for so I don't have to charge enormous prices, thus happy working in the wholesale industry. Also I am diversified enough that when one part of the business is slow something else picks up. I came from a diversified ranch so I learned that early in life, LOL. So as long as the new year is as good as the old I am happy. Happy New Year to you too. Kathy
  11. Very intriguing!
  12. I think I was the one raving about the skil cutter, isn't it great? I got a gold plating machine. Been wanting one for ages. An a couple more dremel sets with the router, saw & planer. My mom loves me! KAthy
  13. You have a lot of BEAUTIFUL items on your web site. WOW! Is the Knifesheath-Quilled_Ioerger_1 quilled? Would you adopt me, LOL, I want to learn from you?
  14. Merry Christmas Eric & family. Hope the babies are home & fine now. That really was a cool idea an your work looks great.
  15. That is beautiful! Thank you for sharing it.
  16. I kind of like it. Pretty shinny, the flash makes it hard to see detail, but I like the color.
  17. Here is a Ute beaver hide like I am talking about.
  18. jRedding, that is exactly what I am talking about. I have a picture coming of one now. my problem is most of what I do I am self taught or a pioneer in the field so my terminology isn't always the best. Does your friend call it anything particular? thanks Kathy
  19. David you will find everyone here so wonderful. Welcome
  20. All my old queen outfits had leather trim. The dry cleaners wouldn't touch them, it was back in the 70's so mom just washed them. Never hurt them a bit. Still have them although they no longer fit, LOL. Kathy
  21. Kevin you do a very nice job sewing those and your designs are simple but bold. I like it
  22. Looks very nice. What is the first one with the handle? We got 24" here at my house, got a picture of my nieces pony for Christmas card, LOL, but this was taken yesterday morning, she is shoulder deep now.
  23. For the person who has everything, LOL. Pretty cool
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