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About Hennessy

  • Birthday 03/11/1947

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  • Gender
  • Location
    leonard texas usa
  • Interests
    middletons roustabout [hardback]flying ultralites,makin stuff in leather wotever ,trying to figure out how to help hurting horses.open minded horse owners and saddlemakers thru cordial discussion.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    rodeo gear and saddles and custom leatherwork
  • Interested in learning about
    learning is neverending ah'm a sponge !
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    read of it in a magazine

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  1. i have 100 buckle blanks like to sell 50 cents each plus us pstg.in mint condition n good to go fits up to 13/4 belt
  2. g'day rock i see yer plight with th belt.rubber cement barge or masters is used overere a lot . i'm 70 n arthritic n crippled, after 45 years of breathing th s ---t.that said if used correctly it'll keep soles stuck on boots , long after th stitching is gone.peeling th pieces apart n regluing shouldnt be hard , but a good fit edge to edge maybe difficult.also sweat tends to weaken n rot. maybe better to offer a new one. mebe in oz they wont let those glues i spoke of in . they have been used in th boot n shoe makin n repair for donkeys years . good lookin belt tho gotta b a salty hide eh ?
  3. a collectors book , a must in a saddle makers library. book is close to mint a few slight water stains on a few late pages slightly on top edge. dust jacket is whole but worn as expected in a working enviroment. Saddles is the first complete subject to appear in print.An exhaustive study of saddles in words ,more than 800 illustrations from time beginning to now.many insightful words also fitting horse and rider is discussed. I 'M ASKING 60$ plus 10$ usps
  4. Hello Pete

     I was reading posts about the Landis 3 and came across these post about Landis 3 problems. I have a Landis 3 and am getting it up and running. What I wanted to ask you about is your post in that thread. The post  was back in '09.

    You said this " i;ve heard an ol saddlemaker who lifted his #3 head off the base and extended his upper lower drive shaft by?and could sew a full inch, had a machine shop extend it and made some risers to sit under head,to equal out with the new drive shaft length pete"

    I am not sure what you were actually referring to.

    Thank you



    1. Hennessy


      randy sorry for th delay if you get this u can call me at 903 2179128 n i'll trll you what i recall


    2. Hennessy


      randy sorry     not lw 'n much these days. 903 217 9128 n i'll tell u what i know

  5. back in Australia when I was a bit of a lad , in th saddle shops I worked in n also in English saddlery, thar is an edge iron a curled concave lip. various sizes for various thickness. we usually had a [tea] coffee can in which we stuck a candle. th tool has a long shaft with a wooden handle.we'd set th tool over th flame,usually resting on a base of some make up. th flame would heat up th tip, then we'd dip it into a block of beeswax n rub it down th edged piece,when u get th hang of it it goes along good, seems like th edge would be died first, th wax really makes a smooth edge , remember slippin a time or three n burnin my holdin hand too. .
  6. i have used rosin, bar saddle soap even bees wax to get a grip it wont last but holds fairly long
  7. gloves are hard to make,if your patterns are xact i'd find a friendly leather shop with a sewing machine n have them run th edges to be sew'd 6 to th inch no fun there i'd give th hide back. i've made rodeo gloves 1 at a time,sell rh or lh for 3o years n still not me fav task..
  8. after years of layin tools down in a heap whilst toolin n then havin to seek one in th heap,i color coded them also my tool board .this has help'd me quite a bit n i thought it worth sharin .
  9. i had a leather leather man around dallas tx show me how he dealt with oil dye n by golly i do it every time i can !when your ready to dye [esp black] first put a coat of lacquer down i wait a suitable time for dryin then apply dye ,dry .buff off virtually nothing then relaq. where possible n if in best interest i still can oil or dress from backside.i encourage people on here over n over n still haven't seen any other person talk about its success or negative i do it all th time .
  10. randy i'd oil m cause they'll not see open air rfer a long time eh;th stohlman books on saddl makin are great for any level if you dont have m try to locate th 3 books n get educated all th steps are there with explanations
  11. several aust dealers in lw do a search or go back several pages lookin for oz address's been buyin over here good selection i see /
  12. take a sharpn'd scratch awl ]kinda like a sharp pointed phillips screwdriver] on th conch edge in th rope edge or into some engraving along th edge get th point in there good, n tap th awl backin th conch out until you can remove it by hand.i do this often,usually no usually no damage to concho/
  13. there was a time when a lot of mex leather was tanned in urine .hence th bad smell.i'm sure that this tanning goes back to spain.morocco was a portugeese creation and i bet they used urine too going by th smell associated with ''moroccan'' stuff i've observed .
  14. leather lac is for veg leather only by that i mean tooling, saddle leather.it wont work on other leas latigo holds it but eventually flakes off.could be your dye isnt holding it ?on bends best wet n lock in yer bend b4 you lac as th bending will stretch n crack lea and or lac shouldn't but can.thinning has its place but full coat is better ,try makin lace holes b4 lac or vice versa .
  15. an older than me leather bloke in dallas tx showed me a neat way to dye black. try on scrap,lacquer first th area to be blcknd.then paint black dye on [apply lol] let dry ov nite lightly buff gives a patent look with no residue eh !
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