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Everything posted by Fire88

  1. Welcome, I love hearing that your engaging your daughter and that y'all are learning together.
  2. Fire88


    Welcome, nice work on the quiver
  3. Thank you both I will keep a look out for those models
  4. Thank You both!!! I just ordered some, I knew I was doing something wrong as a newb and everyone here is great at helping each other at least from my short time here.
  5. Are there any older treadle or hand powered machines that can sew up to 30oz of leather? I predominately will use it for bags, belt straps and maybe the occasional holster.
  6. Thanks I thought the Bicks would do the trick as I've used it on my boots for years. I will need to pick up some neatsfoot oil then.
  7. I'm having some issues with my leather after dyeing it's becoming super stiff, I'm using fieblings pro dye and bag coat as my finish. I've used bicks leather conditioner after tooling but the leather is still stiff after dye and finish. It softens up after rolling it up and bending it around. Any help would be appreciated
  8. Looks good, Any inside pics?
  9. I love the look of both of these especially the dragon flesh all scared up. I hope you don't mind me borrowing the idea?
  10. very neat indeed
  11. Ive been thinking of doing something very similar, Good work
  12. Welcome fellow Ohioan
  13. Hello Brother, glad to see there are a few of us around here.
  14. Yes they do, I'm waiting to hear flack for my mask bag I just made. I'll make a blacked out shield anyways and leave a spot for our truck assignment patches.
  15. That is some awesome work, now if our chief would allow us to rock station/truck assignment shields
  16. Thats 40mins or so from me
  17. Thanks Bob I'm Northwest of Dayton and pass through your neck of the woods hauling equipment once in awhile. I'm sure I will be reaching out to you for a machine in the future.
  18. I'm a full time firefighter and haul heavy equipment on my days off. I used to be a carpenter and cabinet maker and still doable in it a bit. I got into leather working cause I didn't want to pay for a new radio strap and suspenders nor did I want to wait months to get them. Well what started as me doing personal stuff turned into me making straps for the guys I work with to help a brother who was in need. Now I've got bug an have been making some other things for fun.
  19. Nice work! Did you make the pattern for the radio pouch?
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