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Everything posted by Alisdair

  1. Hi guys, Do any of you have any experience on using linocut printing techniques on leatehr? I was wondering if I could use it on certain pieces where is want a larger logo, instead of imprinting with a brass stamp. If so, what inks do you use? any advice and limitations? Cheers, Alisdair
  2. Honestly, for the design that you've shown, I would have used the slightly flaky leather. Firstly, the flesh side is at least partially hidden, secondly, the compression from bending it into shape should keep the fuzz under control. I'm judging this from your photo...maybe in hand, the situation is slightly worse!
  3. Beautiful... I'm currently getting into plaiting, but have a long way to go still to get to that level. Is that kangaroo, or some other leather?
  4. The Osborne fid definitely feels much better!
  5. And some more...!
  6. Ron Edwards' books on Australian Leathercraft and Bushcraft are great: he describes how to make braided stockmans belts.
  7. It's not overly complicated, but time consuming... Took me a good 2 hours per tool.
  8. Hi Guys, here's my first attempt at braiding over a core. I did this just to learn the technique...the underlying handles were perfectly OK. The bigger one is a rounded chisel I use to cut corners, the second s a modelling spoon. 8 strands in both cases. The bigger one was relatively straightforward, once I'd worked out how to start. The smaller one, done with 3mm kangaroo was incredibly fiddly for my big paws!
  9. Exactly: trying to whack through several layers at once if you're going through more than 3.5 mm or so is a sure way to misalign holes, break your chisel, and all sorts of other disasters...
  10. I gave up on any of the traditional glue spreaders used in leathercraft when I discovered how brilliant oil painting palette knives are: they're like a small, flexible trowel: you can get very precise or very wide application. And they're easy to clean.
  11. I'd be super interested: I love playing around with different historical finishes...but like YinTx, I'd be interested in knowing some of your experiences.
  12. Hi guys, I'm looking for a few square feet of highland cow hide (with hair on) to make a sporran for a customer...I've seen there are a few places that sell whole hides, but I'm not looking for that much...any of you have knowledge of a decent source?
  13. How about using it for some fringing...?
  14. Interesting. I don't know how it's made, but my intuition says that by slowly rolling leather over a drum, you could get enough of on angle for a scanning laser to make the oblique cuts...
  15. ...I'd like too grab a bucket of popcorn and sit back to watch and laugh as this trade war unfolds. Unfortunately, these things have consequences, lives and livelihoods are at stake: things that are beyond the comprehension of the people doing the sabre rattling (on both sides).
  16. Hi Guys, Last week, I was very excited to receive a brogueing punch I had ordered over the Russian Livemaster site: https://www.livemaster.ru/item/30173867-materialy-dlya-tvorchestva-brogg-panch-brogue-punch-probonik- My Russian is almost non-existant, so it was nice to be able to exchange with Alex in English. Honestly, I'm very happy with the quality: the steel seems very good. The price is way better than similar models I've seen elsewhere. Anyway, here a few picks (my stitching's wonky, not particularly flattering) of my first attempts at making something with the punches.
  17. Nice job congratulations! Sporran making is my speciality, so it's nice to see I'm not alone on this forum!
  18. His Quarter-moon round knife is one of my go-to knives. I had to do the polishing myself...but it now holds an edge like no other!
  19. Is it veg-tanned or chrome-tanned? What sort of thickness?
  20. When I do dye jobs or airgun application of resolene, I spread trash bags on the table. I then let them dry...and then use them as...trash bags!
  21. 100% agreed on this: if I had to choose only one knife, I'd keep my Japanese leather knife. It's easy to sharpen and maintain, very precise, can skive well ...all in all, incredible value for money.
  22. I've never used silk, but I sometimes do some "fancy stitching" using different colours or stitches. Others also do appliqué patterns. Essentially, a lot of the basic techniques for fancy stitching are the same as for embroidery. On my pinterest board, I have some examples of the stitching I use. https://pin.it/nmgmi2q64nv42h
  23. The Swiss army leather goods are incredible quality. We see them on the markets all the time here in Geneva. I recently purchased a Swiss Army Saddler's clamp for 50 bucks...I haven't yet received it, but it looks pretty decent.
  24. I use a mixture of flaxseed/linseed oil + beeswax + turpentine.
  25. Mine should be to stop buying tools, but I know that's not going to happen!
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