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About chrisash

  • Birthday 11/19/1946

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  • Location
    Ormesby St Margaret, Norfolk. England
  • Interests
    Photography, Leatherwork 2 years

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  1. Do we really need this crap on the forum, yes everyone is entitled to their views but this is way over the top. makes you wonder what warped point of view he states in his sermons
  2. Dwight associated it with vegans, the op just asked a question and everyone just got on there high horses about basically nothing apart from leather should be used. funny nobody picked up on Linin thread and Poly threads both totally accepted by a massive majority of leather workers
  3. we are open to be called living in the past, if we don't open our minds to new products, We accept patent leather but close our minds on other modern inventions. Whilst "Leather" has been around for years, it has its place in history but is not the only material we can use. If people are only interested in working leather so be it, but others for many reasons look to use modern methods of making similar but not the same material. In England we had Luddites in the industrial revolution who objected to mechanisation, Some on here seem to have closed minds on modern alternatives, no one is insisting you use alternatives, just that they are there if you feel the urge to experiment, guess people feel the same about linin thread and modern poly threads
  4. Is the motor and machine earthed Is the power supply stable any flickering lights in the house/workshop If you know any electrician they could put a scope on the mains supply, if not maybe change to board as suggested contact your motor supplier
  5. Don't forget you need different size needles as well, though probably only a 2 or 3 sizes
  6. Not in EEC but Great Britain the College sewing is a good place to buy all sewing parts https://www.college-sewing.co.uk/catalogsearch/result/?q=v92 And this company for threads https://ptwinchester.co.uk/catalog/en-gb/sewing-thread/sewing-threads
  7. What did FedEx have to say when you made a claim and did the customer photo the damaged machine Get a quote from a professional company for the repair costs so they know what is involved
  8. I would use saddle soap first to clean it up and get rid of the dust etc then very thin layer of neat's-foot, do not overdo the neat's-foot as it will become a soggy mess, little with a few days between repeats
  9. Just a idea to improve the appearance would be to wet form veg tan to cover the top and sides down to the bristle area, this would just hide the wood and make it more attractive
  10. Think about it, if your in range to hit someone on the head or body, you are to dam close, a heavy walking stick would be a far better item, nobody states it must be wood
  11. Often wondered why obsolute needles cannot be hand made in limited quantities, i do realise its not worth the big machines running off a few hundred, but the last time I have seen SD28 needles for sale they were mighty expensive and that was years ago, and i have always wanted that machine as the simple mechanism seems fantastic in our complicated world
  12. Oh I would love a money belt, but have no use for it and no money to fit in it
  13. What are they used for, and please don't say Prying I am not a outdoors type person
  14. I would suggest sewing them on and dyeing the patches with leather dye to match as best you can. your local tandy store will have a selection of leather dye's
  15. Why do they still brand cattle, whilst in Europe they use Ear Pierced tags
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