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Everything posted by iwannabeacowboy

  1. Look around you'll find line drawings. http://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints/ . You do have to spend a little time but you'll find what your hunting. http://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints/motorcycles/harleydavidson/1244/view/harley-davidson_01/ charlie
  2. http://www.tippmannindustrial.com/index.php?cPath=22_25_44&osCsid=fa82f09574f0f58cdb5fbfca07488a3a charlie
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/VINTAGE-CRAFTOOL-3D-STAMP-8373-FIRE-DEPTARTMENT-NEW-/400117614305?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5d28de46e1 might not be what your looking for. charlie
  4. Nice pattern and tooling looks pretty good. At first glance of the tooled picture with the button stud it looks like a big leather door. charlie
  5. It looks to me a little like the old time doctors bag. You might find something similar in the Tandy Motorcycle pattern pack. charlie
  6. Backgrounders and Mattings I've got down pretty good. It's the Bargrounders that are still a pain in the rear to keep it looking even. charlie
  7. Also make sure you clean or use deglazer prior to adding your finish. charlie Edit- mulit coat with thin even applications of bag coat.
  8. Another work of art. Very nice design and construction. One question, is there any benefit to the offset ring binder. Easier to assemble or fold easier, stronger? I like your finished product. Tooling outstanding and the Lace color adds to it. charlie
  9. You carry a lot of stuff. Wife says the models showing the women's S/S Polo shirts should trim their beards. http://www.rmbbladescustomleather.com/index.php?cPath=25_40 Good luck with your new site. We look forward to seeing your leather work on there. charlie
  10. I only made 2 black belts with Fiebings black oil dye, and had to buff and rub the living hell out of them to get the surface looking good and until the black stopped rubbing off. Also some will say dye the object dark brown or blue for a more true black. Again rub and buff and buff until no more color comes off. But I hope someone with more knowledge will jump in. charlie
  11. Tall guy 6' 7" shaved head, worked with him in a factory. Whoops wrong moose. charlie
  12. Looks like a lot of work. They came out pretty nice. Now all he needs is a horn that Moo's. http://soundbible.com/215-Cow-Mooing.html charlie
  13. Don't know if this helps at all. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plains_Indian_Sign_Language charlie
  14. You did a nice job with the stamping. I recently tried this stamp on some scrap, and found out I had to mark the stamp to get it to line up. You can really tell if you turn it 90 deg's with the Tandy stamp. Color looks nice also. Is the rivet for show or strength? charlie
  15. 1 - 10 of about 75,600 for Conchos this is what comcast search showed. Google showed 1 - 10 of about 354,000,000 for google Yes you can find them all over with prices all over also. charlie
  16. Well I really dread this again. I had left shoulder surgery on Aug. 13th 2009, and the 2nd surgery on left shoulder Nov. 19th. Now I just found out I go in on May 3rd for surgery on my right shoulder. It's hard to get better at the things I make when I can't spend more than 10-15 minutes at a time in the workroom. This is all a result of falling down a flight of stairs 6 years ago. Oh well, I guess I can still plan on things to make when I recover again. charlie
  17. Why not line the back to hide the metal.You can use just about anything to keep the rivet backs off your clothes. charlie
  18. I know it's been awhile but you might check out STLeather filigree punches http://stleather.com/2008-P11.html #14 & 15 charlie
  19. They look very good. Nice colors, basket weave looks like I want mine to look. Customer should be happy. charlie
  20. Why are pricking irons so expensive? Also wonder why there aren't more makers. charlie
  21. the picture opens way big, can't really see the detail. charlie
  22. Do you have a lockwasher on the bolt that tightens the blade? if so it might be pulling the blade when tightened.
  23. They look really nice. Finish & the edges gets 2 thumbs up! What is the post on the sheath used for? charlie
  24. You've come to the right place. There are people here from all walks of life, and country's. There is a lot one can learn throughout the forum. I still spend time reading the older posts for tips and tricks of the trade. Ideas and instructions you might not find anywhere else. It's nice to have a place you can ask questions, seek advice or post your pictures, and have friendly people to talk to. charlie
  25. For your 1st sheath, it came out very nice. Construction looks good and strong. Your right the ring size looks like it was made for it. When stamping something that's going to be wet formed, you will lose some detail in your stamping. I would have made the basketweeve a little deeper for my taste. What color thread did you use? charlie
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