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Everything posted by AndyL1

  1. Love these! Very nice work. Color, shape, hardware all spot on. Did you make a wooden form for the molding?
  2. That's the idea for these. They aren't made specifically for being attached to a wallet. I find they still work quite well. Just have to drill a hole for a rivet and away ya go!
  3. Thanks! Awww man! My secret is out! Although I don't get them from eBay, that is a good price on there for them. Very nice quality I think. Way better than the ones from OTB (sorry folks) and Tandy. Andy
  4. Here's mine... got them made by Grey Ghost. Love 'em!
  5. A fan of my Facebook page shared this with me and I thought it was very interesting. Beautiful work from the middle east 800 or so years ago. The story: https://www.facebook...6&type=1&ref=nf The wallet: Andy
  6. Thanks! Have a look at this one. Just finished it yesterday. Two bags, two monograms.
  7. Hey all, I whipped up this cool little monogram yesterday. It's going to be stitched down onto the back of a new bag in the works (more on that when I'm done too). Anyway hope you guys like it! Andy
  8. On the bottom there the straps would be sandwiched between the front panel and the bottom gusset. Then the stitch comes along and sews them all together.
  9. Where did you order from? Just curious as I've been wanting to get a side of this too. Thanks, Andy
  10. Nice! Your lines are so clean and I love the simple swivel knife design.
  11. Hi all, I had a recent commission request to make a bag similar to the one in the attached photo. I generally use firmer veg tan for my cases so I don't know what weight/ type of leather this one is. To me it looks like maybe a 3-4oz veg tan that is fairly soft and bendy. He wants it undyed so it will gain its own patina. Any ideas what leather it is and a link to purchase? Thanks in advance for any help. Cheers, Andy
  12. Nice one! Clean and classy. What's the inside look like?
  13. Does this work with line 20 and 24 snaps? The price is attractive but unless I'm reading it wrong I don't see where it says what size snaps the dies are for... I'm getting fairly frustrated setting snaps lately too. The posts keep bending on me even if I take my time and tap slow and light.
  14. Hey all, I finally got around to taking some new pics of my insanely popular card wallet with money clip (I REALLY need to give this thing a good, proper name!) Anyway, just showing off! lol! 4/5 oz veggie, waxed nylon thread, saddle stitched. Cheers, Andy
  15. I'd be up for it but I don't work in thin leather such as this. Looks like a nice wallet design though. I wouldn't worry about a copyright on the structure of the wallet, it's not so unique that I haven't seen it a dozen times before. Cheers, Andy
  16. So I got a rather unusual request recently. A wife needed a wallet for her husband whom frequently has to take his wedding ring off while working so as to not damage it. She asked me to come up with a way to have his ring attach to the wallet. So, this was what I came up with. At first I was thinking of making a wet-formed slip pocket but I thought it would be hard to get the ring out. I think this strap works great, looks good, and shows off the ring too. I'm thinking there are lots of guys out there that need to take their rings off on occasion so I'm going to add it as an option to my card wallets. Cheers, Andy
  17. Meh. I keed, I keed!!!! Lol! That is so cool, love the art, the colors, and most of all the execution. Stunning! Andy
  18. HAHA! Keep it a secret will ya? ;-)
  19. Sometimes I use the Priority mail envelopes from the USPS. Cut them down two sides and you have one big sheet and the best part is... They're FREE!
  20. Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll find all the answers to any of your questions on here. There's a lot of amazing artists in this bunch and always happy to help. Be sure to browse through the Historical Reenactment section as there are a lot of ideas and info in there for you. Cheers, Andy
  21. I agree with all of the above. Very cool! I'm curious how you did this too. Andy
  22. I think overall it's not too bad but there are lots of places for improvement. So, since you're asking: 1. I can see why you chose the thinner leather as it has been sewn with the grain sides together and then flipped inside out. Heavier leather would require a different construction method. Not saying the way you did it was wrong, just a heads up. 2. Mind your cuts on the pieces... The flap edge is not smooth and looks a bit choppy. I would stitch around the edge of the flap too for a finished look. 3. The buckle tab is too close to the bottom edge, maybe make it shorter or move it up? 4. Dye or line the inside so it doesn't look messy. I wouldn't scrap this one though, keep it to remember your steps for the next one. Love the hands in white! Nice graphic element. This would look cool with white stitching to tie-in with the white hands. Cheers, Andy
  23. AndyL1

    Custom Boxes

    Uline is pretty good. I order my shipping supplies and some shop stuff from them. I've been looking into using the pillow boxes for sending out my wallets. To get a custom box made in a particular size/shape is fairly expensive. You'd have to pay for a custom die and have a minimum quantity before it's worth it.
  24. Thanks for sharing a little secret! I looked that stuff up and yes, VERY expensive! Seems like a good time/lung saver though... might have to shop around. Video=shared! ;-) Andy
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