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Everything posted by Ragingstallion

  1. I am usually pretty good at this kind of thing, however I am having a hard time figuring out which one of the following is the correct spelling. Is it: A: Leatherworks B: Leather works or C: Leather-works Thank you for your help.
  2. awesome design, even though the paint wont last as long as the holster, will still be sporty for the rest of your life.
  3. Thanks, but do you have a link to his etsy shop?
  4. I have been doing leather working for roughly a year now, and have had a few commissions, and I have a few in line now. I have already had my logo created by a professional artist, with the intent of having it made into a makers stamp. So far, my research is limited as I do not have hardly any access to the internet unless I am at the office. I tried Buckeye, and they have not responded back after some more details on what I want. I found a local shop that I visited this morning and the price he gave me (also while telling me they may not be able to get as much detail as I would like) a price that about gave me a heart attack.... $265. I am looking for a recommendation on a company to get my logo, which is my icon here...created. Appreciate any and all help.
  5. Hey, that is looking great. I look forward to seeing it complete and in use.
  6. How much did they charge you for your stamps?
  7. Looks great I also express concern for long term use on the handle. I would think that putting less flat between the curved handle to where it attaches would make it stronger for long term if you did not use anything to re-enforce it. the only other thing I am curious on is how low it sits on the cup itself, if it will give it an angle over time and use.
  8. I would agree, you do need practice, but we all do in areas. overall not bad, and as long as you are learning from your mistakes, then your next one will be even better, and the one after that loads better than your first. just keep at it, and you will be happier with your results each time.
  9. when doing wet form, dying is always my last job. but I usually do dying last on any project minus stitching (in case I want to get the inside of a project) and slicking the edges. as for stamping, I have never tried stamping or tooling a project I planned on wet forming, as I fear that same problem you are having.
  10. that looks awesome, and if you do start selling, that is a vary fair price. I, like the others posted before me, would take you up on one of those.
  11. Beautiful job, thanks for sharing, gives me a few ideas to try.
  12. thanks for the response. I did not really think to print out the different sizes to see which would look best. as for the placement, yes, I would be hiding it somewhere. I do not see myself trying to incorporate my logo into a design, mostly if it is a custom order. but the logo would still be there so they could always find it.
  13. My guess, is that they are nailed or stapled to the underside of the seat. that is usually how an upholsters' attack leather/fabric to wood
  14. we all start out rough! no one in their field is a master, and you will always be your worst critic. You have already taken the most important step and that is to try. keep working on it, the more you practice, the better you will become. Remember to look through the forum posts, and get some ideas on how you can improve your work, and continue doing what you love...if you love doing leather work that is.
  15. So, I have had a logo made up for a little while, and it is time to get a stamp made of it. I am thinking of going with LW leathers, as it is a good price. Do you have any recommendations for an other place to order a custom stamp? what size should I decide on? there are several sizes you can get and I am not sure which one would be to small. and...should I just get the image as a stamp? or should I order it with my business name as well?
  16. holy hell....wow...just amazing work with the clean carving and coloring. I would love to learn how to color my leather like you do.
  17. thank you. and yes, having these problems is a pain in the ass, however, even doing it a little at a time, you can still enjoy it and get the job done.
  18. good lighting and background placement usually make it. some like to set up a sheet and some lights to highlight the details. If it is equipment meant for outside, such as archery stuff, best to take some pictures outside with natural light. You can never take to many pictures and angles, and then choose your best after your done. I guarantee you that no one that posts to sell their stuff takes just one picture, or even 5 minimum.
  19. Beautiful work. hope to be able to make boots like that some day
  20. That is a bit of work for all those studs. I know some of those pyramid studs have 2 prongs, some 4, I don't see many screw backs. either way, looks good.
  21. I have been browsing through the patterns and templates section, and seems to be more questions than how to posts. Maybe splitting up this for easier browsing/searching for those to post what they want, and for those who are posting templates and patterns.
  22. You do not give enough props to yourself. however that is not a bad thing, that just means that you want to get better. In leather working, there never seems to be a perfect piece. we can always do better in our own work, but do not compare your work to others. only realize your mistakes and learn from them, just like with life. Keep up the work, a lot of us are self taught, I am myself. never give up if it gives you joy doing it. look forward to seeing more of your work.
  23. I usually use a scratch awl first, but when I want to cut large strips I use a contractors square, and with that, I added double sided tape, it sticks but does not mark the leather.
  24. Welcome to the forum, I am still new here as well. even though they do not always pull out the details in your work, camera phone will work to give others an idea. luckily digital cameras are a lot cheaper now as well. look forward to seeing your work.
  25. Welcome to the forum, hope you get the help you need here, great place for information
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