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Everything posted by rhall

  1. I put a over oiled Map Case in Fullers Earth...That the principle ingredient in Cat Litter,Driveway Absorbent from the auto parts stores in large bags it's cost effective,took a couple of weeks to absorb the oil.I kept stiring it around the bag.
  2. Thanks Jim ,Carlton is duing what he loves the best, It means so much that Most folks beleave in what troops are doing...But as he is fighting to give the Afgan people a chance,I am so afraid that we are loosing Our Demacratic Republic here in washington.Have you been monitoring this mess they are calling astimulis package? What a bunch of Pork,these people are nuts!
  3. This is a great site but I did not reply because I am not familier with that style!Go to EPSaddlery .com and see if the "Tom Threepersons" design is close....Let us know if that is something you would like?
  4. Speaking of Pommel bags..There are excellant examples in Rattenbarys book "Packing Iron".I have used this book to the point of wearing out the binding.I req this book to anyone doing Western or period leather.
  5. Good looking gear..I really like the slim line mag pouch,the way you rolled the single piece of leather up to make the back!
  6. Sorry about your lose, I hope your using those tools will give you some comfort and maybe allow you to be able to appriciate the leather and art that all of us enjoy so much.Welcome to the Greatest Site around.
  7. I an't no pro FPotter but I like what I see an I can tell Quality...Man you guys make me feel so Insignificant!I should live long enough to learn that craftmanship.
  8. Good work Tom I've got afriend still doing that work ,I think I'll try one and send it to him,I keep tellin him he's gettintoo old for that highwire stuff...I can't repeat what he say's back.So I say" Wisdom generaly comes with age...But sometimes age arrives alone"!!
  9. It is an amazing world we live in ,That is a great photo to share,he seems so at pease with himself,sometimes I feel that same kind of fealing wash over me as I toil away in what my wife calls the" Laboratory'"I think I feel older though!LOL .Thanks for sharin ...it dos'nt take much to mske this old fool happy.
  10. Hey gang ,I just got home and a package was here from Jim Boots ..The coolest set of cell phone holsters i've ever seen! I mean real miniture holsters to hold cell phones!! What agreat idea.I am going to send them to my Grand Daugters aged !5.5 & 13 yrs.I bet there will not be any like them anywhere around Camp Lajune NC.Their Dad's deployed in Afganastan ,teaching field wound care to the friendlies.I try to give them a little extra care during these deployements.Thanks Jim these are Just great! I took pictures of them But am still trying to figure out how to post them!I am such alooser when it comes to these things.Thanks again everyone.My PIF is almost completed so hang on Joe it's comin!
  11. Art I have been told that you are The Man when it comes to Machines.I live in UpperMarlboro and find myself in need of amachine to sew leather shooting equipment.That would be maybe 3 through 9/10 oz.I have been hand sewing for years,but my hands are getting worse.I do appriciate your knowledge and advice.
  12. Lovely work the shooters of black powder would call them possible bags,you can make them with fringes to be period correct.Every thing Tina makes is fantastic!!
  13. Joanna I am overwelmed by your story and generosity,Thanks so much for what you do! As I am new here and just learning to use this forum,I feel like I have got such along way to go...With folks like you and the others holding up that Lantern I may just be able to get there!Thanks again, forgive my mistakes and " keep building that amazing Life story"
  14. There is aproduct called "Kano-Kroil",It is a creaping Light Lube,I use it to clean Firearms, but I suspect a liberal app on those moving parts would start to loosen them up.Midway sells it.www.midwayusa.com
  15. I don't think they are close enough to work well.the aluminum prop guns are closer to the right size,I use one for Single Action Army revolvers.I think I paid about 5.00 for that one.
  16. Looks good edges could use a little work but overall good!it's only your second project?you will do fine I can see that for sure!
  17. rhall


    I do not think anyone will say that this is a great forum with a lot of help ful talented people so Wlcome! the only dum Q is the one you didn't ask.
  18. Bree Great work...As I am looking for a machine,How do you like the 4000?Everything I've done has been by hand and My Auther Rightass is getting worse!So I have to make a choice sometime in the near future.I have been checking out your work and can tell you know what your doing.Thanks in advance
  19. Ryan several Reloading Equipment MFG's make a universal chuck head that holds any Caliber Cartridge case.Mine is a Lyman and the trimmer will cut them down perfectly...I powered mine to speed things up.
  20. Tina that is a great holster...Can I send you some hides , I mean canvas to practice on...You really should practice more..Maybe on a couple cutouts for my new tuned Smokewagons?LOL..Girl you Rock!
  21. Sounds like you are down the skin near the belly ,that will act like you describe, in your post.How can i get in touch with W&C?
  22. Sweet That looks Great! You haven't lost a step,nice hardware in that leather poke too!Welcome Home!!
  23. Slick do you use a pattern? I want to make a set ,period 1870-1890 working CB, a little plainer style i guess.It would be my first attempt at that...I don't know if I should try to Wing-it or not?Feedback anyone?
  24. Great work I wonder what that Toro costs? This guys got knak ..Big Time.
  25. Wow, you folks make me feel sooo far behind the curve,Just great work!
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