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Everything posted by rhall

  1. Leftie's Just Reverse cut the Pattern for the Right handed rig!
  2. Thanks Joanna your the best! I just got off the phone W/Steve and I have taken the Plunge...Ordered the class 4 Cobra,3-4 week delivery, but am happy that I made the Jump,My hands will be even happier I think LOL!Art will be happy as well because I won't be bothering him with Questions Thanks Everyone for the thoughtful help!
  3. I use a Wall mtd Garage vac, was less than 100 and has a long hose that reaches everywhear in the shop...Takes up no floor space and the hopper is larger than the Gal size!
  4. Excellant first timer ,You are gonna do fine and improvements will come rapidly and naturally with every endever!
  5. Nice work Looks great.Please tell us more about the bladesmith as well!
  6. Nice work Badger I Liked that show as well! I have Lever guns in .45LC and .44-40 both are great fun to shoot,if they were not so damn exspensive I would cut one down LOL.Did y0u see the post by our Cananadian neighbor...God Bless America,Please let your elected reps know how important your 2nd Amendments rights are to You!
  7. Check your PM's
  8. Check your PM's for that info
  9. WOW..I would love to be able to carve like that!
  10. Uri It's great to hear from you and I would very much like an authentic sling! I just purchased a new DPMS A-15 Carbine so I would be Interested in a Ground Pounder (infantry,Marine)that went into to Palestine in the last action you were forced to take.
  11. Sweet You guys always inspire me!
  12. Sorry I messed up the first picture Iv sent
  13. Nice work Tom ,I have a problem with mine getting crushed/damaged, so I made one lined with Deer Hide then folded in a piece of brass shim stock and covered the outside in 6/7 oz veg tanned.no more damage sustained and made a few for folks with the same issues!
  14. I also use one loop per cartridge but I use four stitches between each loop a lot of needle work but I like the final product!
  15. Looks good ..Simple,Functional and good color!
  16. Sorry RVM45, I did post a rep strait away..I thought it would be helpful.I use Brass or SS shim stock that I purchase from Mcmaster-Carr in NJ.It can be tuff to work with and it requires lining the holster as well.I do not have one on hand to photo or I would try a picture!
  17. Its like riding a bike! Welcome to the foram!!
  18. Warren that is very fine work!Packing Iron is my Second bible for sure,I only have one Tip...When sewing on your billet,refrain from sewing across that strap,as it weakens the strap.Sew parallel to edges and around the end only, that way you have maximum strength at that critical point! Otherwise a wonderful recreation of the classic money belt!
  19. Wecome Marietje this is a good place to learn and find the things you need to develope your skills!
  20. See if you can Find Al Stolmans book on making cases it will give you a good tutorial onthe basics of that work!
  21. Nice work Bronson,Clean..Sevicable!Q where did you get the clean side S&W?
  22. This man is a Socialist, That is a Fact.He was never vetted by the media and they did not serve us well!Now my Grandchildren will never be able to pay off the Bills!
  23. Thanks Art I always look to you as avoice of reason...So I am still looking for that machine! Thanks again!
  24. You did nothing wrong..I basically did the same using my drill press with a hole saw to cut the rounds, then mounted three pieces on the buffer shaft ,after putting some wood glue on the inside surfaces and tightened the shaft nut to compress them together.Turned on the buffer and cut grooves with a rattail file.I used Red Oak,it works fine! the RO board was a few bucks.
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