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Everything posted by MikeRock

  1. Dwight, this is the best photo I could find. I will be using my SAA, or a repro by Uberti. My original is pretty work and only the 5" bbl. I have the 7.5" Uberti Cattleman coming. Went to your site, or tried, got a 404 error.
  2. Hi all, I am trying to find a pattern for the holster that Ella, played by Olivia Wilde, wore in the Sci Fi movie, Cowboys and Aliens. It is a cross draw, integral with the belt. God bless, and Thanks Mike
  3. Yin, I didn't see any posts below this original one. If the Stohlman Holster Book is available I'd sure like it. God bless Mike Rock
  4. I wonder if you could use the plastic like on horse collar pads? That sure helps heal sores. And it helps prevent them in the first place.
  5. Nicely done, good idea. I have a question, how readily do the pencils/pens come out? It looks like there's interference in either direction? Or is that just an optical delusion?? Cool Buick..man......
  6. I like the curve in human belts, it matches the cone shape of the body above the hips. In harnesses for horses, the strain takes the curve out eventually......so does the sweat help too.
  7. I had a farming accident several years back and when they were done stitching me up I asked for the cautery. He gave me half a dozen........no issue with contamination on the working end!! They are the same darned tool, relabled.
  8. If you have doctor type friends, especially Emergency Room types, ask them for their used CAUTERIES. That is the medical thread zapper used to cauterize/heat seal small arteries and bleeding stuff. If you are in a city with a busy ER you will get a dozen or more a night.
  9. Noob........I like that idea!! A whole host of cowboy heroes over the years..... Noob........I like that idea!! A whole host of cowboy heroes over the years.....
  10. Cool thing is you can remove the vertical arm by just loosening one lock nut and backing out the pointy screw. Downside is the top is springy for mallet work unless you lower it all the way and have stacks of old magazines under the table to help absorb shock. Been there, computer is sitting on it as I type. Good deal on that table and drafting unit. Mine is a K&E from 1969.
  11. This will show the way.... http://www.cowboyway.com/What/WhatAreChinks.htm https://www.americancowboy.com/people/types-chaps-28214
  12. Hilldale, and others, Eons ago in the mid-1950's, in Boy Scouts, we had a great craftsman scoutmaster. He had us making leather stamps out of large wood spikes and carriage bolts. We'd use his hoard of metal files and some punches and chisels to make a basic form, then refine it. Stamping leather, the soft spikes were plenty hard and gave us a start on a fascinating hobby. On some of his tools, then some of ours, he'd use cyanide to harden them, then later Kasenit. He'd help touch up little features, was a wizard with a file. I still have some of those tools upstairs.... I believe there is an article on his work in an old issue of Boy's Life magazine.
  13. Keith Palmer out of South Dakota is considered the expert on that machine! glenn Thank you for that one. Mike
  14. Eli at Landis Machine Co in Ill. phone 217-543-3464 GREAT service!!!! God bless.
  15. tear a 1/2" wide strip of duct tape and wrap it around the top of your draw gage blade...... blood proofing..... Don't ask ;(((
  16. Looking good! Did you get flooding? God bless. Mike Rock.
  17. I am trying to find a copy of this book. Does ANYONE know how to get one? God bless Mike
  18. Is the splitter sold or available?
  19. Kolby, Drop me a note at <mikerock@mhtc.net> please. God bless. Mike Sorry, not Kolby, but Earthegoat...... Mike
  20. Fordsmtack, THANK YOU for that site! Years ago I had a bunch of steel rule dies from Freeman Shoe in Beloit, WI. Used the stock to make other stuff, like blinker dies. There is actually a shop in South Beloit, IL that makes steel rule dies yet today. God bless.
  21. Do you want to sell? I wrote a PM...... God bless
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