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About Squid61

  • Birthday 04/30/1944

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  • Interests
    All leathercraft.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Accessories and artistic; strictly hand crafted, don't have and can't afford machinery.
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    I'm sure to have questions about a variety of topics.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    online search

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  1. Sadly, I allowed myself to get sucked into this thread but as a result I have been evaluating the forum's value to me. I don't have any leather working machines or fancy/expensive tools which eliminates 70% to 80% of the forum content. When a thread is posted that I can relate to I find I already knew and practiced what was being discussed so not much value there. I think it's time to move on, no loss to the forum since I'm not a paying subscriber for the reasons stated. For those to whom the forum is relevant it's invaluable, don't screw it up.
  2. When I grew up in the 50's there was a commonly used slang term, some very derogetory, for every religion, race, gender and national origin. Since commuication was mostly face to face they were used with a smile and as a rule not maliciously. Now that true identities can be easily hidden and much interaction is virtual it seems anything goes.
  3. Squid61

    Lacing Fid

    A fid is used to do things in lacing, splicing and knotting that your fingers can't do. Splicing and knotting fids are usually tapered round tool, marlinspike for example, with fairly blunt tips. Lacing fids should be tapered flat tools with polished smooth edges and a blunt tip. The idea is to insert the fid under the lacing not to cut or punch holes in anything. Holes should be prepunched using either a round or flat punch not a fid. I don't believe a diamond punch is appropriate for lacing.
  4. I don't respond to many posts because I'm a simple end of the kitchen table crafter and most of the threads are about machines and hardware I can't even hope to own. Unfortunately the few members who post in my interest area have gotten too political of late and while I have not officialy ignored anyone I do avoid their threads if there is a hint of politics. I think ignore buttons are too aggresive for what may be heat of the moment posts, we all need to take a deep breath and calm down.
  5. Make it as smooth and shiney as you think it should be or you will never be happy with it. I use a $3 WallyWorld hammer that is just as sold, never caused an issue with the leather. I'm probably the most destructive thing in my " shop" (one end of the kitchen table) not my economy tools.
  6. My old ice pick, you know the kind with the wooden handle missing most of the old red paint, has a 5 inch spike. I think I'd have to cut it down to be useful.
  7. I too have a hardware store scratch awl, I wasn't happy with the thickness near the point so I took a stone and wet or dry sandpaper to it. Works fine for marking lines, not so good for tracing thinner patterns since it tends to ride up on the pattern. Next time I'm around Tandy's I'll probably replace it.
  8. I use diamond punches and awls for stitching and flat punches for lacing. Drills and hole punches leave holes that never close up, makes the stitching look like a summer camp project. I'd like to use pricking irons but decent irons are over my budget.
  9. I often backstitch 2 holes and bring the ends out between the 2 leather pieces on the second hole. Once the 2 ends are hanging out I tie them off tightly with a square knot, the knot pulls into the seam and is not visible.
  10. Later the day of the post YT crashed on me too. The issue I had was that I could not sign in so my subscriptions were gone, the left margin menu completely disappeared. All clear by late night.
  11. Odd, not seeing any of that! Looks normal to me this morning.
  12. Stubborn old fart that I am, I usually have 50's and earlier on including classic Country, mainly 40's blues and jazz.
  13. Most likely melted packing grease, these are coated heavily to prevent rust in storage/shipping. I don't and won't own one but some folks here have made them "work".
  14. Or, you could punch, or glue and punch, a managable thickness then glue the remaining piece(s) and punch them with your awl.
  15. Not a stupid question at all. I used to pierce once but occasionaly had issues with the thread coming loose or bunching up making it hard to pull through. I now pierce twice so the thread forms a sort of S on the needle, seems to work better and pull through more smoothly.
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