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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. lol that's pyrography for you it has many names and many ways to do it.
  2. dang that's to bad. we got about a half eclipse here but it was cloudy also so I didn't look very long.
  3. I've also made flat leads from that type of rope by pulling out the core and running a zigzag stitch down them to make them stay flat. if you went this route then stamping and applying a flat leather handle would be easy also. I just don't see an easy answer to this question on a round handle that tight. Good luck!!
  4. get rid of the rope , it looks cheap, use good leather make a flat strap lead and all your problems go away. plus it looks like a quality product.
  5. thank you!! i took the lens out of my welding helmet and used it on my camera to take pics of the last one.
  6. have it matted and framed by a pro in a shadow box type frame so the glass doesn't touch the leather, Don't hang it where the sun will ruin it.
  7. oh well Teknolagee is over rated!! Been doin good here its almost springtime Good to hear from you, I hope everything else is working. remember you can have bread and water or tea and toast its all up to you lol.
  8. Fred flintstones hard hat!!! What a cool find! does it fit?
  9. lol as long as the roads are open to get the mail here in town they deliver it. Last year the interstate was closed about 80 days this year only two or three. They use these small jeep looking trucks and put on snow chains when needed.
  10. my edit button was lost also, about the time you folks gave me and Frodo the CFM thing under our names that no one else seems to have. Hope that helps to solve this riddle it was long time ago.
  11. Thanks!! You all got a well deserved break from my BS.
  12. i got a my pioneer license this year so free fish, birds and small game, that's as close to winning a lottery as i'll ever get, I couldn't be better lol.
  13. happy Easter to you as well it was wonderful day.
  14. nope I was not banned and I wasted six bucks last week on that lottery to no avail. I wont discuss the reasoning of my absence any further. I hope you all have been well and really really appreciate the concern, it does mean a lot to me. God bless!! Chuck
  15. you have it you just have to figure out how to use it. I had an old driller out in the oil field tell me one time, "Fire ball"( my nick name because I was always running. ), "Fireball" he said "your working faster than you can think". Truer words were never spoken in my case.
  16. Just think how hard it would be with out hands. God gave us everything we need to succeed even patience.
  17. Awesome idea my daughter would love that, she uses an old basket that is to big and bulky.
  18. i make the smaller ones out of cans better suited for carrying they are quite fun to play with and use but not nearly as hardy. I like your recipe, i have a bag of cotton balls stuffed with Vaseline in my pack.
  19. its round, its purple, its knda cool lookin. My guess is a thingy to hold you stocking hat and gloves when you take em off in the store. At least I'll get three out of four lol.
  20. dont use an ink pen if the paper tears you will have a nice ink line to follow. I use a stylus to trace. you can also buy craft aids from Tandy for pre made designs.
  21. They did, they also used some oils depending on the use of the leather. Oils make your leather soft so you use them as you want your leather to become. I would tend to think saddle makers didn't want a lot of softness but more long term water resistance so didn't use much. Other old recipes I've seen have had added oils. Do you feel like you've walked around the Grand canyon and just got back to the parking lot lol.
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