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Everything posted by Bennyleather

  1. I disagree; DLS is great for the hobbyist who want to try different leather for smaller projects. The quality is the leather is more important than the lack of consistent stock imo. RML is also good though.
  2. You dun scared 'im away! lol!!!
  3. Wow That's lot of orders to keep track of! Thanks, I'll give them a look.
  4. Would you be willing to share the name of the competitor?
  5. Fair enough, lol! Some thing like business generally stays pretty stable, but there are more plastic aspects about it as well, i.e. the amount of supply vs. amount of demand. The issue I have with buying in bulk is space. I am going to graduate from college in just over a week and space/money is something I don't have a lot of right now, so for me it would be more wise to refrain from purchasing anything rather than buy in bulk to decrease the effect of high postage costs. And that's what I did -- I refrained from purchasing the buckle. I wanted the buckle for a watchband I will be making for my uncles watch (it had a metal bracelet but the clasp broke, so he commissioned me ), but it looks like I may have to wait, or commission my brother to make me a buckle... hmmm, *ideas forming beep boop beep* Again, thanks all for the input, most appreciated. Benny
  6. LoL, I didn't think of that. Personally, I would prefer to pay a bit more for the product than 6x the amount of the item in shipping charges, but that's personal preference. Thanks for the insight and context, I appreciate it. I meant no offence, business is not something I am at all knowledgeable about. Benny.
  7. So I was looking to get a watch buckle from this vendor, and prices weren't bad...until I looked at shipping. $7.50 shipping for a $0.56 item?! Outrageous! I can understand maybe $0.25 for postage, but $7.50?! Has anyone else noticed the higher-than-average shipping? Note that I have not ordered anything from here yet. Does anyone have better alternatives to buckleguy.com concerning small purchases with smaller shipping charges? Thanks in advance! Benny
  8. Cool! I've only sold one piece, underpriced at that, but I've given several key fobs to family too.
  9. Ha why didn't I think of that? Lol
  10. Where would one find a conveyor belt installation company?
  11. Does anyone here have experience in the Avon, Ohio area concerning granite companies?
  12. Have a look at District Leather Supply, they have quite the selection, and it changes fairly often. They have some tools and hardware as well, but the leather is generally in small sizes (4x18, 8x18 inches and some 12x24 inches), with a few whole hides. I am only a hobbyist so I only need the small pieces and have yet to try straight veg tan other than Conceria Walpier Buttero at 3.5-4 oz., which is a dream to burnish and cut.
  13. I have checked them out several times online, and though it would definitely be easier and simpler, I want to make my own head/round knife eventually, probably from an old circular saw blade without the carbide teeth. That project probably won't start for another year though.
  14. Thank you! Good luck in college, and don't let it drag you down!
  15. It really is a magnificent piece!
  16. That's interesting...I'll keep the feather in mind. The Suede is a little too soft-tempered for a wallet or phone case I think. Very flexible. I thought maybe a multi-layered key fob. I'll keep all these mind though, thanks! Benny
  17. Ok, I'm open to that idea; I do want to make another coin pouch. Any other ideas though?
  18. I have a piece of suede 4x18 inches and don't really know what to use it for. I don't have a splitter, so that's out of the question. Any ideas? Thanks, Benny
  19. Sweet! I didn't figure on having so many Ohioans here! I do key fobs as well, whether decoratory or useful, but I mostly just dabble and experiment.
  20. Nice. I've never made a handle myself, but I plan on making a head knife eventually and it will need a handle.
  21. Nice! Did you already have the handle lying around or did you turn it?
  22. Yeah, I saw the vid with the needle as well; I would not have been satisfied with that level of workmanship lol, but to each his own. I agree, one does not need an expensive awl, it's just a matter of preference. Thanks for the input! Benny
  23. How'd the burnishing go?
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