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Everything posted by Simplejack1985

  1. I spend an hour shinning my jump boots once a year or so. My wildland 2004 whites smoke jumper boots get cleaned with saddle soap and some huberds shoe grease every spring. Every fall my 1987 mountain ski boots get the same treatment. Alaska is not a one season type of boot. I'll oil my gun belt about every other year if I remember.
  2. Nice. I'm gonna carve the mountain scene with a ram if I ever do it again
  3. Dang that's alot of repetitions at the same thing. Good luck stay motivated or it might get painful
  4. Thank you. And I look forward to seeing yours Thank you and just keep making things and stuff daily if you can. I still think I suck Thank you. I'm carving the wife a gun belt right now. Another member is sending me some bad a$$ carving patterns due to my inability to draw. One thing I sadly will never get down.
  5. I took black and reduced it to grey for a carving I did with airborne wings. Not sure if this helps or not
  6. I just went back to analog banking. I'm gonna make a check book with italian bridle and line it with a bandanna
  7. Thank you everybody. I feel I have learned alot from this forum.
  8. Finally finished the dang thing. I used water based antique gel so I will need to pickup a can of saddle lac.
  9. From the tandy rifle case pack. Not sure wth I'm gonna do with it when I'm finished. Had 4 different carving patterns in the pack. Still have alot of work left its back in the black trashbag casing again until I wake up.
  10. Tandy rifle case pattern has 4 different patterns
  11. He will clip some piece off the duck. Attach it to the paper. Write a narrative about the bird and the hunt. I don't hunt duck just big game.
  12. Working on this. Waiting for oil to even put fully before I decide to re coat
  13. Always nice to know im not the only one that jumps out of a perfectly good airplane wearing 150 pounds of nonsense.
  14. Thank you all and 5/6oz. George hurst pattern leathercraft library ball cap. Figured I'd work on my blue painters tape pattern game. Before it do some converse for the wife. I just wish I could actually draw.
  15. Gotta finish stitching it tomorrow.
  16. I feel you. Every time I get leather I wanna cry. I only get 3 or so sides or hermann-oak-leather and same with some dublin or similar. Nice things are alot of coin on this hobby.
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