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Everything posted by Frodo

  1. Could not find the like button so here
  2. Well now you have me more curious than a cat. I gotta know what you have under that stuff.
  3. Here is the nuance as simple as i can explain it If you knock on my front door and humbly ask for food. you will be fed and clothed your wounds tended to If you sneak in my back door I will shoot you in the head with out reservation or remorse I am NOT advocating shooting illegals. I believe it is called an analogy in all fairness. we as a sovereign country should house and cloth our own people FIRST
  4. DIY, Foot or Hand control for a servo https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ApFJMlpxnWk parts--https://www.supplyhouse.com/Copper-Riser-Clamps-13662000 https://www.supplyhouse.com/Bluefin-CPPL038-3-8-Copper... misc. 3/8'' all thread rod /nuts/washers. https://favpng.com/.../gun-slings-ruger-mini-14.../T3eUmK0M You will also need a spring. the ruger sling swivel connects the rod to the servo arm. This is a very easy build that anyone with common hand tools can make You will need a drill with a 1/2'' drill bit the rod needs to be loose and able to move as it pushes up you need a 1/4'' bolt 1'' long with locking nylon nut to hold the riser clamps, they also need to be loose I used the spring from the clamp most of us have to hold our leather, I call them chip clips The rod can be bent 90 degrees. just take your time. place 1'' of the rod into a bench vice then pull the rod slowly 90 degrees I covered my rod with a piece of copper pipe. as i scrounge more pipe i will cover the remaining rods
  5. I am no expert and can not answer any questions about any machine except the one I have I bet Wizcraft knows which which is which . Spyros, this is the day i dyed a lot of little pieces with out gloves
  6. My BAD. I used that word. you know the one. ASSUME. BUT good news. Is your wife's old singer a 66 by any chance? if it is then you have a little surprise I KNOW, I know. people say they will not sew leather. they also say........and that isnt true either. LOL If you have a 66 then buy some #20 leather needles and you can sew 2 pces of 6oz together here is a video of an old singer I picked up for almost nothing. I oiled it and put a needle in it https://youtu.be/mFAB33TJAOs https://youtu.be/mFAB33TJAOs
  7. Hey girl You kinda have it right. When my phone wonders back from where ever it has been hi-jacked to LOL I will post a picture of what i want the gusset goes high. the top is not folded like your picture. it will have a zipper. so it is flat/ non moving my delima is the side panel where it connects to the gusset and flat top
  8. I want to have a particular look on a bag i want the gusset to stand proud of the top question is..how do i tie the front and back to the top and gusset at the spot that 'swoops'' up [for lack of a better word] the front/back panels will not swoop up . they will swoop out on the side LOL buncha swoop'n going on here funky sketch/ side view
  9. $148.00 LOL NOT ME!! I would use that press in my reloading room for DE-capping. I believe it could handle that job. It looks to wimpy to actually press lead My Herters and Pacifica are doing a fine job
  10. Just a thought. A drill press can be used as a arbor press. Lets be honest here, you are going to use the press for a clicker die and setting snaps we are not talking more than 1 ton of pressure. I would look around at fleas markets nd pawn shops for an older drill press and robust rack and pinion gears
  11. As mentioned earlier, Only you can determine if the CP is right for you or not, You sir, Have evaluated your options and arrived at a decision that fits your needs . I respect that decision and am actually a little jealous that you are financially comfortable enough to afford nice shiny machines. Me on the other hand am not in that position. If I were I would have a Singer 31-15 31k sitting in front of me. Frodo
  12. Read my post. I own one and i am telling you that it does work, it is worth the $120.00 I paid for it It comes with a "BUT" it is not for everyone, It is a tinkers delight. If you are a person that only buys new stuff and can not be bothered with the nuts and bolts of it. STAY AWAY. you will waste your money If you like to fiddle, piddle, tinker or putter You will love that machine That answer is a truthful answer. Here is a little som'n som'n I fabricated a servo control; arm servo linkage - YouTube I and moved the foot lift lever from the r side to the left side, i am working on this today. i need a rod coupling
  13. HUH...Can not edit. I bought a CP, and that machine and i went round and round, Finally, I figured it out If you are not mechanically inclined, Do not buy one. If you are handy with a wrench then the machine IS A GOOD sewing machine. Just stop and think. It was designed to patch a shoe, that means it was designed to sew a stitch line about an inch or two long. it is not a sewing machine. It CAN BE, but you are going to have to put the effert into the machine to reach that goal. First off. tear it down a get rid of all burs and rough spots in the metal. Then, you have to learn and understand how the machine operates . you will have to learn about tension . This is what i mean. I was 2 pcs of 6oz chrome tan, the tension was set about midway on one of the tension adjusters. Then I decided to sew 2 pcs of 9oz veg tan. and all hell broke loose. I had a rats nest on the bottom I finally figured out that I did not have enough tension. To get the correct tension I used TWO tension adjusters. I say this to show you that the tension adjustment is a huge factor. secondly. I can not control a decent stitch line when hand cranking. I can however make a pretty handsome stitch line after I added a servo.you need to power it. the cheapest way I have found to attach a pulley to the machine. Use a light fixture offset cross bar. See image and a 6''' chicago v belt pulley. attach crossbar to the hand crank wheel bolt. attach the pulley to the cross bar by drilling 2 holes
  14. my cp running and sewing https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qe10cwu2LLc
  15. LOL.. Have you been looking in my window?
  16. HA !! I have you fooled. No duct tape BUT I have tie wire instead of cotter pins
  17. Thank you !! If you like that. check out my lamp. do you see the brass lamp switch that has no bulb or shade? that is the on/off switch for the lamp I am into Steam Punk Art
  18. love love love me some Blues Whiskey Blues Music | Greatest Blues Songs Of All Time | Slow Blues/Rock Music Playlist - YouTube Lucille Bogan - B.D. Woman's Blues (1935) - YouTube Lucille Bogan - Shave 'Em Dry (1935) - YouTube
  19. use the closest hole if you need more tension use the second hole if you need less tension thread the first hole then into the second hole if you need max tension YES, run the thread under the sp[ring what you are looking at is surface area. the first hole is closest to the screw it will be tighter than the second hole that is farther away from the screw latest modification, needle/halo lift has always been a pita to reach. i moved it to the other side of the machine, The red handle was made by Chuck
  20. We used to have a restaurant called "Po' Folks" They had a bumper sticker......... last week i was using `1 tensioner set about half way. today i am using both almost maxed out
  21. Those old singer 66 treadles DO SEW leather, Use a size 20 or 21 leather needle I bought my second 66 couple of months back. It will sew 2 pieces of 6oz with out a problem LOL I have spent many an hour cussing my patcher. The tension adjustment will drive you insane till you get the AH HA moment
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