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Everything posted by shirleyz

  1. Hey Beez awesome job! someone told me they wanted the X stitch on a seat and I forgot. I was three quarters of the way round with the mexican round braid when I suddenly shouted "Aww Spit!!!!". Had to cut out the whole thing. It certainly does add to the seat though. The tooling looks beautiful. Shirley
  2. Absolutely beautiful. I too would like to make just one saddle before I croak. ShirleyZ
  3. Consistantly awesome David! You're like a seat factory. Shirley
  4. Looks good David. Can't wait to see it done. Shirley
  5. Hey Busted, What heappens if you get a flat? Shirley
  6. Great Job Busted. How thick is the foam on that? ShirleyZ
  7. shirleyz

    New Member

    Don't know how I missed this post. Beautiful work Ian, gorgeous! ShirleyZ
  8. Ian, I like your seat better! I like symmetry and the customer wanted it to be irregular, so my seat didn't sit well with me. It went against the grain for me. I love the spider on yours. Shirley
  9. Beav that looks amazing!!!! Love it. Shirley
  10. I'm not sure what you mean by reduce it, ( I know how to reduce chicken stock). You can thin regular acryllics with water, not sure about the metallics. Is that what you meant? Shirley
  11. I just got a seat back from a friend, his redhead was looking a little faded from being left out in the Nevada sun. He's been sitting on her for the last two summers, done all the major rides on the west coast. The one thing that didn't get affected was her pair of bright red stilettos. They sit right under his butt, and they held up great. Shirley
  12. Yup, those are the ones I bought. They're great for samples. Shirley
  13. I bought some small seat pans on ebay for sample seats. They are actually a nice pan, but just too small for anyones butt. Well, mine might fit, ahem! What I did do was cut out 8 sample tops and tool and dye them. I had Sheridan, Pinstriping, Celtic, Japanese tattoo. I laced them to a black leather background to show the various styles. I mounted the background onto an easel, with my company name, it looked awesome. I put the easel in front of a friends booth at the Laughlin bike show, with a business card holder at the bottom. I went back two hours later, and the whole thing was gone! Big bummer! I'm going to make another but who knows when. Shirley
  14. Awesome work Ian. Those are great looking bags. Shirley
  15. You know, I often use neatlac to seal it, Dave. BUT! I just read a finishes sheet by Cathy Schimm and apparently you should not use Neatlac with either acryllics or antique. SHHHHHH! don't tell anyone who bought a previous seat from me. Shirley
  16. I like to use 5 to 7 oz on the top, coz I like to cut pretty deep. I normally use 4/5 on the sides just so I can mold it easier. I've used 3oz once when I didn't have much room between the seat and the frame for anything thicker. Shirley
  17. Great Job Frog! I've seen worse pans than that. Be careful though, because the final result will always be a reflection on you, and not the guy who made the pan. I've told people to bring it back when it looks like a pan. Shirley
  18. Metalli silver, and 14k gold by gleams. It's only the stuff you get at Michael's but it works great, it's cheap, and I like the colors. ShirleyZ
  19. I haven't sealed it yet or added antique, but I think it looks pretty good. ShirleyZ
  20. Hi Guys, Thanks for your input. I'm hoping there will be lots of ex-marines there who will be interested in it. From your input I think they will be. Dave I'll try and keep you posted with the various steps. Shirley
  21. Great Job! I haven't done one of those in a while. Lot of work, looks awesome! Shirley
  22. Hi all,I was asked to make a donation of $50 to a Motorcycle rally in memory of a marine killed in Iraq. The proceeds go to disabled veterans. I gave them the choice of the fifty bucks or a seat to auction. They chose the seat. I think they'll do better than $50 that way. It's going to take a few weeks to complete, in between orders. They don't need it til the middle of April. Here's what I have so far. I think I'm going to color it silver and gold, on a black seat, like the version worn on the caps. Shirley
  23. I just want other people to see him sitting on it! Shirley
  24. Hi all, Just got done with this one. It is not my usual style and not what I would call attractive really, but it's what the customer wanted. It was a learning experience though as I've never had to make a skirt or fringe before. It was made for an Indian motorcycle, not sure of the year or model. I'll post pics of it on the bike when I get them. My buddy, Mike Tomas of KIWI Indian asked me to make it. He gave me 6 days! It was a rush order for a special customer. It's going on a bike for David Letterman. What do you think? Shirley
  25. I'll have to have Luigi straighten out Guido. God knows what other pictures he has. Nice work by the way. I love the bear paws. Shirley
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