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this site is too screwy. I need a moderator to edit or delete a post? So just to change something that I typoed

I have to wait for for folks who never seem to be online to begin with? and who have to agree to modify or delete FOR me?

NEVER heard of such a thing!

My Osborne splitter #86 was miss priced at $350 and should have been listed @ $450. But with all the hassles surrounding this site

I don't care if it sell or NOT.


You can edit your own posts for a short time period, about 15 minutes, after you make the post. If you go back to your post during this time period, there is a light grey "edit" just to the left of the quote buttons. Beyond this time period, click the light grey "report" left of the quote buttons. The moderators will be notified of the contents of your report and will act on it. They aren't just sitting around monitoring everybodys' posts. They volunteer their time and mostly have full time jobs. I think you owe them all an apology.


  • Contributing Member


I agree, you need to give apologies to a number of folks.

Don't rag on a site you obviously know very little about. Your inefficiencies are callous.


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I have had to edit posts before..when I sent in the mistake, Johanna was very quick to fix it for me. They are good people that run this site who take a great deal of time out of their own lives to help all of us out.

Apologies are definitely in order!

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Posted (edited)

Two posts and all that angst?!?


Click on the graphic so you can understand

Edited by TexasJack
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Stringduster...perhaps you should try decaf. I agree totally with what everyone else is saying. Johanna and crew are all doing this site out of the love of leather and leather workers. They aren't some fat cats getting rich off of members. You definitely owe them an apology and a lot more respect. Just sayin'...

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My thoughts are if you weren't in such a rush to post here,

and or other places, MY GUESS ,,don't kow just guessing

is you could have proofed it a little better especially the price before hitting the post button

and not even, be having this ,,,,,

and look at the bright side you clearly lost me as a buyer


Sometimes it is hard to see the forest when you are standing in the trees. Sometimes outsiders can spot the flaws we are all used to tolerating.

Two posts and all that angst?!?


Click on the graphic so you can understand

That is a perfect example everyone needs to remember. It is way easier to upset everyone than it is to keep people happy. Sometimes we forget that there is a far better way to do things than the way it is being done. I personally feel stringduster is fully correct in what he said, and feel that he was wrong in the way he presented it. He was frustrated that a simple, useful, desirable and handy function used in almost all forums is blocked from us. It is blocked so that the administrators can have control over the masses. If we ask for permission, they might grant it. The administrators volunteer their time, so they make you ask for them to do it when you could easily do it yourself. Sort of doesn't make since. The administrators have lots of time so they do not let you do basic common forum control. That makes since, but I don't understand. Sorry this is all one paragraph. The enter key does not work on this, and only this, forum. It works properly everyplace else. Likely is my computer.
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Posted (edited)

You are all being too nice. The folks on this sight are always willing to step in and help, correct, modify, and just plain listen. If you don't like the way it works, or what they do, forget the apology, just stay the hell off it! Oh by the way,Stringduster, I just edited added this (edit) in about ten seconds.

Edited by BondoBobCustomSaddles
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Sometimes it is hard to see the forest when you are standing in the trees. Sometimes outsiders can spot the flaws we are all used to tolerating.

That is a perfect example everyone needs to remember. It is way easier to upset everyone than it is to keep people happy. Sometimes we forget that there is a far better way to do things than the way it is being done. I personally feel stringduster is fully correct in what he said, and feel that he was wrong in the way he presented it. He was frustrated that a simple, useful, desirable and handy function used in almost all forums is blocked from us. It is blocked so that the administrators can have control over the masses. If we ask for permission, they might grant it. The administrators volunteer their time, so they make you ask for them to do it when you could easily do it yourself. Sort of doesn't make since. The administrators have lots of time so they do not let you do basic common forum control. That makes since, but I don't understand. Sorry this is all one paragraph. The enter key does not work on this, and only this, forum. It works properly everyplace else. Likely is my computer.

They should have "control over the masses"..it's their site. I can just imagine what this site would look like if they allowed everyone to just post whatever they wanted!

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If your first post is to sell an item, you are not a contributing member and your second post is to slag off the moderators, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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Posted (edited)

I am on other forums including a private one. I have also written several articles for magazines. A person that is writing anything must use caution in what they say, because once it is said it is hard to take it back. Look at it like taking a pillow full of feathers and shaking them out in the wind and then trying to put them back in the pillow case. You just never get them all back. I have wished for a edit button here, but I am a guest and must follow the rules. It would be nice to change a post after something changes, like you got a answer or sold something. A moderators job is very hard with little thanks and I would not want to do it. Try to be kind when you post and that is my 2 cents. -- Bill

Edited by Tex Shooter
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Two posts and all that angst?!?


Click on the graphic so you can understand

As a moderator on another private owned site that charges zero dollars for membership I can confirm this graph as completely accurate!

When members get too irate or out of control we offer to gladly refund any membership dues and bid them a good day.

When you walk into someone's house you abide by their rules or hit the road. Moderators donate their time to help keep the site pleasant and organized and it doesn't help to go on a rant over some minor quibble. There is little that cannot be solved with a pleasant post or private message.


Two posts and all that angst?!?


Click on the graphic so you can understand

Neat. Stolen.


His original problem has been fixed and I bet he gets the drift... here...

I doubt he is going to come back and apologize, although that might help a little...


They should have "control over the masses"..it's their site. I can just imagine what this site would look like if they allowed everyone to just post whatever they wanted!

We are allowed to post anything we want! And the site works pretty well. We just must ask for permission to correct spelling and textual errors. I re-read my posts and often see errors I can not fix. In general, on most forums, people are allowed to edit their own posts (and not just for a short time window). I am not sure how often posts are scrubbed, I do not think it is that often.

I think a lot of the problem is most of us want to/do feel at home here. At home we feel we do not need to be tended to by the owner of the house. Many of us contribute, most of us should, so we feel ownership here. We feel comfortable getting up and looking in the kitchen for something. Then you get yelled at for not asking permission to look in the refrigerator without asking. It is a slap in the face reminding us that it is not the place to feel at home/comfortable in.

It is sort of astounding that people have commented on moderator workload. This is something that adds to that workload. I do agree that you should not be able to edit other peoples posts, but it is common on most forums to allow personal editing. It makes everyones life simpler. If someone posts something that is incorect/misspelled/wrong/mean and then realizes it the next morning when they reread what they posted do we really see any harm in allowing them to edit what they said? Not allowing them to fix it, having to ask permission for someone else to edit it only makes the bad thing stay out there longer. Is that the intent? I just do not understand. I do sort of understand people telling the person that sees the flaw to shut up because they are uncomfortable with the situation and do not want waves to be made. It still does not make since.

And yes, I am an administrator on a small forum. I can not imaging the extra work of having to edit others posts for them. Just a lot of extra work unnecessaryly.

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We are allowed to post anything we want! And the site works pretty well. We just must ask for permission to correct spelling and textual errors. I re-read my posts and often see errors I can not fix. In general, on most forums, people are allowed to edit their own posts (and not just for a short time window). I am not sure how often posts are scrubbed, I do not think it is that often.

I think a lot of the problem is most of us want to/do feel at home here. At home we feel we do not need to be tended to by the owner of the house. Many of us contribute, most of us should, so we feel ownership here. We feel comfortable getting up and looking in the kitchen for something. Then you get yelled at for not asking permission to look in the refrigerator without asking. It is a slap in the face reminding us that it is not the place to feel at home/comfortable in.

It is sort of astounding that people have commented on moderator workload. This is something that adds to that workload. I do agree that you should not be able to edit other peoples posts, but it is common on most forums to allow personal editing. It makes everyones life simpler. If someone posts something that is incorect/misspelled/wrong/mean and then realizes it the next morning when they reread what they posted do we really see any harm in allowing them to edit what they said? Not allowing them to fix it, having to ask permission for someone else to edit it only makes the bad thing stay out there longer. Is that the intent? I just do not understand. I do sort of understand people telling the person that sees the flaw to shut up because they are uncomfortable with the situation and do not want waves to be made. It still does not make since.

And yes, I am an administrator on a small forum. I can not imaging the extra work of having to edit others posts for them. Just a lot of extra work unnecessaryly.

Ok Electrathon..to each their own. Bottom line..I like it here, and I will defend the folks that run it. Enough said :)

  • Contributing Member

Amen to that.



Really, simmer down.

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Electrathon - think about it. If we were able to edit our own posts indefinitely, the OP could have already gone back, re-written everything he said and made it sound like he wasn't an arrogant fool to begin with. I do think it would be nice to have a little more time to edit, but it's also our responsibility to proof what we type. I've already stopped 3 times while typing this to make sure that what I was saying was what I meant to say.


Electrathon - think about it. If we were able to edit our own posts indefinitely, the OP could have already gone back, re-written everything he said and made it sound like he wasn't an arrogant fool to begin with. I do think it would be nice to have a little more time to edit, but it's also our responsibility to proof what we type. I've already stopped 3 times while typing this to make sure that what I was saying was what I meant to say.

That is what quotes are for. As I said earlier, allowing editing on ones posts are pretty much standard practice on forums (at least on the ones I have been on and the ones I have seen). If someone is donkey butt, then you quote them. It locks what they said so it can only be changed by both or a moderator. As far as I know, quoting to lock what they said is also pretty standard.

I think this is just one of those reminders to us that we are not at home. We are at someone elses house and to not get to comfortable. Coffie is offered to us to drimk, but don't get up to make your own. I do understand this. But I also feel very much at home here and sometimes need to be slapped back to remember that it is not my/our home. We are visiting. Don't get up to fix what is a problem, rather accept it and hope to find a work around. This is hard for me because I am a fix-it person. When I see something that needs fixing, it tend to try to do it. Heck, I have gone to weddings and ended up fixing someones car (I do not often wear white). Even in the attacks on new guy for complaining I saw people saying they felt it was wrong too, but shut up and do not rock the boat. They evidently did not feel at home either, but definatly wanted to continue hanging around.

I was not going to post any more in this thread, but comments were directed at me, so I felt I should answer.

  • Contributing Member

I may as well get into this:

I see all aspects of this and quite honestly I see very little wrong with the site and the manner in which it is handled.

I am a "Fix-it" also, I normally keep my hands off of what I have not been asked to fix unless it is in my shop.

I personally am very annoyed at the bad grammar, spelling, etc. There are folks with legitimate reasons for not spelling correctly but computers have excellent spell checkers and there are Dictionaries in existance to this day. :) I try very hard to keep my mouth shut regarding these deficiencies, if I do say something that annoys folks I am truly sorry. I say and do what I think is correct.

Other Forums:

I don't want to get started on this subject too much. I have been a member of many forums on many subjects. I have had several of my own. Automobile, CNC machines, Computers, Software, there are hundreds and hundreds if not thousands. Most have very few up to date posts. Some may even be several years old! I think the folks who are owners and admins of this forum do a great job. Kudos to all of you. I am not going anywhere, I love this community.


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We are all individuals each with different opinions and different personalities so for everyone who has responded on this post to have the same opinion would be ludicrous. People are going to agreee with certain things and disagree with certain things, it all depends on who you are. When it comes to feeling at home, well, I feel at home in my house and joined Leatherworker.net to learn, improve my skills, ask those who have more experience questions, and maybe make a few friends along the way. I am not trying to offend anybody here but because you contribute, IMHO, doesn't mean you have ownership. If you feel that you should because you do well thats on you. If you contribute to The United Way would you feel ownership? I contribute to the Air Force Aid Society because it helps my fellow Airman when they or their familys are in need but I don't feel ownership. When every member, contributing or not, filled out the registration form and clicked submit you agreed to the conditions of this site. So I do agree with the statement that if you don't like how things are done here then move on. If your posting then you should proof your own work and if you misspell, use incorrect grammar, put up the wrong price then report it ask for it to be fixed or be quiet and accept it. I don't always spell everything correctly and I apoligize to anyone that bothers but this site is for leatherwork so as long as I get my point across I'm happy. This is a great community with wonderful people who are willing to help and give suggestions. Its ok to have differing opinions.

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