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About MakerUnknown

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    West Oakland

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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. I like the falcon sitting on the chair at the end too!
  2. I find stabbing the awl into some wax makes all the difference. Night and day difference. I have some beeswax melted into a hole on the pony that makes it so easy to hit if the awl is getting sticky.
  3. Yes, thank you for the write up. Very informative.
  4. That Zvonek knife must've cost a million dollars. Wow, how is that done without it being cost prohibitive?
  5. Really nice work. Your father must love them.
  6. I find the small sharpened part on the end to be very valuable in pull cuts. Excellent excellent craftsmanship in the Leather Wrangler's knives I do bespoke furniture and pride myself on my hand skills which require the sharpest of tools. I've spent a lifetime sharpening chisels and plane blades but when I opened up the round knife I was humbled. It's a function of course on how thin the blade is but still, it's the only tool I own that scares me. Always uber respective when I handle it. Leather Wranglers
  7. Among a host of other ways I sharpen my tools, I bought into a system that a luthier, Brian Burns developed. His jig allows for extremely acute angles of sharpening. At last report, he now longer manufacturers the jig but has plans he provides to make your own out of plywood, I believe. http://www.lessonsinlutherie.com/doublebevelsharpening.html
  8. I would think the future of makers stamps lie in 3D printers. My real job is a freelance commercial photographer and have shot for this company for a few years now. They offer on demand prototyping using your files and printing on their machines. They can print using different materials, some softer or harder than others and as well as at different resolutions as in the quality of the printing. But I'm just a photographer and such I may know just a teeny tiny bit of knowledge on the subject. You'd have to figure out yourself how to go about preparing a file and figuring out what sort of material you would need. This is the company I shot for but there are others out there that might be closer to where you live. https://www.3dsystems.com/on-demand-manufacturing
  9. I like how that bottom compartment is hinged...very cool.
  10. I too, live close enough to go in and buy. It's a wonderful experience. You walk in and keep walking into the warehouse portion. You can rifle through the pallets and pallets and pallets of leather picking out what you want. They encourage this approach. I know it doesn't answer the OP directly but they do two big buildings stacked to the ceiling and a huge shipping dept. so a lot of leather is leaving the place.
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