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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Hello ya all... I got a little Singer 99', which I use for wallets and such, also some 2-3 oz veg tan liner and chrom tan bags up to 3-4oz....works OK,but I need a little more power seems like and yes I know this machine was not designed to do leather but it is a stout little bugger in mint shape with beautiful stitches!!! Is there any way to make this baby stronger??? It transports anything I want, just the motor gives out and when I help a little on the handwheel she runs right along... James
  2. Hello Can u provide me with Bob's number or e-mail....I am also planing to buy just that kind of motor for my Adler 105-64. Tnx a lot!! James
  3. OK, No skulls??....no snake heads and no flames...???? Finally a little western style and some very nice carving!!! Well done, love the skirt on the seat...not all the same motives...I like that....I love the fact that you did the Vinergaroon thingy>>>(*&^%&**>>>) it shows a nice black and NOT to shiny, I will try that too....as soon as my family quits trowing away my rusty nails I left outside...*&^&^%$(())...hahaha... again, you done well...I like it!! James
  4. Been asked to make a "pink" purse and matching wallet...oh..boy...after all these skulls and flames, bones and snakeheads...I am making a "pink"purse....PLEASE dont tell that my friends...you know the ones with tattoos and black t-shirts...(*(*&^%)))...but as I went after it, I realized this is pretty cool (PINK) so I finished, delivered and the person even liked it....now back to the bench...I have some skull designs to finish... Greetings Jimbob
  5. Kevin... I think steel frame would be a problem to corrosion, which would eventually stain veg tan leather ( planing to wrap the frame with 2-3 oz veg tan...) A aluminium frame with slightly thicker dimensions maybe work...?! I thought of two open u-shaped frames that fit into each other ( plus leather thickness...) then pivoted as you say with rivets or brass stock...when u connect the frame and open it it should be a perfect rectangle of your chosen size...??!! Just spinning some yarn here but I love to make one...just finished my first fancy leather tote/handbag with chrom and veg tan, some carving...( finally not western style purse...goes to Germany for my Mom's birthday!!!) I am desperatly trying to find a source for a "real" doctor's bag frame or Gladstone bag... thanks for the thoughts!! James
  6. Hello Does anybody knows where to get "Gladstone" or "doctor's bag" frames?? I can't find nothing and if there is it is way to small....anybody ever made a Gladstone bag frame out of scrap?? Thanks for the info.... James
  7. What kind of motorbike we are talking about?? Need throw over style, single bags or solid bags?? Vintage style...horse bag style?? Also what size you need?? Drop me a line and I make you a pattern or send you instructions... Greetings Check out my site for bags,,,, www.berkheimarts.com James.
  8. Wow, nice thought...I need to remember this trick, makes sense!! I always have trouble with my black seats getting to shiny...??!! This monkey wrench seat looks rather matt??? thanks for the tip!! James
  9. Well done, I love the design, well executed and great color....most of all a service man is showing some leather in Iraq!!!! Would love to know what kind of dye u used...the black is nicly matt!?! Again well done, I pull my hat! James
  10. I love the maul design!! Very nive indeed!!! If you don't mind me asking what kind of material u use for the striking face??? Any sources out there?? I would love to build one for myself!!! Thanks so much!! James
  11. Ahhhhh.... A guy does traditional leather craft but wants to think outside of the box!!!! How cool is that!!! I have been wondering if that is possible and I am sure there are more like you!! I am doing this leather thingy a long time now and never found a hole in the box to escape!!!hahaha... Keep us posted!!! This sounds very interesting!! Looking forward to see what happens.... James
  12. Hello" Hidebanger"!!! ( I did not know that this is legal in TN??) Anyway, greetings from Virginia near TN...I wonder when u start making some serious leather gear and I alspo wonder if you could make some mustache wax keeper pouches, I would be very happy to own one of these!!! Also is my original Honda leather ashtray cover broke....I use it frequently on my Hamasuki!! Can u fix that too?? I won't be able to pay u anything, but would love to have u in my shop for some hot choccolate.... If u need any direction, let me know!!!?? I live in Gate City....!!! Greetings to leather banger from the leather bratwurst....
  13. Friend has found a well running Emdeka?! All metal machine, will it sew light leather...?? Also does any body know about this brand...? Thanks so much!!!
  14. I have to agree....lacing is exellent....the back seems a better color coordination....this burgundy only in the front takes a little away....I love the round shader tool u used on the outside of all image...very well done!! Still druling over the lacing>>>>>*** I do seats myself ( bloody beginner )....but had not the guds to go mulitible layers of lacing...just single over and cross over...oh well... I think this seat is exelent!!! Well done!! JimBob
  15. Here is the finished seat...not flat at all....but thats it for now...customer loves it...good for me...HiHi... Next time we do flat,,,,somehow!! I liked the seat when it was natural color...oh well...customer is KING!!! Aloha
  16. sooooo cool< will try this out right away!!! You guys rock............there is so much info on here...love this site!!! Thanks
  17. Dyed a seat in black and it shines like the moon...need a matt black finish...any ideas out there??? thanks so much folks!!! James
  18. Aulus Wenn du hilfe mit dem Versand oder bestellen brauchst schiess mir ne mail, ich bin in Virginia und schicke oft Zeugs nach Deutschland... Gruesse aus Virginia JimBob
  19. I am working on a black killer seat for a Triumph>>>> The design in the center is a crest with shield and the Union Jack plus a bunch of skulls...but my customer don't want any color...(urrrg**) so I need to do all this in different shades of black>> gray, his bike will be all gun metal colored and flat black..(urrg)...any sugestions how to create different shades of gray from black leather dye??? Can you MIX acryls with leather dye??? Thanks a bushell... JimBob
  20. tnx fer all the info, will try some of the links and info...Ro lace is expensive...haha...we'll see!! JimBob
  21. anybody has info or link for dark grey lace, latigo or strong calf lace?? I need it in dark grey, gun metal or washed light black??? Thanks so much !!! JimBob
  22. Hello Johan... well...OK ich kann das ja nun in deutsch schreiben...HiHi...als ich in Esslingen am Neckar wohnte habe ich tolles Leder in Goeppingen bei einem Schuhwaren und Zubehoer Laden bekommen...aber ich glaub die gibts nicht mehr...versuche mal mit einem guten Messermacher in Verbindung zu treten...die haben immer Verbindungen mit Leuten die Messerscheiden herstellen....was natuerrlich bedeutet das die auch Leder Leute kennen...Schumacher Grossversand und Zubehoer waere mein naechster Versuch...bei dir in Bayern gibt es sicher Jaeger die Ihre Felle und Hauete zum verarbeiten bringen...nachfragen!! Und da du im Land der Lederhosen wohnst...frag mal einen echten Lederhosen Schneider,,,,der weiss vielleicht wo man da anklopft!!! Gruesse aus Virginia Habe schoene lange Sommer mit dem Motorrad am Wagginger See verbracht...!! seuffzzzz)) James
  23. Just adding on here....I think I would need a pressure foot to get closer to d-rings and such, or closer to a edge...the weaver video showed these things for the 205...but of course as we know now it is ( the 105) not a walking foot...can I still change foot...?? JimBob
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