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Everything posted by GrampaJoel

  1. It took me awhile to figure out what you did, I thought I was seeing a tri fold wallet instead of a bi fold wallet, but now that I understand what I'm seeing I gotta say, Very Very nice, use of different leathers, and I like it quite a bit. I originally got hung up trying to decipher the picture of the turn over area. Then I read your comment about a bill storage, and I understood. Nice going!
  2. Unusual bag design, but the execution of it is breathtaking good. That is some of the best hand stitching I have seen in awhile.
  3. My hints, for what they are worth. 1. you need to bevel the inside edges to get a flatter lay on your strands. If that is what you are after. 2. Use way more creme on your strands than you think you need. This keeps them moist and will aide in your pull to keep your braid tight. 3. Draw a straight line down your dowel. Pick a color and make sure it always lands on the line. This will straighten up you braiding lines. Learning to braid a straight line is getting your pull constant. Getting the pull right usually comes with lots of practice. good luck Joel
  4. It's hard to say what type it is just from a photo. But it appears to be pretty thin, and soft. Dont get side tracked by the colors thinking it is latago. From the colors it could be harness leather too. But I doubt it is. I would bet it is similar to what Tandy calls chap leather, or upholstery leather. Joel
  5. For style #34 you are going to need a pretty good size side. I'd say at least 24 sq ft. Because Your 38" leg will take a lot of material. Plus you are making step-in's and will need quite a bit of material for wrapping around the leg. Think, a pair of pants. Dwights suggestion was right on target. It is a very cheap way to figure out what you are doing. I used inexpensive Naugahyde when I first started learning to make chaps and chinks. Now days I just take measurements and lay them out on a card stock bought from Office Depot to make my patterns. If you make enough pairs you will soon see how much leather you need just by looking at your card stock pattern. Remember. Some of the leather will be unusable, so count on scraps. Let us know how they turn out. Just a thought. The Klenda pattern might tell you how to figure the leather you will need. Joel
  6. You my dear have some incredible talent!! Your stitching is beyond excellent. Your execution of design is superb! Very wonderful job!!! Joel
  7. Can't help with contact stuff. Just curious though. Why are you wanting to order kangaroo lace from the USA? Y-knot gets their lace from Australia . Wouldn't it be easier just to buy it there where you are and save the shipping cost?
  8. Hey Dwight.The main problem I had was that I had to skive most of the leather down to almost 1mm to get it to work. With all the card slots, that is. I have a nice cobra skiving machine, but it only does edges to around an inch or so. Plus at the time, I couldn't find any leather in the 1 - 1 1/2 oz range and that didn't help matters. But I worked it out and it came off ok. Not my best work, but I can now crank out a wallet like this in no time. Of course I made six of them before I got it right. Damn costly wallet it was. But education should be so. Good luck with your efforts if I can help just let me know. Joel
  9. Nice job. It may take more practice, but you have done it once, so now, you can do it again whenever you want! Good for you for trying and hanging in there! Joel
  10. Maybe this video will help... https://www.facebook.com/Leland-Hensley-Braiding-136155723149415/videos?fref=photo
  11. Welcome to the forum. If you are braiding onto a mandrel to form a knot to be slid off the mandrel onto a braided string, ( or other object) the mandrel should be the same size, or near it to work. If not there won't be enough shrinkage in the knot to form correctly. Or your knot could be braided of a smaller size string that would allow it to be tightened ( shrinking during the tightening) onto a braided string smaller than the mandrel you are using. I, myself, have found it much easier to braid the knots directly over the braided string. I use a mandrel to practice the knots I want to eventually form on a finished object. Of course if you are making something like a scarf slide, it can't be braided on the scarf, and you must use the mandrel. In that case, Measure the smallest diameter of the object to hold the knot and use that measurement for the mandrel size. Just a thought. Are you using a core on the knots you are trying to build? If so that would prevent the knot from shrinking as needed. Did I completely confuse you now? Anyway, I hope this helped. Joel
  12. Don't give up. Thank you! It was my first wallet, But I have been making everything from cell phone cases to western saddles off and on since I was in high school. I'm 66 now, so I have been doing this a long time, and my hands shake almost beyond control sometimes. I'm not as good as I used to be, but I still produce items occasionally This wallet was just a new experience for me is all. I just wanted to share it with those here that guided me in making it. I'm glad you liked it.
  13. Wow Tom, I had no idea the braided edge would last that long. Going in and out of pockets that is. I've braided lots of items, but never a wallet edge. Thanks for the reply. I might have to try one for myself. Good things to ya. Joel
  14. Not a glue, but have you tried two sided seam tape? If you are just using it to hold the edges until sewing it might work for you. I have had good luck with its strength. I got it at a fabric store. If you prefer glue. Try ruffing up the glued side of the leather. If you haven't tried it already.
  15. You produce some fantastic wallets! Very one of a kind stuff! I am wondering about the edge lacing. Have you any follow up about how long it last? It seems to me, (with absolutely no experience with wallets with edge lacing) that it would wear out going in and out of the pockets of heavy pants. Do have any idea how long it lasts? Thanks Joel
  16. As thanks for the help I received here. Whether actual or inadvertent, I have decided to give you folks the very first viewing of the very first wallet you helped me create. Thank you one and all.
  17. Thor, I understand what you are saying about your patters working out. They are nice patterns. But I am not using a pattern you made. So I needed some info other than what you are providing in your post about your wonderful patterns. My original question was just a simple question about the gap in the center of a long wallet. Not how to make a wallet using Thors patterns. If I was just making a wallet I would do it my way. But, I'm making one for someone that wants it done like a wallet they saw on the Internet . So I simply asked for the gap distance in the center of a long wallet. Often called a roper wallet where I live. JSLeather saw my question. Understood what I was asking, and simply answered it. Thats all. No big deal. Joel
  18. I really like them all, but the one with AH scratched into it and highlighted is way cool!
  19. Thor, Thank you for your very quick response. I looked at your Pinterest page and your Bowery wallet is close to what I'm making. I also looked at the links you posted, but none actually had the diamensions posted. That I needed. JLSLeather. Thank you for the the dimensions. That is really what I needed. Again thank you both for the very quick replies. I've been away from this site for quite awhile. Health issues. Have actually been thinking about selling off my shop. But I knew that all I had to do was ask here and the members would generously offer the answers. This site and its members are truly a blessing. Thanks again! Joel
  20. Hi everyone. I'm in the process of making a roper style wallet. I am looking for input about the distance in the center. The area of the wallet that folds. I have my card slots made, but the center area that's empty has me stumped. Also overall dimensions would be helpful if you care to share them. Thanks Joel
  21. With a heel drop. If these are for the show ring I suggest hanging, or you could do as some of my show queens/ princesses do. They put them under their mattresses to keep them pressed straight. If for everyday use. Roll them leg wise or hang by the belt, but I wouldn't fold them.
  22. From what I could see, your hand stitching is some of the best I've seen! Nice job! Joel
  23. Sorry, but I believe that a mystery braid is done with just one piece of leather. A blood, or if you prefer (bleed) knot requires two pieces. But they do look sImilar.
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