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Everything posted by GrampaJoel

  1. No answers? Well I'll share what I have found out. The silver metal lacing we are looking for is called stainless steel banding by the manufactures. You can find it all over the internet when you know what it is properly called. Finding the real small stuff is still a journey though. Here is a web site to start. stainless steel banding I hope this helps Joel
  2. Hi everyone. I have been brought in for repair a circle y saddle with rope edging with the silver colored metal lace/wrapping. What I need is a supplier for the metal wrapping/Lace. Can anyone help out? I need several sizes of the metal lace/wrapping. Thanks Joel
  3. very clean job!! Nicely done!
  4. Spinner, Very nice! Very Classy! Totally cool. Joel
  5. How is the leather fit to the wood? Are there two edges brought together somewhere? Thanks Joel
  6. Klint, Bruce Johnson in a member here. I have purchased from him and am happy with the deal. see here. .-------->> Bruce Johnson tools Joel
  7. In my experience, nubuck looks great new, but scratches and stains very easily. I have a pair of boots made from it. They scratched up on the way out of the store. I have a pair of chinks I made from nubuck (that are all but ruined for sale), that,, just from being handled by people are almost so scratched and stained that they may never sell. It's a very nice looking leather, but in my opinion , not very sturdy in the looks department. Joel
  8. Just Curious. Not being a motorcycle rider, will some one tell me how long the tooling on these seats last? I mean with all the weather and the get on, get off the seat and all the sun exposure they must get. Thanks Joel
  9. All of my business has been word of mouth. I have given out cards with my name and phone number, but have no from replies there. I am reluctant to put up a web site or advertise because I am afraid to take the step into becoming a business and have to pay all the fines and taxation and insurance that goes along with it. Plus my home is in a residential zoning, and not an industrial zone. I started as a hobby builder of leather stuff with no direction at all. Just for fun, and to keep busy in my retirement. Along the way I have made everything from little simple pouches that hole coins and such, to guitar straps, holsters and knife sheaf's, spur straps, chaps to repairing boots and western saddles. So I would say that my clientele is from word of mouth. I do go to a few local horse shows with my chaps and western horse items to sell. But all the while I am there, I am hopeful that a code enforcement officer wont pounce up on me and write me a fine for not playing by their government made up rules. It's a sad way to do a hobby business, but oh well. Joel
  10. Look in the mirror and Smile a whole lot at yourself knowing that someone believes you are a miracle worker. Then go get your red thread. It seems that from what you have said that it doesn't have to be pretty as he wants it to represent his crash. I'd just patch it up and make it look Frankenstein like. Bikers love the ruff stuff. Joel
  11. Yes, that saddle is from a post Steve Mason made. I tried to get everything in but for some reason it wouldn't let me link to the original thread picture. Oh well, either way I couldn't find the thread about how to do it that Denise posted. So thanks to Steve for the great photo, and a great big thanks to Denise for making the thread link! Joel
  12. Is the type of lacing you are referring to? If no one here comes forward to help out, and I am not one that can, perhaps someone in the braiding section can point you toward an instruction video or PDF. It's not hard to do, but I dont have a way to explain it to you with pictures.
  13. Just curious here. What part of the saddle did you sew with your machine? Joel
  14. ask your question in the braiding section. I bet there is someone that would be happy to custom make one for you. Joel
  15. Your page looks beautiful to me. although a little small. I am using Firefox 10. I love your style and apparent quality of work in your knives. I have book marked your page and I am considering leather a knife for sure. However, I didn't see any prices on the fixed nor on the folding knives though! Joel
  16. Well it seems someone has been working hard! Nicely done! Both times. That foiled leather can be a pain sometimes. but it looks like you got it handled though. Joel
  17. You two surely understand your business, and a saddle makers also. Your web site is becoming one of the most informative( and I might say, maybe the best) saddle tree builder sites on the web! My hat is off to you both! As always. Bless you both Joel
  18. Well I'll say the same as everyone else, and add.... You sure do a sweet job on stitching!! Joel
  19. Scott Nice job. It's amazing what a persons mind can come up with. I hope you don't mind, but I turned your picture so it is easier to view. Joel
  20. I can't believe you sold that work of art to someone to put in their pocket and wear out!! Very nicely done.I admire you genius at developing a way to keep the front lacing from interfering with the opened insides! Joel
  21. Adam,, I wonder how high you may be wearing therm. Many folks wear them to high they should ride below the belt line. On another path, I have changed my yoke design on chinks I make. I now only make a yoke that accommodates sitting down while wearing the.chinks and riding. I also have gone to making each yoke to fit the individual . So I make each yoke from scratch now. No more fancy big styles from me. Here is a photo of a pair in heavy oiled leather.( dark brown pair) They were pretty stiff at the get go but have since become very flexible, and well used by the owner. Also I have added a photo of the step in chinks I personally wear. The body is deer tan cowhide, and much more flexible and they have the high cut yoke also. Mine will wear out a lot sooner than the oil ones will. But I guess there is always a trade off. I agree with Russ. A photo of you wearing them might give us more hints about your cuts. Joel
  22. Jed, Lucky you! I am pea green with envy. Joel
  23. Very nice Josh! Where on earth did you find leather printed like that? joel
  24. I'll be there sat morning with a client wanting to pick her out own leather for a bag. I'm an older gent and will be wearing a blue t-shirt that says, 'Johnny on the spot' watering services. Say hi if your not to bashful. My name is Joel
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